The Muffin Man

Happy End

"OOOOOOH MY GAAAAAWWWSSSHHHH IT'S HANNAH MONTANNA!" Screamed a ten year old who happened to be living in Ray's basement the whole time. She squealed so hard she died. However, it gave Hannah Montanna a sudden boost in power, so it hurt a lot when she lunged at our heroes.

"NOOOO! USE YOUR AFRO POWER!" Ray screamed and cried.

"OKAY!" Frank said hapilly and pointed his afro at Hannah Montanna who was now sobbing on the floor over her broken nail. But nothing happened.

"She's just too stupid!" Ray screamed. Then a chicken popped out of his fro.


"MOO!" The chicken screeched and pecked Hannah Montanna to death.

"HORRAY!" Everyone screamed. Then they went up to Ray's kitchen to eat pizza, but they fell down the stair and went into a coma for three weeks.

The End