A Date with the Rival named Sasuke Uchiha

Finding what we are…

DISCLAIMER I don’t own naruto or you or any of its characters just this plot and the made up stuff!

“Yes?” I asked sweetly to the two glaring teens. I hid a knowing smirk.
“How did your ‘date’ go last night?” Ino’s words dripped with venom even Tsunade couldn’t cure. More fangirls gathered around us, all their shallow eyes glaring at my hourglass form.
“Fine, we had a lovely dinner (false) then went to the lake right outside the village and made out (true)” Wasn’t I just blunt? I chuckled as a hateful fire alighted in all the girls eyes then said good-bye to Naruto and stepped away from the Ramen stand.

I had come to eat; but after seeing Naruto inhale ten bowls of ramen before mine even arrived I had lost my appetite. My date had actually taken place three days ago. It seems Sakura and Ino had gotten over their last fight fast enough to plan on waiting till Sakura returned form her last mission before going after me like a duo of rabid dogs. Of course the other Uchiha fans had tagged along; and just because the ‘leaders’ (as I call them) hadn’t yet attacked me, it didn’t mean I hadn’t received some threats.

My friends had simply asked about it, I told them the truth sparing the details. When they asked if Sasuke and I were dating, I stayed quite. I didn’t know if we were… Sure we had a nice, long, steamy kiss but I might have been just that, a kiss. Life is so confusing.

I hadn’t seen the loner yet though he returned late last night, and it was the middle of the day. Maybe it was just that, a kiss, and we were back to being enemies. I clutched my head as a headache erupted in it from all my thinking.

I sighed heavily and pulled out my keys to open the door. I didn’t get them out of my pouch. The onyx headed boy stood on my doorway; smirking knowingly as he held the door open for me. His cocky – and sexy – smirk adorned his flawless face and again I wondered about the genes that traveled through his veins. Most be good ones… But I couldn’t complain about mine either.

“Hey” I said nonchalantly. He only nodded and stepped aside to let me into my house. He closed the door and followed me to the living room where my brother was with a couple hundred scrolls. Ok, maybe only around ten.
“What are you guys doing?” I sat on the small tea green couch and sank into its cushions.
“Studying some scrolls we collected during the mission” Ah, the love of a brother who doesn’t even look up to acknowledge your presence.

“And Pinky isn’t here? Isn’t she like attached to your hip or something?” I smiled at Sasuke; he grunted of my comment and sat Indian style on the beige carpet.
“We didn’t tell her about this and for good reasons…” Kakashi laughed at the hate that radiated form his student.
“Come on, Pinky’s not that bad” I said sarcastically. He rolled my eyes which hadn’t left the scrolls that rested on his lap the entire time. I shrugged and lay down on the couch to take a small nap. After all I had nothing better to do.

I felt a nudged on my bear shoulder a slapped the hand away before turning so that my breath was contained in my lungs thanks to the backrest that crushed my nose. I heard some grumbling then left my self being lifted up and dropped on the sofa once more.
“What the h***?!” I screamed, turning my body to look at the b*****d that choose to wake me up.

Sasuke smirked from his crouching position. Our noses touched.
“Was that necessary?” He asked and massaged his sore ears. I shrugged and leaned forward pecking my tingling lips with his making him then fall on his butt from the force.
“You wouldn’t wake up.” The fact that our lips had touched for the slightest of moments didn’t’ at all change the stoic sound of his voice. I growled slightly and pulled myself up to a sitting position.
“Where’s Kakashi?” I noted my brother’s absence.
“Tsunade called him along with some other jonin’s for a special mission. I nodded and frowned. I was a jonin too, wasn’t I invited to this mission? I could tell Sasuke was thinking the same thing from the hardness of his unnaturally black eyes.

“So what to do now?” I asked him. His smiled crookedly.
“We can always have some fun” And here I was thinking the great Uchiha didn’t posses such thoughts since all his childhood was spend on revenge. I guess being an avenger doesn’t mean that you don’t have hormones.

I smirked and pushed myself off the couch landing on his stomach. “I think” I walked my middle and ring fingers up his chest to his jaw “two sixteen year-olds” I lets the same fingers trace his jaw line and plump lips “shouldn’t be giving unprotected sex.” I pecked him on the lips “Especially in their sensei’s living-” His lips dominated mine before the words finished leaving my mouth and soon our tongues danced in search of dominance.

He held me tightly against his hard work body and I could feel the years of training that have gone into it. I parted for breath and he attacked my neck like a rabid dog. I moaned and arched my back into him. Clothes seemed to disappear from both our bodies and all too soon we lay panting on the living room floor.

“What are we?” he raised a slender brow and I fought back the itch to pounce on him and take him all over again.
“What’s this? What is it we’re doing?” I couldn’t meet his eyes.

“We’re people who just had a very enjoyable evening.” His smirk grew as my sharpened glare met his playful eyes. He sighed heavily and let his features return to stone.
“What do you want us to be?” I was cut off guard by his question, it wasn’t like him.
“I want us to be a couple.” I answered truthfully. He nodded, his warm arm left my waist as he stood up and redressed before looking at me and telling me to do the same.
“Ok. Let’s go” I stared after him confused.
“Where?” I slipped on my sandals and rushed after him down the dark street.
“To announce it to the world” I smiled at his monotone words as I felt him grab my hand in his, some thing completely out of his character; but I liked this Sasuke better, maybe in time it wouldn’t be so out of character.