Make A Plan To Love Me

Chapter Seven; Who Are You?

“One more daaay! One more daaay!”

Rugby was dancing around the room singing happily. Sometimes I thought he was a little on the rainbow side, but his whole demeanor at school definitely could not have been an act. I watched him as he walked out of the cottage, still singing into the sunlight.


“Lincoln! No!” I screamed at him. Was he stupid? He stopped in his tracks, right in the doorway…with sunlight pouring onto him.

And he totally wasn’t burning.

His confused face mirrored mine and I said, “Uh…sunlight?” that was all I could get out, I didn’t know what to think. I mean, weren’t vampires called “creatures of the night” and “night walkers”? It took him a moment to figure out what I was so confused about, and his face suddenly turned happy again.

“Oh, that! You thought I was suicidal huh? Tell me love, who walks to there death singing happily? No, these amazing scientists thought up a little concoction that I like to call ‘happy sunlight vampire potion’ that makes it okay for vampires to walk happily in the sunlight.” He smiled, “How do you think I didn’t burn up in high school? What was I going to do, go to night classes? Haha! And the courtyard was my favourite hangout! Honestly love, I thought you were smarter than that!”

“Oh shut up, what do you expect from me? You’re a vampire and you were just about to walk into the sunlight, I think that it’s healthy for me to show some concern about that!” I said.

“Aw you were concerned about me? I love you too Lexington!” He made his way over to me and embraced me in a hug that made me feel like I was suffocating.

“Okay…” I choked out, “okaaayy…” I tried again, Rugby got the picture and let go of me, and I gasped for some air. “Sorry,” he said, “I get carried away sometimes, haha.”

“It’s okay,” I was still catching my breath, “But who came up with that? That’s a huge accomplishment!” I asked.

He hesitated, and his face became worried.

“Rugby…? Who thought it up?” I asked again

“Oh don’t even start with the secrets! I hate secrets! I’m going to be married to your best friend soon so you better start trusting me sooner or later! Just tell me!”

“Fine! Goodness love, you’ve got a temper.” He chuckled.

“Damn straight!” I said with a slight smile.

“Alright, alright. His name is professor…” he stopped and looked at me worriedly again.

“Professor who? I hate you vampires and your stupid unfinished answers!”

“Okay just calm down. Professor…Sleep.” He said.

“My…my Dad?!” I asked

Here’s the thing folks, my last name is Sleep. I always got, and still do if you can believe it, teased for it. Just take a moment to think about it.

Did you come up with anything slightly perverted? No? Well I’ll help you.

“Hey, have you seen Lexington Sleep around lately?”

Yeah; laugh it up. It gets boring after a while.

My dad was one of the most highly paid scientists in the world at that time, and I barely ever saw him because he was so wrapped up in his work. I knew that he did important things, but helping vampires?

“Yeah, sorry for not telling you, love. Julian didn’t want me to. He wanted you to get used to everything…else.” Rugby answered.

“Well that’s all fine and dandy, but my Dad is human right?”

“Oh of course! He just couldn’t refuse 435 million dollars!” He said.

“433 million, actually.” I didn’t notice that Glowstick had walked in until he corrected Rugby nonchalantly.

“Oh shut up! Why did your dad have to pick such a fucking random number?!” Rugby yelled at Julian.

Your Dad?!” I yelled at Glowstick, “This is all getting really, really annoying.”

“Well he’s not really my dad; he’s just the guy that turned me.” Glowstick explained.
“But still! 433 million dollars? Who the hell are you?!” I was so in awe of all of this new information, I could barely comprehend it all. We all just stood there in a mini triangle trading glances before I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Julian, who are you?” I asked again, I looked him straight in the eye.

He broke eye contact with me and said, “Thlsferlemapfrothmstpwficln”

“Speak clearly you dumbass! I’m sick of being kept in the dark!” I stepped closer to him staring him straight in the face, and I made him look me in the eye.

He let out a loud sigh and said what he had said before more clearly. “The last fertile male from the most powerful clan.” He said it with a pained expression on his face.

“Oh really?” I asked, “And what does the word fertile have to do with anything?”

“Lexington, you’re going to have my kid…” He trailed off. He closed his eyes and the look on his face told me that he was waiting for me to start yelling.

“That makes sense I guess.” I decided that freaking out wouldn’t do any good.

“What?” He asked in clear disbelief.

“I said that that makes sense.” I repeated.

“Oh…really?” I guess the whole “me going along with his crazy plans” thing made him nervous.

“Yes, okay? Gees! But I do have one question. Why don’t you just bite a bunch of people and call one of them the heir?”

“Because, we actually need a full vampire as heir. One that is a vampire from birth. Like my Dad, but he’s too old to have a kid.”

“But he bit you…so what makes you special enough to have the kid?” I questioned.

“You mean because I’m not full Adishi Vampire?”


“It’s all very complicated, are you sure you want to hear it?” He asked.

“Hell yeah!” I said, and he looked at me with amusement.

I was definitely ready for an explanation to the madness.

“You see Lex, we’re both equally special. You were chosen for me by the elders when I was born, actually. I was born a human, and the vampire elders knew that I would be turned. It was all planned out, because I am in the bloodline of the first vampire.”

He paused, waiting for me to add some sarcastic remark about vampires and elders I’m sure, but I didn’t. He looked at me as if he was wondering where my sudden agreeableness came from. He went on.

“The first vampire just so happened to make the Adishi Clan, hence we are the most powerful clan. He had a son, Hideki. Hideki married a mortal, I guess it was for love or some shit, but that’s what started all of this. He didn’t have the heart to change her, so he had a son that was half vampire and half human. This, as you can imagine, caused a lot of problems among the Adishi Clan. The human side of the hybrid was dominant. Hideki’s sons married more mortals, and their sons married even more mortals. The Elders had to wait until a fully human son was born, they didn’t know what would happen if they bit a human with vampire blood, you know? Well, I was that human. And I was turned, by Hideki, my Dad.” He finished.

Those words seemed to bring basically everything together for me. I finally understood why the Adishi Clan is so important, but I still didn’t understand why I was so important.

“You’re important, I get that. But where do I come in?” I asked.

“You’re important because well, Lex, did I mention any daughters before?”

“No…” I answered.

“You’re the first human daughter to ever be born that has the bloodline of the Adishi Clan.”

“What?!” That one deserved a freak out. “What do you mean? Am I related to you?”

“Not really,” He said, “You actually came from Hideki’s other son’s brother’s line. I came from his first son. So I mean, I guess technically we are. But come on…It’s like how everyone derives from Adam and Eve.”

He had a point there.

“Well I guess it’s not as creepy as it sounds. So my dad knew about this huh?” I asked.

“Yeah, we kind of had to prove it to him. He’s really into facts and stuff, so it took him a while to comprehend the whole vampire thing. But you can’t argue with an authentic family tree.”

I went over to the nasty couch, and sat down on one of the arms. I thought about all that had just been revealed to me. I never did have any girl cousins…

“This is still sort of creeping me out.” I said.

“I know but, it’s up to us to save the clan.”

“Yeah well, I have to get used to all of, well, this.”

“There’s no rush, by 1000 I’ll be infertile though, so don’t wait 750 years!” he laughed.

I laughed with him. “And just be glad,” He continued, “At least we’re both good looking.” That made me laugh even harder, and I laughed even harder when I saw the hurt look on his face.

“No don’t get me wrong Glowstick, you’re pretty swell!” I tried to reassure him, “That was just…funny?” He just smiled at me and started laughing again.

It was all so crazy. It was almost too much. But I had to admit…

Glowstick wasn’t that bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Halloweeeen!

thanks bunches for reading!