Autumns Falling.

Chapter 10; Cute Without The E

Mm. smells good i think to myself. I rub my belly in slow soothing circle motions. i cant wait to see this little face... i cant wait to be a mother. i smile as i take the lid off the pot containing the ingredients to our family's own chicken pallore'. our family's own recipe. its uhmazing. suddenly i hear a thud from upstairs, followed by a series of voices trailing down the steps. i quickly hide in the food pantry as whoever these people are wander down the stairs and come into the kitchen. there's three of them. one is a tall black guy.. he was quite slender. another was a tall American boy. he was alittle too chubby. i saw a McDonald's wrapper hanging out of his black leather jacket and giggled to myself. i guess all that McDonald's is what made him Chubby. i giggled again and quickly realized they might be able to hear me. i quietly sat on the floor of the pantry and peered through the slants in the door. the last guy was American. slender.. they all hand black hair and blue eyes except the black one. he had brown eyes. "we have to find her.. that baby cannot live.." "so what are we gonna do..?" "whatever it takes to kill the child inside of her" "even if it means killing her?" "yes. she has to be in here somewhere.. lets go check upstairs again." as they started up the stairs i was finally released from my state of shock.. i started to wonder.. what if they did find me.. and why do they want to kill my baby? i hurried out of the pantry and snuck out the kitchen door. i peered up into one of the upstairs windows.. i saw one of the guys... he wasn't looking at me tho. i started to run. as fast as i could, through the woods. i wouldn't stop. i was being chased.

i woke up. and i realized that once again it was just a dream. i was really beginning to hate sleeping.. but i knew it was healthy for the baby. i sat up in the bed and looked around. nothing out of the ordinary. i got up and went to the bathroom. man i had to pee... when i was finished i walked down stairs. the first thing i saw was renee with a pot in her hand. then steam shooting out of the top as she drained the water.
"Hey.. what are you making? "
"Oh.. nothing special. Just Spaghetti."
"May i ask why?"
"Because my mom is coming over tonight for dinner. i was gonna tell her about me being pregnant. you can join us if you want."
"I think i will. she is like my extra grandma. and i want to tell her about my being pregnant too."
"sounds like an awesome idea. be here around sevennn."
"Ohkay. im just gonna take a shower upstairs real quick then head off to work."
"Ohkay. Bye."


"Hey mom.. guess what... "
"What Dear?"
"Im Pregnant!" Renee said with a big smile on her face.
"Another kid? Wow Renee. "
"Mom.. be happy for me.."
"I am happy for you Dear. Just i think your getting in over your head."
"Im not mom i promise. and i think Autumn has something to tell you."
"Yes.. i do ma'am."
"Oh no.. not you too dear.."
"Yes... i am Pregnant.. but its not my fault for being careless... you see.. i was raped. so i didnt have a say in what went on.."
"Oh dear... Im sorry to hear that."
"Its ohkay. Im gonna be a great mom anyways."
"Yes you will dear."


"Dear Jamie... I've got a letter i would like to send. Its locking strings of words with punctuation at the ends. but should i trust this dialect to convey thee right affect. dear jamie ive got some things id like to set in pen i would have used a pencil but thats just not permanant should i trust my printers ink to express the things i think..." (Dear Jamie...Sincerely Me By Hellogoodbye) ilovethatsong. its so uhmazing i thought to myself.
as i layed in bed later that night. today was very uneventful. i guess i should really sleep..
but i dont want to know what comes next in my dream... i sighed as i slowly drifted away into my sleep. praying for something better then last nights dream.
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Its short.. but better then nothing.