The Muffin Man

Meet The Muffin Man!

Frank pulled up to Will Ferrell's driveway to see some butler guy beating up some orphans who had been TPing the house.

"Bad orphans, bad!"

Frank stared but still went inside the house.

There, in the kitchen where the door had lead him, was lots of ingredients for muffins. Blueberries and chocolate chips filled large cardboard boxes labeled "for the muffins". A huge table on one side of the room held stacks of little delivery boxes of muffins. another table was covered in flour and other muffin ingredients that hadn't been cleaned up. Two huge shelves were full of flour, eggs, cornmeal, milk, and all the other stuff that makes muffins as well as skittles and stuff to put in the muffins. Another small shelf was filled with cook books with recipes for delicious muffins.

Frank stared at the wonderful room, wondering why there was so many muffins and muffin stuff. He was broken out of his trance, however, when Will Ferrell burst through another door on the other side of the room and seemed to fight to shut the door with something on the other side.

"Back you fiends, back!" Will screamed and finally managed to close the door. It was then that Frank noticed he was dressed in a frilly apron with hearts printed on it and a chef's hat.

"Are you.." Frank tried to say. "Are you the.."

"Yeah, I'm the muffin man. What do you want?" Will Ferrell said in an annoyed way.

"Gerard stole my muffin!" Frank cried and broke down in tears on the floor. Will Ferrell stared at him blankly. He turned around and opened the oven to reveal GERARD SITTING IN THERE EATING A MUFFIN!!

"Gerard what the cheese are you doing in there!?" Frank screamed and hid behind Will Ferrell.

"Yeah, really man." Will Ferrell said and crossed him arms.

"This is my house. Didn't you know?" Gerard said and stared at them. They stared back.

"You live in an oven?" Frank said, stupified.

"Uh, yeah, no duh!" Gerard said snobbilly and ate the rest of the muffin. "How else do you think I get so many free muffins? I steal them from the muffin man."

Will Ferrell's face turned to an expression of pure hatred.

"That's it! I'm bringing you to the police!" He screamed and pulled Gerard out of the oven with his muffin-making-muscles.

Frank clapped joyfully and they brought Gerard to the police.

"He stole my muffin! And lots of his!" Frank told the police. The police man sighed and cleared his throat.
