Autumns Falling.

The After Math

I woke up with a mega headache. I got outta bed, went to the mirror and screamed my head off. I couldn't stand to look at myself. I had a huge scab over my elbow. I realized how riped up it got. It was bad.. "I hope it doesn't get infected." I mumbled. I had bruises all over my neck and my face. my hair was all poofy because i didn't dry it after my shower last night. i lifed my shirt and saw i had bruises all over the place. i looked at my legs and saw i have bruises all over those to. I couldn't even imagine what people would say at school. i ran into my closet looking for something to cover it all. I ended up choosing Hot Pink Skinnies, My awesome Twilight shirt, my Matching Twilight Hoodie, and my black and hot pink converse.

I ran back over to the mirror grabbing my eyeliner on the way. I put just alittle on then put on some hotpink eyeshadow making it look bold. i grabbed my cherry chapstick off my desk and put some on. i walked back over to the mirror now taking time to examine my bruises. "What am i gonna do,," I mumbled to myself. I didn't feel like wasting valuable time on my hair so i just threw it in a messy ponytail. I still had no idea what to do about the bruises. i don't usually wear that powder cover up stuff. I started digging through my make-up box trying to find some. "Ah hah" i said to myself as i pulled some out. I started applying it using alittle at first but then needing more. I gave up and threw it back in the box. It helped alittle..

I slipped on my converse, grabbed my bag and walked out of my room. I walked into my brothers room. "Hey. Wake Up. If you want a ride then hurry up." He just groaned and rolled over. I walked into the kitchen. "If you don't feel like walking 8 miles to school then WAKE UP!" i yelled over my shoulder in the direction of his room.

"I'm Up!" I heard him yell back. I decided i wasnt hungry enough for cereal so i just grabbed an apple. I polished it on my shirt then took a bite. Mmm,, I love the taste of granny smith apples. They're so good. I smiled to myself as i walked towards my brothers room, leaving my bag on the counter. "are you hungry?" i asked. he was jumping around trying to get his shirt over his big head. "Not really,, Hey Toss me that pair of skinny jeans over there" He said pointing to them.

"Dude,, Those are mine! Buy your own!" i said while walking over to them and throwing them at his face. His hand snapped up and he grabbed them. "Yeah well,, I don't have any money! And plus,, I can fit in them so i'm going to wear them!"He said with a smile. "Your 15. GET A JOB! I had a job when i was 14! I've been working for 2 years now! COMEON!"

"Ehhh,, No thanks." He said with a smile. "Whatever. Come on hurry up." I said walking away and taking another bite out of my apple. I went to the kitchen and grabbed my bag off the counter. "Come on! I'll leave without you! We'll be lucky to get a ride in the first place! Summer said she wasn't gonna wait very long! She wanted to get to work early!" Summer is my friend from work. She is in college though. She usually gives us rides in the morning if we need one. She lives only 3 houses down. "I'm Coming!" He yelled back running out of his room. He slipped on his converse and grabbed his bag. I stepped out the door into the chilly morning air. We ran to summer's house hoping she hadn't left yet. We got there just in time.

"Hey Sweetheart!" She said throwing me into a hug. I grimaced at the pain that sored through my body when she did that. "Hi Summer. Can we get a ride?" I asked. "Of course honey!" She said letting go and then giving my brother a hug. "Hop in. I was just about to leave." She smiled at us and i walked over to the car. me and my brother usually fight over who gets the front seat but not this time. I hopped in the back and he got the front. I wasn't in the mood to fight. I was in to much pain. I sighed as quietly as i could and looked out the window for the rest of the ride.
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I hope you liked it..
This ones kinda long too.
Specially since it came from the top of my head.
And I'm on a role!!!
I did two stories yesterday and another one today!
I hope you enjoyed them(:

*Comments help me write faster!!!!*