
Ch. 4 Dinner Time

Abby woke up for the first time in a day in the same place she had fallen asleep. She was curled up in a ball in the middle of the-her-bed. She looked around the room. There were no windows so she couldn’t tell what time it was. She wished she had her cell phone, she’d simply check the time and make a quick rescue me call. She groaned at the last thought. She couldn’t speak.
She sat up and opened her mouth. Her throat constricted and she inhaled over and over. Still nothing. A small squeak every few tries but no words and nothing for long. Not to mention it gave her a headache to try for a long amount of time. She sank her head into her hands. What am I going to do? She thought. Then she smelt herself.
Ick! I do reek she thought. She stood up and walked to the door with the silver handle. She slowly opened it. The room was dark, she felt the sides of the walls for a switch. She finally found it and flipped it. The light illuminated the bathroom before her.

A marble tub big enough for five was in the corner, a small table full of white towel was against the wall, a standing shower was directly in front of her and her left was a marble sink with a vanity mirror. Oils, soaps and shampoos lined the sink counter. She stepped over to them, her mouth wide open.

She grabbed jasmine scented oils and turned the tub faucet on. In five minutes she was in a tub of hot water, with jasmine oils soaking into her skin. The water felt wonderful against her tense muscles. She grabbed the shampoo she had picked out and began to scrub herself.

Her hair was a mess, her curls were all frizzed out and knotted. She worked the shampoo into them with determination. She was so engulfed in getting clean she did not hear the knocking or the door, or realize that Daryl was watching her from the door way.

“ Are you now just taking a bath? What were you doing all day?” Daryl questioned. The girl was the laziest pet he had ever owned and it had only been a day! At least most humans knew when to cower in fear and do as they were told. Not talk back and whimper like a child.

Abby jumped at the sound of his voice and sank deeper into the tub under the bubbles at the sight of him. Holy crap I’m naked! She thought. What a freaking pervert. She glared at him.

He laughed, “Oh right, you can’t speak? I forgot about Deccan’s little spell.” He took steps closer to the tub. Abby wished the tub would crack into the earth taking her with the water and the tub. “Well stand up. Let’s have a proper look at you.” He motioned with his hand for her to stand.
Abby glared even harder and shook her head. There was no way in hell you are seeing me naked she fumed.

Daryl squinted his eyes at her, “Stand up now.” He commanded.

Hell no, Abby thought.

Daryl moved to the tub and grabbed a hold of her arm, pulling her. Abby tried to scream a squeak coming out. At that moment Deccan stepped into the bathroom.

“Ahem” he coughed.
“What?!” Daryl snapped at his brother. Couldn’t Deccan see that he was in the middle of something? Stupid pet was disobedient again.

Abby was still using her weight as leverage to stay in the water. Though her strength was failing fast. She shot a look of desperation to Deccan. He was Daryl’s brother but he seemed to be kinder to her.

“ Maybe she would come out of the tub if you gave her a towel?” Deccan offered. His brother was pushy and lacked a certain touch when it came to dealing with pets. If you tried to break them too hard they were useless. You had to be gentle with them and get them to trust you. A loyal pet was better than a pet who cowered and feared. A loyal pet would protect you as you did them. His brother did not understand this. Deccan grabbed a towel and handed it to his brother.

“I will spoil her if I give in to her temper tantrums, she’ll never learn.” Daryl retorted, but took the towel in hand. Debating wither or not to give her the towel.

Abby eyed the two brothers. Deccan seemed to be easier to get along with- then again I haven’t pissed him off yet, she thought. She eyed the towel and felt Daryl’s grip lighten on her arm.
“It’s not a temper tantrum that she is having. She’s a young woman – a virgin by the looks of it too. She’s uncomfortable Daryl. “ Deccan said softly.
Abby blushed, well yeah I’m a virgin she thought. You perverts. Do I look like a slut? She eyes the towel in Daryl’s hand.
Daryl offered her the towel, “Well fine then. Here, now stand up so I can get a proper look at you this time.”
Abby took the towel and wrapped it around her, she didn’t care if the towel got wet as long as she was covered. The towel covered her front and back but ridded her upper thigh a little bit too high for her liking, but it’s better than being naked she groaned.

She stepped out of the tub to stand in front of the two brothers, looking down at her feet. She didn’t like being half naked in front of them. The only experience she had with men was her x boyfriend back in high school, and that was just kissing!

Daryl glanced her up and down. “ You’re what? 120?” he paused looking up at her. She shook her head no. “ Higher?” she nodded blushing. “ 130” he stopped again looking at her. Close enough she thought, nodding. “ Not bad for a girl of 5’9.” He walked around her inspecting her more closely. “ Tan skin, nice... curly hair. Natural?” he asked. Again she nodded.

Quit circling me you vulture, she thought. Her eyebrows were frowned together in frustration.

Deccan coughed again. “ We need to get ready brother, Marilyn will be waiting. And Gabe can take care of Abby.”

Abby looked up to him, that was the first time he had use her name.
Daryl nodded and looked back to Abby, “ Gabe, Deccan’s pet, will help you dress for tonight. It’s just dinner but since you are new I would like to have you look presentable to the rest of the coven.” Daryl turned to leave with Deccan but shouted over his shoulder. “ And you best lighten up girly, modesty won’t last you long here.” He laughed.

Abby was left alone in the bathroom. She leaned against the wall, trying to hold back the tears. Trying to keep sane in an overwhelming situation. She heard someone walk into the room again and stood up.

A young man stood in front of, wearing dress pants and a white button down shirt. He looked around 25, white, with dark brown eyes. His skin was the slightest shade of tan to suggest that he wasn’t just white but a mixture of something exoctic. He gave her a small smile. “ My name is Gabe, Deccan has already informed me of your... lack of speech for the time being.”

Abby rolled her eyes, lack of speech my ass. More like spell you put on me to keep me quite.

“ Daryl also informed me that you are to be presentable for tonight’s dinner. So, shall we?” he didn’t wait for an answer but walked back into the bed room.

Abby followed him back to her room. Dinner with vampires and human pets? What more could go wrong?