Autumns Falling.

Chapter 7; One Month Later.

One Month Later.
"I think i'm starting to show... don't you?" I asked My Newest BFF Ryuu.
Recap on the last month.
1)Me and Scott are now dating.
2)I have way more friends then before because we ended up getting some transfer students. [Like Ryuu]
3)My Brother finally got a job. He currently works at Subway.
4)And i'm pregnant. Yep you heard that right! I did say pregnant! Its the rapist's Baby. I went to the cops about the whole rape thing.. I have my suspicions about who could've done it. So far it consists of, Brett, My Dad, Trevor[Some Weird Jock Guy At My School], Antwone, And this weird dude that insists on giving me his number whenever i take his order. So Far the cops have questioned everyone but my dad. Everybodys allibies check except for Brett's. Personally I believe it was him. I just hope this baby looks nothing like its father. Back to my conversation with Ryuu.
"Are you kidding me? Honey.. You look uhmazing for being pregnant!" She replied. I laughed and playfully pushed her. She giggled and ran ahead of me. When I finally caught up to her i said "Thanks Darling." "You ready for work?" She asked. I got her a job at Missy B's Because she needed money. I also quite recording with Antwone, and got a new producer. He's way nice and more respectful of my wishes. I've got a cd! We just need people to buy it now..
"Yes i guess... i'm as ready as i'll ever be." We hopped in my totally new porsche given to me by Allen, Aka my new producer. He was proud of me for the cd so he bought me a car.
I turned on the car and put in The Fray's cd. I turned it to Number 3. I turned it way up and then drove off.