The Muffin Man

A Very Short Chapter

He saw Bob and Britney Spears chatting over coffee!

"Bob.. What the.." Frank said, again at a loss for words. Bob gasped and looked to Frank.

"It's..She's.." He studdered. "She's my new girlfriend okay?" Bob said, wiggling his butt.
Frank began crying in frustration and then he went over and kicked Britney Spears in the shins before running down the hall. Maybe Ray could help. He's got like a million jogging suits..

Meanwhile, back in Bob's room, Bob shrugged his shoulders. "I don't get that kid."

Britney Spears squealed with glee and got out the yarn so they could have a KNITTING PARTY!.

Anyway, Frank ran down the hall. Finally he got to Ray's room and pushed the door open, hoping Ray wasn't too busy to beat the living crap out of Gerard.

"Ray, Gerard took my muffin!" Frank whined at Ray.

Ray just stared at him and handed him a paper with Will Ferrell's address on it. Frank looked at the paper, then at Ray, then at the paper again, then at Ray's fro which had grown fangs. The fangs scared him so he ran outside, got in the car and started driving to Will Ferrell's house.