Autumns Falling.


"Wake up. Honey.. Wake Up."
I felt someone shaking me but i wasn't quite sure who it was. "hmmm...." i grumbled. "Wake up. We're at my house silly. Come on. Don't make me carry you.." i recognized it to be scott's voice. "ehh.. carry me.. i dont' give a shit." i grumbled again. "You asked for it." Next thing i know he's lifting me outta the car.
"ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Sccccooooooooootttttt...."
"You asked for it honey. So Don't even go there."
"i'm suprised you can even lift this huge tub of lard"
"Your Not Fat Autumn Marii Falls."
"Scott.. What have i told you about calling me by my whole name let alone my real name?"
My real name is Autumn Marii Falls. But I prefer fall. Why? Because when i was little i was clumsy and tripped over almost anything so my mom started calling me fall; and well.. it kinda stuck. So now almost everybody calls me by that. I don't mind being called Autumn.. its just.. I miss the old days when mommy didn't have to work so much.. and i got to see her. And when people call me Fall; it reminds me of those days.
"ehh.. You asked me not to.."
"exactly." i mumbled while jumping out of his arms but silly me.. my eyes were still closed. so i ended up landing on my ass in the dirt. "oww... "
"Fall... Your such a dork. If you gonna jump atleast open your eyes first."
"Teehee [insert cute little smile sorta like ^_^] i forgot.. Carry me again? My butt hurts" I said after finally opening my eyes.
He picked me back up and carried me up the steps to his front door. We Walked through the door and were greated by his mother; ohhh yyyeeeeaaahhh... and a plate of ookies. oh how i love ookies. they be nummy. i quickly grabbed one of renee's famous oatmeal cookies and shoved it into my mouth. She just laughed at my eager-ness.
"Hi sweety. I haven't seen you in awhile. Scott why don't you put the precious thing down and let her get that dirt off her but and also let me give her a hug" She said laughing.
"ooh.. so you saw me jump did you?" i laughed, and scott sat me gently on my feet.
"Oh yes dear. I did. And Let me say, Your not the brightest when you just wake up."
i giggled. she has a point there.
"so where did my bratty little bro go?" i asked giving her a hug.
"ahh.. he went upstairs after grabbing a few cookies. said he wanted to get in a quick shower before Natalie and the other boys get home."
"ok renee. thanks for the cookies. we're gonna go upstairs now." i smiled running up the steps to scott's room. as soon as i got in there i turned on his stereo and plopped down on his bed grabbing the 'Fruits Basket' book that was on his night stand. i flipped it open and started reading it.
"Look.. Autumn. I need to talk to you."
Uh Oh, i thought to myself. whenever he uses my real name i know he's serious.
"Uhh.. Yeah scott. Whats up?"
"Look.. i know you don't want to go to the cops, but you really should."
"No Scott! I Can't!"
"Autumn! You have to! So That Bastard can be caught! Please Autumn! Just Go To The Cops!"
"Look Scott! I cant! I just Can't! And Plus Why Do You Care?!"
"AUTUMN! YOU CAN! AND I CARE BECAUSE NEWS FLASH! I FUCKING LOVE YOU! NOT AS A FRIEND AUTUMN! BUT AS MORE! AS SO MUCH MORE!" his voice got quiter "Autumn.. i can't let that guy get away.. i just can't.. " his eyes started watering and he just turned around and walked out. I just starred after him. what do i do know?
♠ ♠ ♠
It has been SO long since i've updated.. i'm sorry.
just.. i've been a bitch and haven't updated because people don't comment.
but thank you XxMusicxX for recommending my story to people.
and now i'm recommending yours.
But anyways.. people.. her story is uhmazing. its hilarious. you'll love it. so go ahead and read it[x
and i hope you liked this chapter.
i'm begining to like my story.
i think its pretty good.