When flames blossom from embers

ch. 10

The party ended all too soon. She had spent the early morning hours drinking mountain dew with friends, laughing and celebrating over the last gigs success. She had let Chad take her back to his house, she was honestly worn out and dead by the time they arrived at his tiny little house. She even let him pick her up without complaining, he carried her into the house. She was cradled in his arms as if she was his new bride, she giggled sleepily at that thought. When hell freezes over she thought smiling.
He placed her down on his bed and helped her remove her thigh high boots, each lace coming undone. She smiled her sleepy smile at him and bounced her head back on the bed. “ What a night.” She yawned. He took the left boot off and started on the right. She sat up and removed her shit and jeans. She stretched out on the bed and curled up into a ball.
He looked at her, lying there in her black and pink bra and panties with a huge grin on her face. Her eyes were closed and her make up was all messed up. Her curly hair was frizzed out but she still managed to look amazing. He chuckled, “ You look like a cat.” He removed his shirt and jeans and lay sat down next to her.
She rolled over to face him smiling, “ I’ve been told that before. Oh… be warned… I steal blankets.” She laughed. She was tired, she couldn’t even keep her eyes open for more then a few seconds. She felt his hand on her face.
“ Yeah I know, you’ve stolen them before. You roll yourself in them as if you were the filling for a taco.” He laughed softly, picturing her wrapped up in his blue blanket with her face poked out so she could still feel the cold air on her face.
“ I’ll be your filling,” she teased kissing him. She couldn’t open her eyes because she was so exhausted but she could feel him smile against her lips. She could feel his hands on her curves, she could feel his warmth.
He broke the kiss and went to turn off the lights and turn the ac on low, if she was going to steal the blanket again he was not going to freeze his balls off he thought. He got back on bed and pulled the blanket thief close to him. “ So, when you’re friends asked you if we were together and you nodded …does that mean?”
She turned her face to look at him, to see his green sleepy eyes starring back at her. She knew that every time she saw him she smiled, that every time he touched her something would come a live, she didn’t know if it was ‘love’ or lust but would it hurt to give it a chance? She knew that with him she felt alive, that with him she forgot everything that made her sad. Wasn’t that what a new relationship was about? It didn’t mean she was trying to use him and forget the one before, it wasn’t that this love was going to replace the other. All it meant was that she was indeed moving on and it was time she stopped being afraid to take that step. If she hit the ground again, well at least she had experience now on how to pick herself back up. She leaned in to kiss him, “ yes, that’s what it means.”
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately, their lips meeting with a need, a demand. He took his necklace off, a simple black necklace with a stone , and place placed in on her neck. He kissed her cheek and stroked her curly hair. He opened his mouth to say those three words when she placed her hand on his mouth.
“ Don’t,” she warned. “ Don’t say those words. Not now, not because you feel overjoyed. Don’t say them until you mean them. And when you say them you better mean them, you better try everyday. Until then… just stick with a kiss.” She took her hand off his mouth.
He whispered into her ear some strange words but she gave him a hard look. “ I know what that means.” Why did he have to say it? Stubborn headed mule.
He looked at her with surprised eyes, “really? What language is it?” he would be shocked if she knew it.
She sighed, “ Well you said first ‘ I love you’ in German. Then you said something, I’ve no clue what, but you said something in Gaelic.” She snipped. He was going to be a hard one to date and be with. One thing would be for sure, there would never be a dull moment with him.
He laughed, “ I’m impressed, I should have known you knew German cause of you’re last name and the town we live in. But Gaelic? That is not something common. Where did you learn to recognize it?” he asked.
She gave a shrug, “ I am writing a werewolf novel, the language they speak to each other is Gaelic. So I just got lucky that I’ve been practicing with it. I can’t understand anything but I guess listening to it enough on youtube paid off.”
He nodded, “ Guess I should watch what I say in different languages. How good are you with Japanese?” he teased.
She laughed, “ Not good at all. But I have Japanese friends I can call mister- so stick to English! And lets leave the l word out period? Mmmk?” she yawned. Her eyes were getting too heavy. She was falling asleep with each passing second. The sun was coming up against the windows. But it was nice and dark in his room as she cuddled up against his chest. Falling asleep to the thump-thump-thump of his heart. To his steady breathing and to him slightly humming to put her to sleep.
She fell asleep before she could hear him say, “Ta gra agam ort.”