Autumns Falling.

Chapter 8; Baby Names

One Week Later.
"What about Vanessa?" I asked.
"Nah.. I don't like that.." Scott's mom replied. Oh I guess i forgot to mention.. She's 3 months pregnant. I'm 11/2 and she's 3. She thinks she's having a girl. So we're going over girl names today and boy names tomorrow.
"No... Candace?"
"Nah.. Sounds kinda like candy.. how about Paige? Or Alice, Rosalie, Vera, Skyler, Brandi, An-"
"Woah.. Fall slow down. We have plenty of time to go over names."
"Hehe.. sorry.."
"But i do like Brandi.."
"Well then Brandi it is!"
"How are you feeling Honey?"
"Mom? Why aren't you at work?"
"Ah.. i just wanted to see how my baby and her baby are doing. Is that such a bad thing?" She says while handing me a cup of tea.
"no mom its not a bad thing, and we're both doing fine. Thanks."
"Good. So how's school?"
"Fine. Fine. I'll leave you to continue reading. i love you." She said as she got off the couch and tossed my blankie back over my feet.
"Mom.. i love you too!" I shouted after her as she walked out the door to leave for work.
Two Weeks Later
Two months... and i'm already starting to show.. well say goodbye to skinny jeans.. damn.. this sucks.. but whatever. I'll live. [Lol]
"Hey Baby Lady." Brett Said.
"You know what Brett?!"
"No. What Fall?"
"Hmm.. I must say.. you already have.."
"What?! WHAT?! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I grabbed my math book and threw it at his face. He ducked and it hit the wall. He laughed. I screamed as i put my hand into a fist and lunged at him. I tackled him onto the ground. Bashing him several times in the face. I think i even broke his nose. I just kept punching and punching. I was ontop of him...... he was laying in the hallway of school.. with a pregnant chick ontop of him.. beating the shit out of him... hmm.. embarressing... people were trying to pull me off him. Teachers yelling. Students laughing and screaming "Fight Fight Fight!" I used to be the one watching these fights.. not participating in them... This will look great on my perminant record i thought to myself. Finally I stood up. I sniffled, picked up my math book and my bag, and stomped right out of that damn school.
Scott and Ryuu found me sitting on a nearby bench with my hands on my stomach and my head back, eyes closed.
"I'm sorry guys.. I just lost it.."
"Mmm... We noticed.." Ryuu Said.
"Honey its ok.. Just try not to stress you know its not good for the baby.."
"Yes i know."
"Lets get you home."
They walked me to my car. Ryuu drove home while Scott say in back holding me while i fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ryuu lives with Fall, and helps pay bills at the house. Her parents died in a plane crash on the way over to the United States from China. Ryuu had flown in on an earlier flight. She met Fall at school who offered her a house, a job, and a friendship. Ryuu is one of many of Falls new friends. [Who will be introduced later on in the story.]
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