Make A Plan To Love Me

Chapter Five; Realizations

Glowstick was still yelling at me when I decided to cut into his ridiculous yelling, “Okay!” I snapped loudly, “first off, let me into the house; I’m freezing!” His expression turned from angry to sympathetic as be realized how weak I felt; I must have looked it too. He stepped aside, and I walked slowly into the warm little cottage. When I was inside and leaning against a wall, he closed the door and locked the excessive locks that he installed there.

Second,” I continued, “I wasobviously unconscious for seven of those days. And third, some flying psycho bit me in the arm!” I put out my arm before he could say anything, and his eyebrows rose as he took in the bandage that was wrapped around my whole forearm. He took my arm into his hands and removed the bandage, making me wince.

His brow furrowed as he examined my wound, “You couldn’t have healed a fairy bite by yourself…she healed you…” He paused and looked up at me, “why?”

I shrugged, “I think that it had something to do with me screaming your name when she bit me.”

“Aw, you screamed my name?” He smirked, and I immediately regretted not telling him a lie.

I went against the little devil on my shoulder and decided not to spit something smart-alic-y right back at him, “Don’t ask me why; I guess you were the closest guy that I knew would help me. She seemed pretty shaken by it. Which brings me to…who the hell are you?”

His smirk left his face, and he froze at my question. He stood there staring at me for what seemed like hours as I waited for his answer. I didn’t have the strength to yell at him, so I waited.

“It doesn’t matter who I am…tell me what she looked like.”

I scoffed loudly, “Thanks Glowstick, real informative.”

“Just tell me what she looked like.”

“No.” I answered bluntly.

What?!” He seemed surprised at my answer. Well unlike him, I don’t enjoy the idea of people dieing; especially when it would be my fault.

“I said…no!” I mustered up enough strength to step forward and yell into his face. I had to arch my head back of course, but I think that I got my point across.

Why?” He asked, still with that surprised look on his face.

I started to make my way into the living room where I saw a couch, and I felt him follow me, “I promised her that I wouldn’t tell.” I sat down and continued, “She seemed nice enough, excluding the whole biting me thing.”

He sat down next to me, “Fairies aren’t what you call nice, Lucie. Real fairies are like Tinker Bell when she was jealous of that chick times one billion.”

I snorted at his analogy, and also at his lame attempt to get me to tell him. The sentimental touch to my arm turned it into a full-on laugh. I made my face quickly turn to a scowl, “No.” I said flatly.

He grunted angrily and removed his arm letting out a low growl, “Tell me, or I’ll put you back onto that disgusting bed!” It was his turn to get into my face.

My eyes opened wide at that; not his glaring face all up in mine, but what he had just said. He knew that the bed was terrible and he didn’t even have the decency to get me a new one!

“You knew that it was uncomfortable? I bet you have a great bed. Why do I get the sucky bed? Well, mister, you just earned yourself a huge, enormous, humongous, big fucking large…” I stood up and made moved my arms so that they were miming something big, and I tried to hide my wince, “no!” I managed to scream into his face. I must have spit a little or something, because he moved back considerably into the cushion of the couch. I knew I couldn’t have been that scary to him.

He looked at me like I was crazy, but without a hint of amusement.

“Actually, Lexington, I sleep there.” He pointed down to the couch that I was just sitting on, and I took a closer look at it. The cushions were actually really nasty looking, and they didn’t look like they had much fluff left. There were a bunch of nasty stains on it that looked like they were maybe five hundred years old. I sort of wondered why I went to sit there willingly not too long ago.

“Oh…sorry.” So I felt a tad bit bad okay? The guy actually gave me the…nice bed, “Thanks for giving me the bed…”

The smirk returned, “No problem. Now that you see that I’m such a nice guy, let’s hear the fairy description!” He said happily. I guess that he thought that me thinking he was nice than before would get me to break a promise…

“Okay.” I said. What? He was being nice to me!

“Really?! Just like that?” He said, a grin making its way onto his face.

“For sure!” I said, mocking his happiness and clapping sarcastically.

He glared briefly, “Okay…let’s have it.”

“She had a…big dragon face!” You didn’t think that I would give in that easy did you? I’m insulted.

I busted out laughing, and when I looked up at his face it just made me laugh even harder. It was priceless; man, I crack myself up. His hopeful face turned almost immediately into a glare. He stood up from the couch quickly and took a menacing step towards me, “Lexington…” he said in a really low voice.

I tried to step back, but my back hit the wall behind me. I thought about running, but realized that it would take me about two minutes to unlock all of those crazy locks on the front door. Glowstick had to be the most paranoid person…er, vampire…that I had ever met. He was so close to me, and he had this sinister look in his eyes; then he spoke, “Lexington, “he repeated, “tell me.” He used that low voice again.

“W-why does it matter so much?” I knew, right after I stuttered, that it hadn’t been a smart move. It obviously made him aware of how frightened he was making me feel. If the look on my face wasn’t enough, that certainly was. And just as I expected, he smirked at my shaky answer.

“Because…she bit you.” He said simply, like I was stupid.

“Yeah and?” I said, gaining more confidence, “She didn’t bite you did she? She bit me! So what does it matter?”

The smirk on his face was gone after I made my point. He stepped back and began to scratch his head with a puzzled look on his face. I saw my chance to tease him, “Oh I see! Glowstick, have you got the hots for little ol’ me?” His eyes widened, and I kept going, “Is it because you care about me? Soul mates right? You want my children! Pretty little Lexington and Julian Jr’s! You want my love! Aw, Glowstick, you love me!” I ended my amazing speech by pounce-hugging him roughly. We fell onto the couch that was behind us as I took him by surprise. He hugged me back for a second, but it didn’t take him long to realize what exactly was going on, and he pushed me back up off of the couch.

“Shut up…” He said softly as he sat up. He was seriously asking for it.

“You didn’t deny it!” I said triumphantly.

“No, I won’t deny it. We will end up loving each other in the end. You really can’t change that.” He said calmly. His answer surprised me; this kid was going to, and possibly already did, love me? I stepped back from the couch as my confidence diminished a little.

“You’re serious about this whole soul mate thing then…?” I inquired nervously.

“Yes…” He answered quietly while staring at his hands. I knew he wanted to tell me something. That was when I realized the issue.


He looked up and stared me in the eyes with a pained look that I hadn’t seen him wear before. He didn’t say anything, but I’m sure that he was aware of what I was about to say.

“You’re dead!” I said, “And I…I’m alive...”

“Yeah…” He mumbled.

“Yeah? That’s all you have to say? What are you planning on doing, killing me? You can’t!” I yelled, and I could feel the water begin to brim my eyes.

“I know how you must feel but…I mean…there’s nothing that I can do about it.”

“Try not killing me!” I yelled again, suddenly regaining some strength.

“Lexington, please just calm down.”

“No!” I yelled frantically, “You’re not killing me!” I stormed out, and surprisingly, he didn’t try to stop me. He let me run into what I considered my room. He let me sit there, exhausted from my fairy-forest adventure and the previous fight. He let me sit there and cry. I couldn’t stop questions from forming inside of my head. How did he expect me to willingly die? To willingly die for him!

Then I heard a knock. He didn’t wait for me to allow him to come in, which was smart because I probably would have denied him access anyway. I didn’t even look up; I hated it when people saw me cry. I could hear him walk slowly over towards me, and then I felt him sit down. He was about to touch me, I could tell, but I guess that he thought better of it. His hand only made it about an inch off of his leg.

“Lexington,” he spoke softly, “I’m sorry. It’s not like I want to force this on you, but you have to be with me. You don’t understand…you’re the only one that can save my clan.”

I sniffled, “I don’t want to die, you know. I didn’t choose this. I didn’t choose you.” I paused, waiting for him to answer, but he didn’t, “I’m 16 Julian…I wanted to finish high school. Maybe afford to go to college. I mean, I want to…I want to live.” I choked out the last part. Again, he didn’t say anything. I got angry, “But you! You knew about this! This is all about you! Save your clan, I become your species! You! This is all your fau-”

“You think that I chose this?” I cut me off angrily, “To die at 17? To wait for two hundred and fifty fucking years before I could find love? To be a freak? Do you honestly think that I chosethis?” He stood up and started to pace around the room with a scary look in his eyes. It wasn’t frightening in a way that would make me want to run away, it was…different. Almost like a sad anger.

I pondered on what he had just revealed to me. It never occurred to me that he was suffering just as much as I was, if not more.

“Julian, I’m sorry.” I whispered, “It’s just too much…but I’m being selfish, thinking everything is easy for you. I’m sorry…” I couldn’t speak anymore, and Julian had made his way back to his previous spot next to me as I voiced my thoughts.

“I know, believe it or not, I understand. Thinking about it, going out one night with friends to get a drink, waking up a week later a vampire? These changes well, we’ll go through them together okay? I’m sorry for yelling…”

He was being really nice, and I didn’t pull away when his hand found the courage to place itself onto my silk-covered back. I turned and looked him in the face; that was the first time that I really regarded him as looking…human. He looked so vulnerable; I just wanted to hug him, and I did. He actually hugged me back, and I was about to say something when the door busted open again; this time revealing a tall blonde kid that I hadn’t seen since our little confrontation.

“When are we leaving this bloody dump?!”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for any mistakes
i have no idea why i'm up this early
but yeah, thanks bunches for reading
