
Ch. 6

Daryl led her down a hall way, a left turn here and they were stepping down a winding staircase. After about ten minutes of winding and turning and descending they arrived in a long dining area.

A long elegant table covered in lace stood before them, but unlike what she had expected there where no candles, no spider webs, and no elegant aristocratic air that Abby had associated with vampires. Instead upon the lacy white table cloth there where simple fine china plants, wine glasses and silver wear complimenting the plates. At the table there resided at least ten other vampires. All were dressed differently and behind them stood their pets.

Daryl cleared his throat, “ May I introduce the newest addition to our little coven, this is Delaney.”

Abby looked around back and forth. Who is he talking about? Then she noticed that he was pointing to her. What? She looked confused at him. My name is Abby she yelled in her mind but kept her face composed.

Daryl saw her wide eyes, he had forgotten to mention that all pets lost their birth names, it was away of being reborn into the coven, or really another way of making the pet completely the owners. Not even their name was theirs anymore.

The group of vampires nodded in Daryl’s direction. One in particular spoke. “ She doesn’t look broken in yet Daryl. Will she be much trouble?” an angelic voice asked.

Abby turned her head to the voice to see where it came from. A vampire female who was dressed in a silk white blouse, her dark brown hair pinned to her head in a French bun and her face was empty of make up. For she didn’t need it. Her piercing blue eyes locked on Abby and starred her down, her lips were pulled together in a tight irritated fashion.

“ Kayla, she is new. Recently acquired two days ago. I am in the process of breaking her in but no, I do not expect much trouble.” Daryl replied lightly. Kayla may look like an angel but she was the one who was known for breaking her pets spirits to the point where they were nothing but empty shells.

Kayla gave Abby a glance up and down, “Send her my way if you would like to wipe that grin off her face.”

Abby immediately looked down at her feet.

“ Aw but Kayla you tend to break new pet’s, how ever are we suppose to keep one for an extended amount of time if you break their spirits completely and they would rather die?” Deccan said from the doorway.

Abby turned to look at his feet and smiled. He has a tendency to defend me, she thought.

Kayla’s eyes flashed with anger, “ They are expendable.”

Deccan gave a small smile, “ some of us view differently.” He paused and walked over to the table where an empty seat was, Gabe followed at his heels looking down. “ But enough chat, let us eat?” he answered in a more cheerful tone.

Kayla smiled and nodded, “ Always avoiding conflicts Deccan.”
Deccan laughed heartily, “ An empty stomach will come before a conflict as feeble as this one dear Kayla.”

Kayla laughed then too, “ Too true Deccan. Let’s eat.”

Daryl went to take a seat by his brother and Kayla looked at Gabe for advice. What am I suppose to do, she thought.

She looked around for Gabe didn’t look back at her, all the other pets were standing behind their masters. Hmph, some dinner she thought. I got all dressed up to stand and listen to them eat?

At that moment a row of servers came with trays of food. It smelt delicious. Abby looked over Daryl’s shoulder slightly to see what it was. A pot roast with mash potatoes and string beans filled the air with its delicate aroma. Abby’s stomach growled.

Damn it. I have to stand and watch them eat? Wait… how can they be eating food? I thought vampires drank blood? She looked at the wine glasses, they had white wine in them. No blood sat on the table. Abby tried to figure out what this meant. How can they be eating? Where is the blood?

While Abby was thinking about where the blood was another vampire spoke, “ Where did you find this one Daryl? She looks human.”

Abby lifted her head slightly to see who spoke, it was a male vampire. His eyes were black and his black hair was tied in a white ribbon behind him, he was handsome but it seemed they all were. His name was Nathan.

Daryl finished what was in his mouth and lifted his wine glass and took a sip. “ She is, though she is half mage. I haven’t seem any power demonstrated yet, but I might possibly give her to Marilyn to see if she can …. Push it out of her.” Daryl smiled. Marilyn had a talent of drawing power out of others, by beating them till their survival instincts clicked in. The hard part was not beating them till death, others just wouldn’t fight back at times.

Nathan nodded, “ half mage? Interesting. My pet sadly didn’t demonstrate any abilities when she tried with Marilyn.” Nathan turned around to look at the woman standing behind him. She had blond hair brushed behind her ears, a solemn look on her face. “ Though I have to admit, she has lasted longer than other humans.”

“ She is what again?” Daryl asked curious.

“ Cynthia is an elf,” Nathan replied proud. “ She was stubborn at first, always trying to escape but in time she learned her place.” He smiled. “ Right Cynthia?”

The girl nodded, “ Yes master Nathan.”

Other conversations took place, it was too hard to try and concentrate on each one. They talked about other covens, visiting vampires, shows that they were going to but most of all they talked about magic. And how they kept looking for new ways to find it. Apparently that is why they chose humans with magical traits or magical creatures. To take their magic and use it, like a currency.

Finally they are done eating, Abby groaned. Her feet were getting tired of standing in the heels. And her stomach was growling. But just when she thought they were done Daryl turned to her.

“ Come here.” He commanded.
Abby took two steps to him, still looking at her feet. What? She thought. Am I suppose to clean your plate now?

But when she looked up she saw all the other pets were standing by their masters. And Cynthia across the table was clearing her hair from her neck. Abby turned to look at Gabe who offered his wrist to Deccan. She looked back down at Daryl, oh shit she thought.

“ Come here.” He commanded again. “ Closer.”

Abby shook her head.
Daryl grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him and forced her to sit on his lap. “ Do as I say.” He whispered so that only she could hear.

Abby started to shake as Daryl brushed her hair back from her neck. His lips brushed against her skin, she closed her eyes and prepared herself for the pain. She felt the sting of his fangs pierce her skin. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out.

But then she felt nothing, she felt as though she was floating, everything blurred. It was as though she had taken an endorphine, she could no longer feel her hunger, she couldn’t feel Daryl against her, she couldn’t feel anything.

It is the blood letting. A voice said in her mind.

It allows us to draw blood and not be vurnable from attack, you taste divine by the way.

Daryl? She formed the thought in her mind.

Yes, everything you think is open to me when I drink from you. Every thought.

She tried to fight, to push him out but she couldn’t form the words in her mind, she couldn’t think more than a no.

She heard a laugh in her head.

Then the pain was back, the hunger, the smell of rust and salt filled her lungs as she came back light headed and nauseated.

She looked at Daryl, she was still sitting on his lap, his hand on her back keeping her from falling and another on her waist to keep her sitting up straight. She looked over as everyone watched her come out of it.

“ Not a scream?” Kayla asked.

“ Deccan put a binding spell on her voice until she is trained.” Daryl replied smiling. He pushed Abby off him and she stumbled to stand up straight. Her legs felt like jello, and she had trouble breathing. She was about to fall over when Gabe grabbed her.

He led her out of the dinning area.
“ Come on dear let’s get you back to bed.” Gabe comforted her.

“ Gabe, take Delaney to my chamber. I’ll be there shortly.” Daryl said.

Gabe nodded as Abby’s eyes grew wide. He led her up the stairs and through the hall ways till they reached a door. Gabe opened it slowly and walked her into the room. “ This is master Daryl’s room.”