When flames blossom from embers

Ch. 1

A girl with jaded eyes sits on the couch pondering over what ifs and should I's? As a man with emerald eyes paces back and forth wondering why he is attracted to someone so stubborn and so complicated. He turns to look at her, her soft curls slowly coming undone. Her cheeks pink, always pink. But not from make up just from her constantly smiling.
He sighs, " Who do you want?... what do you want?"
The girl looks up at him wondering why she likes him but feels so torn. she told herself if one person asked her out she'd scream. If one more person had asked her out she'd punch them in the face. And what did she do? She went and had dinner with the block. She laid her head in her hands and sighed. " I don't know. I just don't know."
He walks up to her and sits besides her, petting her hair softly. She smells of strawberries. " Say you hate him. Just say it, you'll feel better".
She shakes her head and groans. " I can't."
He pulls her to him. " Say it." he stares at her hard and tries to kiss her, but she turns her face so he settles of her cheek. The scent of strawberries fills him.
" Please... I just.. " she whispers. " I can't think. I feel too much." she shakes her head.
He starts to kiss her and pins her to the couch as he kisses her passionatly. " Say you hate him. Say you want me. " He growls in her ear.
She opens her eyes and stares up at him hard. " I won't. I can not hate him and in doing so i will not say I want you." She growled back. Ignorant butt head. But damn could he kiss.
he got off her as she walked to the wall leaning against it. The room seemed to be spinning. Her body wanted one thing, her head was calling her stupid and her heart was torn and worried that it was about to get smashed again. She leaned against the wall trying to breath. " I can't think. " she told him.
He walked up to her and placed a hand on either side of her. " then don't. feel." he traced a hand up her side to her face to hold it, admiring her deep eyes. never before had he wanted one woman so much. But she was so stubborn.
She stood with her hands balled up. God he was so warm. Must remain strong she thought over and over. Must remain strong.
He saw how she was losing ground and nuzzled the her neck. " You dont have to hate him. You just.. have to be able to move on. " he whispered into her hair. " Plus I can taste your desire on the air."
She looked at his neck and decided fuck it. She bite down hard tasting him, and god he was intoxicating.
He growled into her ear. " Does this mean?.."
She looked at his emearld eyes with her newly jaded ones " I do not hate him. I do not love him. But get this straight I am not ready to date."
He laughed as he pulled her close to him . She wrapped her legs around his wasit and put her arms around his neck. " Oh and don't fall in love with me."
He pushed her against the wall and kissed her passionatly, a moan escaped her lips. As he smiled, " I think that's about to change ma petite."
She moved her head back and rolled her eyes. " Just shut up and kiss me again stupid."