Make A Plan To Love Me

Chapter Two; Soul Mates

I opened my eyes slowly and felt a pang of pain in my forehead, but when I tried to use my hand to touch my head, it didn’t move. I heard the creak of the bed post and realized that my arm was tied to it. I looked around the room and saw almost nothing; the room was dark. I waited for my eyes to adjust and then began to see outlines of objects.

The creaky and uncomfortable bed that I was tied to was in the middle of the room. The door was on my right, and a window was on my left. The curtains were covering it, but if I looked hard enough I could see the outline of light outside. I looked at the ceiling and saw outlines of darker spots at different places. I guessed that I wasn’t being held in too nice of a place.

I began to try and move around in an attempt to break free of the bed, but all that I got were some looser posts. In the process of moving around, I realized that my legs weren’t covered completely. The jeans that I had been wearing were not on me anymore. I peered down at myself and saw outlines of a silk-looking fabric that formed a dress around me.

And that was when I became officially freaked out.

I wasn’t wearing my Bra, camisole, jeans, or the shirt that I had on before. I could only hope that I was wearing the same underwear. I started to get angry at whoever my adultnapper was when I put two and two together and realized that I’d been changed.

“Hey! I know someone’s out there. Let me out of here right now!” I yelled into the darkness, hoping that someone actually was there. The only thing that answered me was silence.

“Let me out right now God damn it!” Again, silence.

“Let me the fuck out!” This time, I heard the floor creak outside of my room. Someone was there, and that someone was obviously ignoring my requests.

I started to think about what I could do to make the person come and get me, then I imagined a big yellow light bulb turning on at the top of my head and I smiled.

I’m blue dah bah dee dah bah dah dah bah dee dah bah dah dah bah deed ah bah dah dah bah dee dah bah dah dah bah dee dah bah dah dah bah dee dah bah dah!” I continued to sing that song in my most annoying singing voice for over 5 minutes. Just when I was beginning to think that my plan failed, the door to the room swung open and I saw a tall figure step in.

“Would you shut up?” I recognized that it was the same voice from earlier and smiled at the fact that I got a reaction out of him.

“No, I won’t shut up until you tell me who the hell changed my clothes.” I said defiantly.

“You don’t get to ask me questions. Just go back to sleep or something.” He said.

I huffed loudly and turned my eyes to the ceiling. My eyes had adjusted well over time and I could now see the crevices in the ceiling. Some were actually pretty interestingly shaped; one that was nearly right above my head looked like a moose head. I could hear him start to close the door, but I spoke before he could close it all of the way.

“Well, I guess you’ll have to endure my singing.”

“No, be qui-”

I’m too sexy for my shirt! Too sexy for my shi-

“Be quiet.” His voice went into a low growl, and the calmness of it scared me more than I think it would’ve if he had yelled. I stopped singing and looked back over at his outline. It was too dark to see any features of his face except for his eyes which stuck out faintly. They were a bright green. I could also see that he was fairly tall; I guessed about five feet eleven inches which would be exactly 11 inches taller than me. He had a very skinny frame and he was wearing pretty tight clothes.

He started to move to the other side of the room and I watched him intently. He stopped when he was on the left side of the window and only opened that side of the curtains in one swift movement. The sudden flood of light hurt my eyes and they were forced to go through another process of adjusting. I opened them slightly and saw a much clearer image of the guy.

He wasn’t standing in the light, but the brightness of the room made it much easier for me to see what he actually looked like. The first thing that I noticed was his hair; it was down to his jaw-line. The colour was what caught my attention though, the base was jet black but he had different high lights all through it that were neon pink, yellow, green, and orange. One word popped into my head: Rave. I had to admit that I was envious; my Dad never let me do anything like that to my hair. I saw that he was wearing a green Bloc Party band tee that had a white outline of the band in the middle. His jeans were definitely skinny, and they were also purple. He was wearing high top converse with dice on the sides of them. He sort of looked like the incredible hulk, except for the fact that he was skinnier than a CD case, but he pulled it off.

Honestly, he was very, very good looking and if he hadn’t tricked me with some little girl sporting a weird grown-up English accent, I would have wanted to be his best friend. He had seriously already ruined that little philosophy though.

“Are you done?” He broke me out of my daze and I brought my eyes up from his shoes to see that he was staring at me. A smirk was living largely on his face.

“Done with what exactly?” I asked him.

“Staring at my beautifully shaped physique.” He said it simply, but his smirk only grew bigger and I looked at him in disgust, “No, I was actually trying to figure out if your ego is at a healthy size, but from what you just said I realize that it’s definitely way too big.”

He looked a little surprised by my catty response but recovered quickly. The smirk from before didn’t return, it was replaced by a glare that was more intense than my own, “And right after I was so nice as to let some light in for you.”

I scoffed, “Look buddy, you took me away from my home and tied me up to a bed. Not to mention the fact that you, or someone else, fucking changed me! You’re going to have to do a lot of nice things for me to even think that you’re decent!”

He was about to say something when a light flickered on from outside of my room. We both turned to look at it and heard a voice, “Anybody here?”

The voice had an English accent and my eyes widened with hope and I started to yell, “Over here! Come help me!”

I was about to keep screaming but a hand was over my mouth before I get another word out, “He’s not here to help you sweetie.” He hissed into my ear and the next thing that I knew, he was by the door, “Now, just sit there and be quiet alright? No more singing.”

He slammed the door shut without waiting for an answer and I was left there tied to the bed. I can only imagine how confused my face must have looked. I had no idea what was going on, I was either having a very realistic dream or I had just been taken captive by a psycho mutant. I didn’t care either way; I just knew I had to do something to get out of there.

All that I could really do was…“If your kidnapped and you know it scream real loud! AAAAAHHH!” At first, I was a little sad that I couldn’t clap but after screaming, it seemed like it would get a reaction much, much faster.

If your sleazy kidnapper changed you scream real loud! AAAAAHHH! If he seems like a prick and he has a real small di-

Shut up!” The door swung open before I could finish my cleverest line and I was once again met with the sight of The Skinny Incredible Hulk.

He continued to speak, “First, I kidn-”

Adultnapped.” I fired back. I was getting sick of him being so mean.

He looked at me like I was crazy, “You were just singing kidna-”

“I don’t give a shit. Adultnapped has too many syllables.”

“Fine, I adultnapped you for a good reas-”

“Are you about to say ‘for a good reason’? Because if you are, that’s the biggest pile of bullshit that I’ve ever heard!”

“I do have a good reason, and it’s not bullshi-”

“Like hell it isn’t!”

“Stop interrupting me.” The sinisterly calm low growl was back and it made me shut up without even thinking about it. I managed to pipe out a, “Sorry.” I regretted it soon after I saw a hint of that infamous smirk coming back onto his face.

“Right, so I adultnapped you for a good reason. You don’t have to believe me, but that’s the truth.”

“If it was that good of a reason, you should have just asked. It’s not like I’m an uncooperative person or anything, I mean seriously, what could you possibly want wit-”

“Please be quiet.” His voice was slightly annoyed.

“Fine. Don’t get PMS-y on me Glowstick.”

“What the hell is Glowstick?”

“Oh! It’s your nickname!” I said happily, and my smile grew wider when I saw an expression of horror creep across his face.

“No, I don’t like it. Don’t call me tha-”

“But I like it.”

“I’m pretty sure that I’ve told you more than once to stop interrupting me.” He snarled at me like he was a wolf that I was trying to steal food from.

“Okay, Okay!” He was beginning to scare me more than before, which was weird because he looked like he couldn’t lift a pile of wood long enough to get it to the fire place.

He definitely looked satisfied and continued to speak, “You wouldn’t have believed me if I’d sat you down and told you why you had to come with me…”

“Well you have me tied to a bed right now. I can't exactly scuttle away or anything, so I really don’t see a reason why you can’t tell me now.”

He nodded and spoke again, “I guess you’re right. Well…uh” He scratched his head like he was nervous. I could see a whole different side of him than before. He went from seeming like a conceited asshole to a nervous wreck.

The anticipation for his answer built up for thirty seconds until I couldn’t take it anymore, “Would you spit it out please?” I tried to ask it nicely, but he was really annoying me with his sudden change of manner.

“Okay fine. We’re sort of like soul mates. You and I are supposed to fall in love and shit like that.” He mumbled his answer and I wasn’t too sure if I had heard him correctly.

“Did you just say that we’re soul mates?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah…” His hand stopped scratching his head and he started to become very interested in his nails.

I couldn’t help it, I started laughing really hard.

“You’re kidding right? We live in the twenty-first century you know. I don’t even believe in all of that soul mate shit! Please tell me you aren’t serious.” It took a lot longer than it should have for me to get that out, I was laughing so hard. I opened my eyes a little bit only to see an angry looking Glowstick.

“We are soul mates. Like I said, you don’t have to believe me but that’s the truth. And then there’s the whole…vahmperthng.”

I stopped laughing and looked at him peculiarly, “What was the last thing you just said.”

He turned his eyes away from my own and started staring at the ceiling, “Uh…yeah, maybe you shouldn’t know yet.”

“No. Tell me.”

He looked worried, but spoke nonetheless, “Vampire…thing.”

“Are you trying to tell me that you’re a vampire?”

“Yes.” He said quietly.

I started laughing again, but this time even harder. It was sort of awkward considering that I couldn’t hold my stomach with my hands. My stomach was beginning to hurt really badly but I tried to speak anyway, “I,” more laughing, “can’t,” more gasping for breath, “breathe!”

He didn’t look nervous anymore, he actually looked angry.

In only a second, he was by my bed with his face extremely close to mine. The shock of him moving so fast stifled my laughter almost immediately, and I let out a little squeak.

I’m a vampire. We are soul mates. You’re the key to the survival of the Adishi Clan. That’s it. Accept it Lexington, and maybe this won’t be as hard as it looks like it’s going to be.” He whispered with a menacing growl that reminded me of something more vicious than a wolf you were stealing food from.

Wolf’s growl and warn you to go away, it was more like a shark going after a swimming kid in the ocean. No warning whatsoever. And sharks don’t even make noise. I can’t even describe the sound he made, not even now.

He kissed my cheek, hard, and was gone from the room before I could ask him anymore questions; like how he knew my name. Maybe I would have asked him how he came to be a crazy lunatic that thought he was a vampire.

I was left inside of the musty room with a bed that was beginning to hurt my back, a stinging cheek, and too many unanswered questions.

♠ ♠ ♠
i'm so tired.

thanks bunches for reading