Autumns Falling.

Chapter 9; What Do I Do?

Somebodies Chasing me.. Im running through the forest.. OUCH! I stepped on a stick.. Its in my foot.. but i can't stop.. i can't loose this little life form inside of me.. i just can't.. i have to keep running.. focus.. breath run run run breath run run run breath..blink.. breath run run run breath run run run brea-trip! I crash to the ground with a loud crack and thump. A sorring pain tears through my stomach.. its bleeding.. I get up and run even faster.. i HAVE to get away... i have to keep running.. i can't loose her.. i can't.. she's part of me now.. she's my everything.. run run run.. faster.. faster ...faster DUCK! I just barely missed that branch. He's getting closer now.. i can hear him calling my name.. "Autumn.. Autumn.. AUTUMN! Stop running from me! YOUR MINE! YOUR MINE! NOBODY ELSE CAN HAVE YOU! AUTUMN! You belong to me.. your part of me.. " I stop.. I'm just standing there.. i scream at my feet to move.. but they won't. They won't budge one bit... but i need them to move.. mine and my childs life depends on it.. my face feels wet.. and warm.. i realize i'm crying.. i'm crying for my child. I'm crying for my life.. and he disapears.. i was running from nothing..
I jump Up. I realize i'm in my room.. on my bed.. I was sleeping. The Tears are still coming down my face like rain pouring from the sky. I run to the bathroom.. and throw up.
"Morning sickness?" Ryuu Asks Me.
"Nah. Just a bad bad dream."
"What was it about?" She asks.
"Long Long Story.. I'd rather not talk about it.." I say whilr grabbing my stomach and smiling slightly. I'm so glad that was just a dream.. I dunno what i would've done if i would've lost her..
I'm not medically positive its a she.. but i have a good feeling. i smile to myself thinking about what she's gonna look like.. she's gonna be so uhmazing, and beautiful. even if she does look like her father. None of that will matter as long as i have her.
I jump in the drivers seat of my car; ryuu in the passenger seat; scott in the backseat with My Brother. We're Off to school. My Stomach Still Hurts.. But Now Its cause i'm hungry.
School Sucked. So Afterwards I dropped Ryuu, Scott, And My Brother off at home and decided to go work out.
Just To keep Fit so i won't get to big. And Plus, The Doctor said i should work out to get stronger so the birth won't hurt AS much.
I Put my headphones to my iPod in and started Jogging on the Treadmill.

"She smiles at me
Then brings coffee to the table
Then pours sugar in my cup
I need her here like she's a drug
Whispers that she wants me
Then take over my body
From the kitchen to the bedroom
You're just like the day I met you
Cold and calm the ring's not on the hands
I know that I left it
She's packed her bags, cause now she's had it

Don't look at me with those eyes, I'm still leaving
Yeah the sugar in my cup has lost its flavor like your touch
With one call to the taxi
She walks right past me
From the stairway to the front-door
One goodbye then I was no more

And I've got apologies on napkins
With all the things to say
I say I'm sorry for a reaction
But you're still walking away
(And I know) I'm too late
(Stay - wait) don't wait by the bedside
I'm not coming back this time

(No not this time)

Run after her
This could be just like a movie
See me standing in the rain
How easily she looks right through me
Go inside she's crying
The last three years she's been lying
My life's a rainstorm of 'I love you's
I left you stepping in the puddles
Drive away, go against fate
You screwed me over like always
Babe, one day you will be sorry


We started playing in the rain
I'm who I am - I'll never change
And I hope lightning strikes me down
I'll show you and this whole town
That I'm one in a million
And never wanted to fit in any place
Except your heart
But we grew apart
Now rainy days are all I have
And I keep dreaming in the past
Will you keep me awake?
No more I can take
And I'm still breathing.
Keep me breathing, keep me breathing."
(Apologies On Napkins By Archie Star)

I Silently Hummed. Suddenly Jogging Reminded Me Of My Dream So I Jumped Of And Decided To Go Swimming Instead. I Walked To The Locker Rooms And Grabbed My Swimsuit out Of my Locker. I Slipped It On And Went Out To The Pool.
I sat my iPod On a chair by the pool and slipped into the water. First i just stood there. Then I started Swimming. Stroke..Stroke..Breath..Stroke..Stroke...Stroke..Breath... Dive.. I swim To The Other End Of The Pool Then Come Up For Air. I Dive Again.. To The Other Side.. Air.. And Again.. I do That about..12 Times then i sit on the steps still in the water. I'm Scared To Sleep. I don't Want To Dream. I Don't Want To Go Back To That Nightmare.
"Just in case they're wondering,
They've got us pinned terribly.
They don't believe our love is real,
'Cause they don't know how real love feels.

You should know it's true.
Just now, the part about my love for you,
And how my hearts about to burst,
Into a thousand pieces.
So, it must be true.
And they'll believe us too soon.

Baby, it's fact,
Our love is true.
The way black is black,
And blue is just blue.
My love is true,
It's a matter of fact.
Oh, and you love me too.
It's a simple as that.
Baby, our love is true.

They may say some awful things,
But there's no point in listening.
Your words are the only words,
That I believe in afterwards.

You should know it's true.
Just now, the part about my love for you,
And how my hearts about to burst,
Into a thousand pieces.
So, it must be true.
And they'll believe us too soon.

Baby, it's fact,
Our love is true.
The way black is black,
And blue is just blue.
My love is true,
It's a matter of fact.
Oh, and you love me too.
It's a simple as that.
Baby, our love is true.

It's true.
Oh oh oh,
It's true.
Oh oh oh,
It's true.
Whoa oh oh.

Baby, it's fact,
Our love is true.
The way black is black,
And blue is just blue.
My love is true,
It's a matter of fact.
Oh, and you love me too.
It's a simple as that.

Baby, it's fact,
Our love is true.
The way black is black,
And blue is just blue.
My love is true,
It's a matter of fact.
Oh, and you love me too.
It's a simple as that.
Baby, it's fact,
Our love is true.
Baby, it's fact,
Our love is true.
Baby it's fact.
(Baby it's fact.)
Baby it's fact,
Our love is true."
(Baby It's Fact - HelloGoodbye)

"Just In Case They;re Wondering They've Got Us Pinned Terribly.. They Don't Believe our love is true.. Cause they don't know how real love feels.."
I started to sing again.
Scott Looks at me and smiles. He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I smile and put my hands on my stomach. I love this baby with all my heart. But i'm still scared to go to sleep.
I lay down on the bed and Scott lays next to me. I fall asleep in His arms.. scared of whats to come.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this took forever to get up.. but my computer is about to crash.. sorry..
i hope you like it.

Comments are GREATLY appreciated.