Make A Plan To Love Me

Chapter Eight; Leaving

It was the day that we could leave the cottage; it was also Glowstick’s birthday.

His birthday was mine and Rugby’s absolute favourite day! Not just because we got to leave that asshole cottage, but he was born on May fifth. Five-five! And in seventeen-fifty which is a multiple of five. I told Rugby that I didn’t think it was a coincidence that they were best friends.

“All packed?” Glowstick joked. I was holding my little backpack that I’d had with me on the day of my adultnapping; Glowstick had been nice enough to take it with him after Knock-Out-Cloth-ing me. It was filled with the nightgown and other dirty clothes that he had given me to wear. He had allowed me to change back into the jeans, cami, and T-shirt that I had had on before. He got them cleaned...somehow.

“Hey, I never did find out who changed me!” I realized.

“Oh,” Glowstick answered, “I did

What?!” I screamed.

“I was going to see you anyway, so I figured you wouldn’t mind once you heard the whole story.” He said like he hadn’t done anything wrong.

“Well I do mind!” I told him.

How could he just assume that I wouldn’t mind him seeing naked? Living for 250 years obviously didn’t get him too educated on the minds of women.

“Oh come on, don’t be a prude.”

“Me? A prude? You’ve got it all wrong mister. It would have been different if I had consented! I mean, just stripping off my clothes like that? At that time I had only heard your voice and seen that ridiculously bright yellow shirt of yours! I…oh my God! I can’t believe you!” I was so mad.

He smirked at me, which made me even angrier.

“You have no reason to be self conscious, baby.”

And he turned and walked out of my room, but not before saying “And you’re cute when you’re angry.” That had to be one of most used lines in all of romantic history, but nonetheless, my face broke out into a huge grin. I tried my hardest to smack it off of my face, but it definitely didn’t work.

I gave up and walked out with that goofy grin still plastered onto my face. I saw Rugby fidgeting on the couch with a grin that basically mirrored my own. We both turned to each other at the same time and said, “What are you smiling about?!”

We both laughed and I said, “You first!”

“Oh fine. I get to dye my hair back! Then my friends won’t laugh at me anymore!”

“Aw, they laugh at you?” I asked.

“Yeah, whenever I would come back to visit, they would all laugh at my hair! You know Julian’s hair? Well that’s sort of a trademark of the clan. I mean, I’m not officially part of the clan, but I like to fit in!” He explained.

“Haha, well yay for you! What are your friend’s names?” I asked.
“Well there’s Akemi, Hanako, Keiko, Momoe, and Kenji. I have other friends I guess, but that’s my little group. Glowstick is a part of it also. With you there, it will be five girls and three guys.” He said.

I smiled at him, and then something strange occurred to me.

“Why is Julian’s name…Julian?” I asked Rugby.

“What do you mean why?” He answered.

“Check out all those Asian names you just said to me!”

“Oh, his parents named him after some French guy that gave them food. They weren’t the richest people in the world, so they really appreciated it. Don’t ask him about it though; he sort of resents his name.”


“Well, Julian moved to France when he was fifteen, after his real parents died. He got over there because of this shop that was letting people work for a ride. As for me, I had no idea that any Asians were in France in seventeen-sixty-five, or that French people made there way over to Japan every once in a while, but who knows? Once he got there, he tried to find this Julian guy. He had found out that his last name was Sonye from his dad before he died. Well, long story short, Julian found the famous Julian Sonye. He found him drunk in a tavern, forcing himself on some helpless girl. He didn’t know the French language very well, but he could tell that she definitely wasn’t screaming because she liked it. He ended up saving the girl, and beating the shit out of Sonye. His parents named him after a guy that they thought was a good person when he was really a useless divvy. Julian basically thinks that his name is a lie.” He finished.

“Wow…” I had no idea that there was such a history behind his name.

“Why doesn’t he just change it?”

“He doesn’t want to dishonor his parents. I guess he sort of thinks that they’re up there…and if he changes it, they’ll know.”

“Well that makes sense I guess…but gees, that’s rough.”

“Yeah, then he found some kids that let him stay in with them. They taught him French and became his friends. Eventually he started drinking with them. I guess one night he went out, and that’s when Hideki spotted him and turned him earlier than was planned because he was disgusted with how he was living. If Glowstick had managed to get himself killed before getting turned, well that wouldn’t have been good for the Adishi Clan.”

“So that’s the history of Glowstick…” I said, half asking and half just saying it to myself.

“Pretty much. There’s a lot of loose ends, but I sort of think that Hideki saved him. Sure, being dead isn’t amazing, but it sounds like it’s a whole fuckin lot better than his life before. He resents that his life was chosen for him though, you know, the whole thing with the elders. It sucks that he’s still bitter, poor guy. As for me, I’m lovin’ it! I won’t even lie and say that my life wasn’t shit!” He told me, and laughed.

I laughed with him. We sat there talking for another five minutes. Glowstick walked in to the main room with his stuff just in time to see Rugby pouncing on a butterfly that he wanted to “catch and see because it was a bunch of pretty colours!”

“What are you doing you idiot?” Glowstick asked, but he didn’t wait for an answer and continued, “Let’s get out of here.”

“Good riddance!” I said.

We all walked outside, Rugby flicked off the cottage with a mean look on his face and ran to the car…which made me do a double take.

“When did that get here?!” I asked.

“How do you think I got into town, Lex. I don’t teleport like some people think we do. I can’t turn into a lovely little bat and fly around whenever I feel like it. I drive, just like any normal person!” He said with a hint of anger.

“Whoa Julian, I guess I pushed the wrong button?”

“No…sorry. Sometimes it just annoys me, all of those stupid myths about us. We’re a lot more normal than people think we are, minus the fact that we drink blood…and move really fast if we want…and other things I guess! But that’s not the point.”

“No I get it. It’s alright.” I smiled at him.

We all piled the little bags that we had with us into the trunk. Rugby gave me shotgun and sat in the back of the black range rover. Glowstick got into the driver’s seat and turned on the ignition. We all felt the car start to move, everyone was smiling. I rolled down my window and yelled, “Bye you stupid fuckin cottage!”

Rugby started laughing and so did Glowstick. The ride to the Adishi Manor would be 10 hours long.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a doctors appointment in Yokosuka today
and I have to miss a whole day of school
and today is an A did which has all of my AP classes on it
can you say, AAAHH!
'cause I can.

thanks bunches for reading this story and my rambling thoughts.