Autumns Falling.

Oh Darn

"Woops.. Did I just say that out loud?"
I laughed and i could feel my checks start to get warm and i knew i was blushing.

"Yes you did."
He chuckled.
"But its ok. Alot of people say that. I'm used to it"

No duh he's used to it.. GAHH!

"So.. What would you like to eat?"

"Umm.. The special, With a coke and put a cherry in it."
He smiled and winked at me.

Ooh wow.. I smiled back and walked away. I Pulled the paper off my pad and put it on the counter. Right when i did that i heard the bell ring and the chef yell "Orders Up!" I grabbed the plate sitting there and started walking towards table 4. "Hey little Bro" I said as i walked up to his table.

"Hi sis"
He smiled

"Where are you getting the money to pay for this? Did you take money from moms jar again?"

"No. I found it in my locker at school. It was under my math book."

"Hmm.. I wonder how it got there.. Didn't you already spend your 3 dollars for the week?"

"Yeah.. and plus.. this was a ten!!!"
He smiled holding up the ten doller bill.

"Awesome! You should buy me some fries with that!"
I winked.

"Pssh. You wish! I know you'll just steal half mine anyways!"
He laughed

"Yeah well If i have to serve my own brother then i think i have my right to half the fries he gets."
I smiled

"Yeah Suuuure."

I heard the bell ring and chef Yell "Orders Up!" "Well.. I guess we'll talk when your done with that and before you leave here." I said starting to walk away. "Sis..?" He said all innocently "Yes?" I said as i turned around. "You might want to fix your ponytail,," He said half smiling. I laughed. "Thanks little Bro. Love you" I smiled and walked away. my little bro is a dork sometimes. I Quickly fixed my ponytail, grabbed the plate from the counter and started to walk towards table 8. HIS table.

"Here's your order." i said sitting it down on the table and starting to walk away.

"Hey... Umm.. Umm.. Whats your name again?"


"Really? Cool. Anyways.. I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?"
He smiled.

"Sorry.. But i have to say No. Your one of those kind of guys that go out with a girl to get in their pants then just leave. Sorry Brett."
I walked away before he could say anything else.

(After work when she's walking home)

Life is so frustrating Sometimes!!! I threw my head back and sighed. I've always wanted to go out with him but i don't want to risk throwing myself out to him when he won't be there to catch me. I learned the Hard way not to throw my heart out to someone who isn't even gonna try to catch it. I stopped mid-walk. I quickly turned my head towards where i heard the sound coming from and next thing i knew somebodies hand was over my mouth and i was being dragged backwards losing one of my flip flops in the process. I wanted to scream but there was no use to it, so i just stopped fighting and let them drag me into a dark ally.

"Whatever you want you can have."
I said fixing my hair and adjusting my bag. I squinted trying to see the persons face in the dark. I sighed. It wasn't working. I was never to good at seeing in the dark.

Next thing i know i was being pushed up against the wall. My elbow being slammed into it full force. I felt the skin break and blood starting to drip from it. 'Damn Stupid Brick Wall'. I also dropped my bag and lost my other flip flop. Great.. this is just what i wanted. Then he started kissing me. The taste of vodka on his lips. Ewie I thought to myself. He hiked up my Abbey Dawn Plaid skirt, reached up grabbed my black leggings and pulled them down. Oh Shit I thought to myself. I thought he would just take my money or something. God how stupid am i?! I should've known this would happen! Thats when i started to cry. I couldn't stop it. Tears started to flow. then he puts his hand up my shirt,, Not what i want! Not at all!!!! NOOO!!! "Nooo.. " I mubbled into his lips. "NOO!!" I tried to scream but he just kissed me harder. Then it happened. He did what he was going to do and i had no way to stop him.

When he was done he stumbled away happy as a ray of light. I just pulled up my leggings fixed my skirt and shirt, Grabbed my bag, slipped on my flip flop and walked out of that damned ally. I found my other flip flop not far from the ally. I slipped that on. The tears still hadn't stopped. I trudged home feeling like major crap. It was my first time and maybe my Last.

I saw my house. only one light on and it was my brothers. As soon and he heard me close the door he quickly shut the light off and jumped into bed pretending to be asleep. I just trudged into my room, grabbing a towel off the top of drier on my way by, threw my bag into my room. It landed on the floor with a thud. I ripped the ponytail outta my hair, kicked of my flip flops and took off my bracelets and necklaces. I stumbled into the bathroom feeling worse then before. My hand fumbled around the wall looking for the light switch. I found it and quickly turned the light on. My Elbow was still bleeding but not as badly. I quickly stripped down, turned on the shower and jumped in. I squealed alittle when i realized how cold it was then quickly turned it hotter. I threw some shampoo into my hair scrubing ferociously trying to get it clean. I grabbed some body soap and scrubbed so hard my skin turned red and it started stinging. But i couldn't stand it. The disgusting feeling i had. Like i was covered in dirt and dust. I had to get clean. Whether it meant ripping my skin off or not. I had to.
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I hope you liked it...
I wrote it from what was on the top of my mind.
Personally.. I think its WAY better then the first one..
but.. i need your opinion for that(:
*Comments make my writers block go away!*