When flames blossom from embers

ch. 11

She was rolled tight in a blue blanket, drool across her face and her hair a complete mess when she fell off the bed. She groaned and sat up, blankets and all. She slowly opened her eyes as groaning, “ Damn…”. Her head had a bump on it now, stupid bed. She would never get use to a full size bed. She was so use to either a twin or a king, how the heck was she suppose to get use to a full. She fumbled for her phone and saw the time blinking on it. She groaned again and jumped back into bed pulling the pillow over her head.
Next to her was Chad, her current …whatever he was… she didn’t want to say boyfriend. It sounded too high school, lover sounded to causal ( and false since they really hadn’t done the dirty, not that she hadn’t imagined it) and well he definitely was more than a friend. Whatever he was he was waking up. She pulled the pillow off her head and unraveled herself to jump on him. “ mmm… afternoon governor.” She giggled.
He mumbled something that sounded like “get off “ but she couldn’t tell. “ I don’t speak grumpy man! English! English my good sir.” She laughed kissing him. She began to tickle him and thank god he was ticklish! Finally one that she could tickle back! He started begging for mercy. “ None! I shall show no quarter!” she said laughing tickling him some more, sitting on his stomach.
“ Fine neither shall I then!” he laughed, sitting up quickly and catching her in his arms he stood up and carried her to the shower. She was laughing and play hitting him to put her down. He shook his head , “ No mercy!” he opened the bathroom door.

She grabbed onto the door walls squealing, “ NO! Don’t you dare! Pwease!” she laughed. But it was no use he picked her up and placed her in the shower quickly turning it on with both of them in the shower. “ My clothes!” she laughed, her curls quickly sticking to her face from the shower.

He looked at her, “ What clothes? You’re in your under-roo’s!” he laughed. He kissed her on the cheek, “ Good afternoon beautiful.” He looked at her in the shower, her face caught in mid smile and mid laugh. Her eyes still sleepy but bright. He looked at her wearing his necklace and he felt a swell of hope in his chest.
They took their shower laughing, she got out wrapping a towel around herself and went to rummage his clothes, he was taller than her and his shirt would cover pretty much everything on her. He went to the radio and slipped a CD in. He came to her singing Hootie and the Blowfish.
She laughed and went to dance with him singing. “ Only wanna be with youuuuu… I can’t help it if I’m lucky! I only wanna be with you!” the sang jumping up and down like nerds. The song ended and more Hootie came on as they fixed their very late breakfast.
“ What would you like?” he asked her as she sat there on the chair her knees pressed up to her chest. His shirt was so long on her, but the again he was 6’3 while she was only 5’6. He put on his kiss the cook apron smiling.
She looked at him smiling and thinking of what she really wanted. “ You’re half Mexican right?” she questioned. She remembered him telling her he was half scot and half Hispanic.
He nodded and smiled, “ You want a Mexican breakfast?” he smiled when she nodded and he turned to start cooking.
She skipped to his computer and put a song on. Nickelback’s “ Figured you out”. She went to the living room and danced while he cooked. She wasn’t trying to be sexy or seductive she just felt like dancing, it’s what she did when she first woke up in the mornings alone. And well, if they were going to be seeing each other more then he’d have to get use to it. She walked back to the kitchen and sat on the counter next to him as the eggs cooked.
He stood in between her legs and kissed her and sang, “ I hate the powder on your nose…” his hands twisted around to her back and picked her up and slammed her against the fridge. She smiled against his lips.

It was at the moment that a very tall red head walked through the door. It was a that moment the egg timer went off and a loud cough came from behind them. It was at that moment when her smile turned into a frown and a shocked look.

He quickly turned around to see his sister standing there in his kitchen with his girlfriend behind him. She had walked in on a very personal moment. He cleared his throat and gave a weak smile. “ Ummm.. hey Liz.” He waved.
Liz starred from Chad to the girl behind him her eyes annoyed, “ Hey, I think I’m going to go.” She turned around and started for the door. Chad quickly went after her, leaving the brown eyed girl in the kitchen. She looked at the burning migas in the pan and turned if off.
She leaned against the counter and rested her head in her hands, how could she had been so stupid? Of course he was too perfect. Of course he had a girlfriend, she never really had asked. She just assumed that he was single. She was so stupid, she went to the bedroom putting her (still wet from the shower) underwear on.
Chad came walking in the room with the Liz while she stood in her underwear, “ DUDE! I’m changing!” she yelped pulling a shirt to cover herself, yeah she was okay normally walking around in her underwear but not in front of a total stranger.
The girl laughed, “ Don’t get dressed on my account. I’m Elizabeth-Liz.” She offered the brown eyed girl a hand.
She didn’t know how to respond, so she shook Liz’s hand. “ Hey, I’m Camrie- but my friends call me Cami or Pip.”
Chad smiled this was going better than he had planned, “ Girly this is my sister, Liz. She has a key to my house. She helps out every now and then, though I don’t know why I’m perfectly capable of handling myself.”
Liz laughed as the brown eyed girl stood there relieved. His sister! Thank god! “ OH! You’re his sister! I thought…” she stammered.
“ You thought that I was his girlfriend? NO! I don’t even swing that way, not that I mean I don’t swing to incest I mean… I don’t like men.” She laughed.
“ Which I don’t know why sis, you could have any man.” Chad hit his sister on the back lightly. “ But I guess it’s better this way, I don’t have to kill a guy for breaking your heart.”
She looked up his sister, she was tall for a woman. She had a tan complex, that hinted of biracial, she too had green eyes and her hair was redder than Chad’s, she had a perfect complexion. She was beautiful, she was stunning. But she was glad that this was his sister. She couldn’t compete with that.
Liz saw the way the girls eyes were looking her up and down, “ Now don’t go doing that to yourself. You’re way more beautiful then me. You got curves, I’m all stick and bone. I got no chest to speak of and no ass what so ever.” She laughed.

The girl shrugged, the girl was right, well maybe not that she was more beautiful she was just a different beauty. Every girl was. She looked at Chad and smiled.
The three of them spent the evening playing cards, catching up. Liz told her all about Chad’s embrassing moments as a child, how he had dressed up in his sisters high heels and walked to preschool in them. Chad turned slightly pink at that. She was realizing that she did like spending time with him.
She went home and worked on Zoey that night, her cobra commander car. No one but her knew how to keep her running, her mom fused that she should have bought a new car but she liked Zoey. Zoey was a car with character, with a history( you could see it) and with a personailtiy just like her owner. She stood their in the drive way, overalls on and oil on her hands. She missed playing with cars, she missed having oil on her hands, and sweat on her brow. She looked down at Zoey’s heart ( engine ) and smiled, she had installed the new compressor herself and was proud. It now blew cold AC, thanks to Jason and Dad she knew how to fix a car. She didn’t date a man because she ever needed one, she dated one cause she wanted one.