
Ch. 2 Waking up

Abby came to with a headache, she sat up woozy. “ Holy crap what a dream…” she mumbled.
She looked around but found that she couldn’t see much. Was it still night time? She wondered.

“ You might want to take it slow for a second.” A voice offered from the dark.

Abby felt her stomach go into a knot, “ whose there?” she whispered.

Her eyes started to adjust to the darkness, she couldn’t make out who it was but she could see their silhouette . And she could make out that she was not in her bed. She felt something warm-leather? Under her hands. “ Where am I?” she asked frantically.
She heard the shadow sigh, “ Calm down, do you really want to make yourself so overwhelmed that you pass out again?” the voice said. “ Now first off, I am Daryl. And secondly, you are in my car. Anything else?”

Abby felt her world start to tilt or was that the bump in the road? “ what the hell is going on? And who the fuck are you?” she snapped. Normally she didn’t curse or get mad but there was no way in hell that she was going to let some creep that she didn’t know talk down to her like she was two.

The shadow stepped closer, in the dark she could make out the familiar face of the man who was in her kitchen.. how long ago was that? “Like I said, I’m Daryl. And what is going on is, I’m taking you home with me. You are mine, actually you were mine from the second your lungs took their first breath but your mother pulled a fast one on me and sent you to live with humans. Luckily when you turned 18th your scent fully developed and I was able to find you.” He answered almost cheerfully.

“ Huh?” was all Abby managed to say. She laid her head back down on the seat.

“ Where to begin?” Daryl muttered. “ Well your mother was human, your father was a mage. Your father owed many people quite a bit of magic that … well he just didn’t have. I paid off his magic debt in exchange for you. Well when your father died several months into your mothers pregnancy she just couldn’t imagine giving up the only thing she had left in the world to me.” His voice took on a rather angry tone . “ So she gave you to humans in a silly attempt to keep you from me. But what your mother hadn’t expected was that when the bargain was struck a small part of your –aura was given to me. I couldn’t use it to find you because well ones aura doesn’t fully develop until they are 18. Which brings us back to where we are now.” He smiled.

Abby’s head was spinning. Mages, magic, deals and bargains. It was all too much. “ So my real mother sold me to you before I was born, tried to double cross you and gave me away but you found me anyway using ‘aura’? Is that about it?” she laughed.

Daryl nodded. “ In a nut shell.”

Abby started laughing. “ are you nuts? What makes you think I’m going to stay with you? I never knew my real mother- heck I thought my parents were my real parents up until however long ago my birthday breakfast was. You’re nuts if you think that I’m going to be staying with you just because some lady I never met told you that I would.”

Daryl’s eyes squinted and he moved seats to sit next to Abby. “ See that’s where you are wrong little one. I know you’re coming home with me because I own you. Body and soul. And I wouldn’t press your luck with my temper.” He smiled showing the slightest bit of fangs.

Abby’s heart stopped. “ You’re a vampire?”

Daryl leaned his head closer, nuzzling Abby’s neck, his lips softly touching her neck. “ Yes.” His tongue licked her vein that was pounding. “ and might I say, I never knew that you were going to be this… intoxicating when the deal was first made. I am quite pleased on how you turned out.”

Abby moved her head away from him. But Daryl was too fast, he cupped her face strongly with one hand, forcing her to look him in the eye. “ Now listen closely because I do not like to repeat myself. You will obey me. You will keep your mouth closed and do as I say at all times. There are others, who unlike me, will swiftly teach you manners. And I paid quite a bit of money for you, so I would like you to last more than a year. So keep your tongue in cheek.”

Abby looked in square in the eye, “ and if I don’t?”

Daryl pressed his lips to hers and forced his tongue inside her mouth, her tried to push him off but found that he was too strong, she felt the tip of his fangs cut her tongue. He broke the kiss and smiled, “ I’ll have to cut your tongue out.”

Abby started to cry.
“ stop that,” Daryl snapped.

Abby cried harder.

Daryl smacked her, sending her flying against the window.
For the second time in one day Abby felt the world around her go black.
“ Aw crap, I forgot how fragile humans are.” She heard Daryl curse.

The darkness surrounded her and she was scared to think of where she would wake up next.