The Muffin Man


Frank and Will Ferrell kicked the door down and ran inside Mikey's living room.

"Mikey you retard where's our muffin?!" Frank asked. Then he noticed the room and it's contents.

Like before in chapter one, the room was filled with Hannah Montanna merchandise and plushies and posters and stuff. But the weirdest thing was not the Hannah Montanna mascot standing in the corner of the room, or even the Hannah Montanna music video on the Hannah Montanna TV, but the fact that Hannah Montanna herself was sitting on the couch with Mikey and Gerard, staring at Frank and Will Ferrell. The two gasped in surprise.

You know, I'm ashamed to have the same first name as Hannah Montanna.


"Gerard, how did you get out of jail?" Will Ferrell asked. Gerard shrugged his shoulders and made a "idunno" noise but without the Ds or Ns. You know what I mean?

But he knew full well. He knew exactly how he had bribed the police with a pony. It wasn't even a real pony, it was a plastic one.

Gerard thought about this and cried silently to himself, missing his magical pony.

Poor Gerard!

"Little brother! Little brother! Why are you crying?!" Mikey said and began crying himself. The brothers rolled around on the floor crying, although Mikey had no idea why and Gerard had forgotten and begun to think about socks.

Frank on the other hand was wondering when Gerard became the younger brother.

"Gerard I thought Mikey was the youngest!" Will Ferrell said for Frank. Gerard and Mikey just stared at him coldly before returning to their seats with Hannah Montanna. As soon as they sat down Hannah Montanna made a O_O face.

"I made an oopsie in my pants!" She said with a smile. That meant she wet herself.

"Eeeeewwww." Everyone cringed and moved about ten feet away from her. Hannah Montanna just sat on the couch giggling.

'Cause she's crazy that way.

"Anyway, WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?" Frank screamed.

Gerard opened his mouth to explain.