
ch. 18

** Marilyn’s perspective **

Marilyn appeared back in her room fuming. “ How could he not want me? ME?! We spent a century together roaming the lands. Taking the best because we were the best. And then he decides to grow a conscious and leave me? Because I embrace what I am? Because I have fun doing what I was designed to do? The bastard! “

She snapped her fingers and her pet ran to her side kneeling. “Yes Mistress.” The young girl cowered on her knees.

“Stand.” Marilyn commanded.

The girl rose slowly to her feet just to feel a quick pain in her face and the air fluttering around her ears as she fly and hit the back wall. She gritted her teeth in pain. Nothing was broken yet. But if Mistress was in a bad mood more would be done. She debated on wither or not to stand up then decided against it. If Mistress thought she had broken a bone she’d be less apt to continue.

Marilyn stomped to her pet whose name she couldn’t remember, not that it mattered. It was a lowly human, a nothing, less than nothing. It didn’t even have magic abilities. It’s only purpose in life was to die or be used. Marilyn grabbed her pet by the throat and bared her fangs. “Would you presume to take him away from me like your mongrel friend?” she hissed.

The pet gasped for air. Her mistress’ fingers blocked the passage of air. She could feel her mind slipping away. She attempted to shake her head for her mistress.

Marilyn smiled as her pet lay still in her hands, knowing all too well that if she wished she could break her neck in two. She flung the piece of filth across the room into a wall. “That’s right because you are nothing. I am a vampire from the greatest line of blood and I will not have that maggot suckling away at my mate. Because she is a pet- like you- and she is nothing more than a slave. Who will learn her place and if I must be the one to teach it – so be it.”

Marilyn walked off leaving her pet gasping for air; she wanted to kill something but did not want to break in a new pet. She stalked to the dungeons to wreak some havoc.

** Daryl at the Slave Market in Thicketwood**

Daryl sat at a table as the master of the slave market produced his best looking slaves before him. Most were strikingly beautiful and all were dressed in black dresses that exposed as much as possible. Daryl starred at them all unsatisfied.

“ Fredrick, do you not have anything more exotic? I am tired of these pretty girls that break so easily. Give me a stallion- give me a challenge.” Daryl sighed taking a sip of his wine.

Fredrick- the master of the slave market- clapped his hands and sent the girls away to sit down with Daryl. “ My friend there would have been a time when you would have bought that entire lot and ravished them all in one night. You have never before wanted a challenged and be it me to ask you why but as your friend of the past century I will and hope for the best.”

Daryl flashed a coy smile. “ I recently acquired a young female slave, half human half mage. She was a hellion to say the least. Fire in her eyes, hate in her belly and a will that would not be broken.”

Fredrick nodded, “ I’m presuming that fire lead to her death?”

Daryl frowned. “ No, she is my brothers pet now. And now I am in need of a new one, hence why I am here.”

Fredrick paused, “ That was very generous of you to give your pet to your brother.”

Daryl’s frown became more stiff, “ yes very generous of me.” He whispered. He looked at Fredrick. “ Honestly my friend all these women here have been in the slave market for some time. They are broken and sad. They are no challenge. Is there a possible way that we could go collect a female that has not been forced to endure our world? An untainted, fresh female? “

Fredrick paused and touched his chin thinking about the list of females that he had to still collect. Some were born into slavery and others were sold as a way to pay off another debt or their own. “ What kind of female are you looking for? Human, elf, vampire – stripped of power of course- , angel – but that will cost you, mage. What are you wanting ?”

Daryl thought for a moment. He lost his temper too much to have a full human, they’d break within the first week. Elf’s never tasted that good to him, they always had that too sweet flavor. A mage would just be broken for their power if he brought them back to the coven. And after spending a week or two with Marilyn and Kayla they’d be broken or dead. It was between an Angel and a stripped vampire. Though both would cause a little unrest in the coven. An Angel is not kept in check would try to bring out his soul and a slave vampire was hitting too close to home.

“ Let me go with you to capture both the Angel and the stripped vampire. Then I will decide.” Daryl announced.

Fredrick nodded. “ then let us be off.”
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As always thanks for reading.
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