Autumns Falling.

Just The Begining

"No No No!
Thats what he told me!
Thats what he told me"

I heard the speaker click and antwone began talking.
"Why don't we change the second 'He told me' To 'He said'?"

"Umm I guess we can do that... yeah sure. Whatever you want Antwone."
I said with an annoyed look on my face.

"Good Darling. I was hoping you would say that."
He said with a smile.

"No Antwone you know i HAVE to say that!"
I half yelled completely irritated.

"And why is that?"
He asked.

"Because your my manager and i shall do what i'm told."
I said in a bland voice.

"Good Job"
he said with a false happy/cheery voice.

"Yeah whatever. I'm gonna get going i must not be late for work again or my boss might wring my neck."
i said glad to be able to leave.

"If your boss doesn't I will."
He said before clicking the speaker off and walking out, taking MY tape with him.

'Gahh! I Fricken HATE him!' I thought to myself letting only the slightest groan slip from between my lips.I grabbed My Music sheets and my 'Misfits' Tote Bag. I shoved my music sheets in my tote bag as i walked out the door.


"Ms! MS!!"
"Yes Ma'm?"
"I would like the check please."
"Ok. I'll be back with your check shortly."
I gave her a fake smile and walked away.

Working at 'Missie B's' has always been kinda boring but i need my paycheck. It was my only source of money. My Mom works all the time trying to keep us in our house. So i try not to ask her for things.

"Yes Ma'm Here is your check"
"Thank you ms."

I gave her a genuine smile and walked away hoping she would give me a decent tip. Next time I walked back out 'He' was sitting there. Him and his nicely toned body... Gorgeous blue eyes, Perfect Lips, Gorgeous Chocolate Brown Shaggy Hair.. Mm-

"Get back to work young lady!"
My boss yelled.

I walked over to his table, Note pad in hand ready to take his order and the only thing i could say is "Your Hott"
♠ ♠ ♠
It isn't that good... actually.. its not good at all :/
If you actually liked it comment me so i can figure out if i should continue with this story or not.
With how this chapter turned out..
I'm not sure..
I HOPE you liked it(: