
Ch. 3 Silence in golden

Abby heard a tapping- tap tap tap against something hard.

She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to will away the sound.
Tap tap tap.

Abby opened her mouth to speak, her eyes still squeezed shut but found that she could not speak. She immediately opened her eyes. It was dark and she could not make anything out.
Tap tap tap.

She moved towards the knocking sounds, she crawled on her hands and knees. The floor felt cool under her hands, cement? And the air smelt stale and musky. It took about two seconds for her body to remember that it was sore. Like after one plays or exercises for too long, your muscles are stiff and ache the second you try to use them.

A hot pain seared through her face and shoulders, it felt as though her bones skin was lit on fire, she felt tears stream down her face. Again she tried to cry and scream but found that her voice was gone. Had I screamed myself hoarse while I was asleep, she thought. And where am I?

She curled up into a ball, tears streaming down her face, the pain threatening to pull her under into unconsciousness again. She rocked back and forth praying for the tranquil sleep of darkness but it did not come. She laid there for what seemed like hours, the tapping sound constantly mocking her.

Until finally a light poured into the room. Her eyes rejected the light and she closed them and shielded her face as her eyes attempted to adjust.

“My, my, he did forget how fragile humans are. Tsk tsk.” A male voice chuckled. She heard sharp footsteps against the cement edge towards her.

She tried to crawl backwards, away from the voice. She scooted until a wall was at her back, she could back up no more. Her eyes were adjusting to the light but the light surrounding the man against the pitch blackness of the room only allowed her to see his silhouette. She tried to open her mouth to scream but again- silence.

“ Now my dear come here. No need to worry, I know how fragile you are. I won’t hurt you. Come on.” The shadow leaned towards her and motioned with it’s hand the way you would a frightened animal.
Still Abby stayed pressed up against the wall. Her chest heaving up and down from the deep breaths she was taking. Her face still in agonizing pain.

“Now you’re going to make me pick you up and carry you aren’t you?” the shadow stepped closer to Abby. She started to breath heavier. The man leaned down and scooped her up in his arms. She still could not make out a face. “ You have me spoiling you already? But carrying you will be faster anyway. Let’s go.”

And with that the man carried her out of the cold musky room into the door way where the light poured from.

Her eyes took a moment to adjust and then she looked up at the man carrying her. He looked exactly like Daryl, so much so that she started to cry and shake against him. He saw this and gave her a weak smile.

“ Now, now dear-y none of that. I don’t like it either when someone cries.” He chasted her.

She remembered last time someone told her to stop crying – the backhand that knocked her out and left her with a swollen face. She stopped.

“ Good, now I am sure you are wondering who I am and well why you can’t speak?” the man asked her, walking down a hall, doors on each side. The hall itself was a marble white with paintings hung on either side, the doors were a dark wooden color.

Abby just nodded, then wished she hadn’t. The pain doubled.

“ I am Deccan, Daryl’s twin brother.” He paused watching her reaction her eyes got wide with shock and she started struggling more against him. “ Now stop that!” he snapped. “ Have I hurt you? Quit squirming ! I can hold you tighter and make you stop but it will leave more bruises and I feel you already have enough.” He snapped looking at her sternly. She noticed that unlike Daryl his eyes were a emerald green.
Abby stopped squirming. He was right about the bruises. Besides, she thought, wouldn’t matter anyway.

Deccan smiled, “Thank you. Now where was I? I am Daryl’s brother- this is our place here. Along with a few others like ourselves and their pets like you.” He paused. “ Now the reason you cannot speak was...well... I thought it would be best for you to not speak for a while.” He said calmly.
Abby shot him a look of death. “Now, now, I could already tell you had a mouth on you. Daryl told me what you said in the car. It isn’t permanent; it is just a simple spell. I’ll lift it when you have been here for a while and know your place. There are other vampires here who- well if you were to mouth off to them they would kill you. End of story, no remorse.”

Abby starred off blankly past his shoulder. I can’t speak she thought? She tried again, opening her mouth and willing herself to speak. A small sound came out. No words, just a small squeak. She looked at Deccan and glared.
He was laughing, “ Seems like you have more mage in you then I thought. The spell isn’t strong, that is why you just made that squeak. But it will bind your words, that is until I feel that you have learnt your place here.” He stopped in front of a room. “ This is your room, for now. It is on the third floor, fifth room to the left. Remember that.”

Third floor, fifth to the left she thought over and over. She nodded back to Deccan.

Deccan smiled and opened the door. The room was not small but neither was it big. It held a queen size bed in the middle, a canopy of white lace was drawn down on top of it. The sheet were a black silk material, and one long pillow lined the mahogany headboard. There was a vanity dresser and mirror to the wall, accompanied with an antique water basin for washing ones face. She felt her mouth open in shock. Not what she was expecting.

Deccan carried her over to the bed and placed her down on it gently. “Now everything in this room is yours. There are clothes in the closet,” he motioned to a door with a white handle. “They should be your size. The bathroom is that door to your left,” again he motioned to another door; the handle on this was a silver. “ Easy enough to remember.” He turned around and started to walk for the door.

Abby tried to make a sound and failed. She settled for hitting the head board. Deccan turned around. “Yes?”

Abby motioned with her hands a question mark in the air. What am I suppose to do? She thought frustrated. Stupid ignorant butt head stole my voice. Least he could do is tell me what to expect.

Deccan smiled. “ You want to know what to do?” Abby nodded glaring at him, her arms folded across her chest. “ Well if I were you I’d shower – or take a bath – you smell. And I’d get some sleep while I can. I don’t know what Daryl will tell you. You’re not my pet.” He finished and turned and walked out the door.
Abby laid on the bed, the silk sheets cool against her skin. Well this sucks she thought. First I find out that I’m adopted, then I find out that my real mom sold me before I was even born. And worst of all to a vampire. A very mean vampire who doesn’t mind slapping me around she thought angrily. She rested her head against the pillow and cried herself to sleep.