When flames blossom from embers

ch. 16

She heard some noise that woke her up. A clattering of what sounded like pots and pans. She burrowed deeper into the blanket. She knew just by how tired she was that she had at least another thirty minutes to sleep. She peeked out of the blanket to look around the room. Chad was in the kitchen, she could smell some wonderful aroma coming from his direction. It made her mouth water.
She peeked over to the clock and moaned. He was waking her up too early, didn’t he know that she liked sleep? “ Shhhh… some people like to sleep!” she grumbled.
She heard footsteps and then felt a weight on the bed. “ So sleeping beauty is awake?” he asked. She took the blanket off her head and looked at him.

He sat on the bed wearing nothing but kaki pants, his hair was messed up and in all directions, his green eyes were looking only at her, and in his hands was a tray with orange juice and a plate of pancakes and eggs.
“ Wow,” She leaned over to kiss him. “ What’s the occasion?” she asked sleepily, stretching her arms outs and yawning. Her hair was a mess but since she hardly ever wore make up her face looked just fine.
He placed the tray on her lap and ruffled her curly hair. “ You were honest with me last night, even when it hurt you to do so. You let me in and I know it was hard. I just want to show that I appreciate you.” He smiled and kissed her.
She put the tray on the other side of the bed and jumped on him. “ You are freaking perfect!” she kissed him and they rolled around on the floor for what seemed like hours. He broke away from her laughing. “ Hey I made those from scratch! You better eat them.”
She stood up and smiled. “ Fine fine fine. I’m eating. But I swear that you’re just fattening me up for the kill.” She sat on the bed and grabbed a pancake and started chewing on it.
Chad jumped on the bed and stole it right from her hand.
“ HEY! That’s mine!” she giggled.
They finished breakfast, the bed sprinkled with crumbs. Some pancake in her hair and syrup sticky on their bodies. “ I need a shower” she laughed.
She walked over to the bathroom and he followed quickly behind. “ mind if I join you?” he asked batting his eye lashes.
She laughed and kissed him, closing the door behind them both. They were an hour late to work. But not because of anything scandalous. In the shower Chad slipped on the soap and grabbed the shower head, causing it to break. Water poured from the pipe. Flooding the bathroom. She laughed she cried. “ So much for getting clean.”