Autumns Falling.

I Can't... I'm Sorry

"OMG!!!!! FALL!!!! Why didn't you tell me?!?!??!" He yelled throwing me into a hug. I Groaned at the pain. "omg.. i'm sorry.. i forgot about the bruises.." He said loosening the hug. "Ahh.. its ok.. i'm sorry.. i just.. i didn't want to tell anybody.. " i said pulling out of the hug. "Fall.. you know you can tell me anything.. " he said giving me a sad look. "Yeah i know.. Look.. I really need to get going or antwone will kill me.. " I said starting to walk away. "No. Fall. Let me atleast give you a ride.." He pleaded.
"Fine...." i said following him to his car. I hoped into the passenger seat. "Look.. Scott.. I really am sorry for not telling you.. " "Its fine Fall. I'm over it. But i think you should tell the cops what happened.. Hopefully they can catch that arrogant bastard." "No Scott. I can't. I won't put myself through that. I just can't. " I looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Fine Fall. Look.. Just be careful from now on! After work either get someone at work to give you a ride or call me! I'm serious. If i find out you've been walking home after work again then i will beat your little behind! You hear me?!" I laughed. "Yes Sir." "Hey.. Since its Friday How bout you stay at my recording and then take me to your house? I took tonight off. And maybe my bro can come? I'm sure your sister wouldn't mind.. " "haha.. Suuure. But my mom's boyfriend is finally moving in and bringing his kids with.. so there will be more people there.. only like 2 more though.. another boy your bro's age and another boy who's 12." He said. "If you don't want to come over then i understand." "Noo.. its ok. I still want to come. Atleast it will get my bro off out backs."
He parked the car and we got out. We walked into the building and walked into the recording room. Antwone was sitting there with his feet on the control station and his eyes closed. I walked into the recording room and Scott turned on the controls. "WAKE UP ANTWONE!!!!!!!" I yelled in a sing songy voice. He Jumped so fast he almost fell outta his chair. Me and Scott almost fell over laughing. "Thats what you get for sleeping on the job!!!" I laughed. "Young lady!!!! If you EVER do that again i will throw out ALL your recordings!!!" He said completely serious. I held back my laughter and glared at him. I knew he wasn't lying. "Whatever Antwone. Lets get this moving."
I finished singing grabbed my lyric sheets and my bag. I walked outta the recording booth thingie and me and scott both left without a word from Antwone. He had constantly changed my lyrics and wouldn't let me finish a single song. Scott got so tired he yelled at him and told him that was it and we were leaving. So we did. We left.
We walked right out of the building. we hoped into Scott's car and headed to my house. My brother was in his room listening to Metro Station. Me and scott decided to burst in and jump right into the song full out dancing and singing. "On the count of three" he said. "One..Two.. THREE!!!!" We jumped into his room. "I'll take you home if you don't leave at the front door!!! Your bodies cold but Girl we're getting So warm!!! And I was thinking of ways that i could get inside! get inside!! Tonight Your falling inlove!! Let me go now!! This feelings tearing me up! Here we go now! When she does like this! Will you do it like that! and when she touchs like this will you touch right there! and when she moves like this will you move it like that COME ON!!! Shake shake Shake shake a shake it! Shake shake shake shake a shake it!! " We sang in unison. He paused the music, and laughed at us. "You guys are such dorks!" he laughed. "Ohh come on!!!! You totally just Marshed Our Mellow!!!" We laughed. "Yeah yeah yeah!!" "Hey.. I'll leave a note for mom. But do you want to come to Scott's for the weekend??? Theres new kids at the house. Another boy your age and another boy who's twelve."
"haha!! You know me!! Would i ever pass up a chance to annoy the hell outta Natalie?! haha!! Of course i'm coming!!!"
And that was that. I went to my room and packed my bags. I wrote a note for mom and left it on the kitchen counter. My Brother finally finished packing his bags and we walked out the house and hoped into Scott's Car. He were finally on our way.
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Ehh... It sucks I know.. Nothing really interesting happened.. Sorry..
I figured I would put another chapter out even though only like.. 4 people actually read my story..
I know i put everything in paragraphs now.. if you don't like it just tell me and i'll put it differently.
I would love some comments.. Then maybe it would help me feel the need to write.
I need some inspiration!!!
Comments would be LOVELY! =]
Thank you for reading(: