The Muffin Man

Silly Actor

"Where could it have gone!?" Will Ferrell exclaimed and fell to his knees crying. "Why God, why?!"

Suddenly the skies opened up and God appeared.

"Woah! God IS real!" Will Ferrell said, suddenly not crying at all.

"I'll tell you why, because Hannah Montan-ooohhh my head!" God said and disappeared from a sudden terrible headache from Hannah Montana's name being said.

"GOD DIED!" Will Ferrell screamed and began crying again and ran to Frankie.

"Frankie God died!" He said again before plopping on the floor and crossing his legs and pretending to be a monkey.

Frank threw his head back and held his stomach.

"Hahahahaha!" He said in slow motion. "Silly actor, God isn't real."

"Yeah he is... He got a headache.." Will Ferrell said and invented a new kind of muffin in his head. He forgot it though which made him mad, so he threw his shoes out the window.

"That wasn't very smart." Frank told him.

"Yeah, I spent $80 on those shoes." Will Ferrell said. "Hey! Let's go visit Mikey! He'll know where the muffin is!"

"Yeah!" Frank squealed.

So they set off to find Mikey.