When flames blossom from embers

ch. 14

It was at five o’clock am that her alarm went off. She silenced it immediately. She took the EPT test out of the box and read the directions. Seven weeks late, it was time to find out. She snuck to the bathroom and took the stupid test. She giggled a little at the instructions, “ Urinate on stick for ten seconds.” Who the hell can pee straight for ten seconds? But she did and she placed the lid on the end and set the stick of doom on the counter and waited the allotted five minutes.

She paced the bathroom, five tiles to the left, five tiles to the right and turn. Five tiles left, five tiles right. After fifty turns she finally looked at the stick. Two lines. She reached for the box and tried to see what that meant. She cursed as it said “ positive.” Such a horrible term, shouldn’t it say “ Doom” or “ You’re life just got fucked.” Anything but positive!
She grabbed the second test in the box and peed again. She placed the test on the counter and paced again. Fifty paces later she looked again. This time it looked more like a line and a half. She groaned and grabbed the box to try and decipher the stupid lines. Apparently this one meant inconclusive, also it noted that the test should be taken at least an hour apart. Something about protein. Who had guessed protein in urine told you if you were pregnant.
That meant. . . she grabbed the toilet and vomited. She looked back at the first stick and starting crying. She vomited again. She spent the next two hours before her family woke up sitting in the tub crying. She thought of what was going to happen. She laid down on the cold marble crying. She didn’t howl or make any noise, the tears just fell down from her eyes and wouldn’t stop. A knock on the door meant someone was up.
She cleared her throat, “ yeah?”
“ Hey sis I gotta pee! Stop messing with your make up! I gotta go!” her brother pounded on the door.
She jumped up and grabbed the two test and the box and opened the door. Her brother looked at her. “ Hey you okay?”
She nodded, “ PMS” she shrugged.
Her brother made a disgusted face and shut the door. She walked back to her room wishing it was PMS. Or even the flu, she would even take the chicken pox again, or a week in the hospital- strike that she’d take a month! Anything but this.
She threw the test out in the trash outside. She got ready for work and pretend nothing had happened. She smiled and chatted with friends, with Chad. She ate lunch like normal. She even read a new book. But on the inside she was trying to figure out what the hell she was going to do. She was crumbling on the inside. She was breaking inch by inch. Her smile was perfect but her heart was breaking all over again.
She went home and slept the whole night. She’d have to tell Chad sooner or later . That would be a fun conversation. Hey new boyfriend you remember I told you I was over my x? Well… She moaned at the finish sentence in her head. Crap was all she thought over and over.