When flames blossom from embers

ch. 17

The week flew by, her interview with the firm was already here. She had spent the morning getting poked and prodded by her docter. She was still hoping that she had just gotten some stomach flu; that made her pee every hours and her boobs really sore. They took a blood test and told her they’d get back with her in a week.
She took her phone out, she was sitting in the parking lot at the hospital. She flipped through her contacts and found Sky. She sighed…she texted him to see if he was available. They texted back and forth. They still wouldn’t talk. Not even after two months. It was still to fresh. Still too painful. The conversation ended with her pissed off that she didn’t listen to her friends, to chicken to everyone. She laid her head on the steering wheel crying. What the hell was she going to do? Everything was so perfect for once and now this? There was a knock on the window. A nurse.
She rolled down her window while trying to hold back her tears, “ Yes?”
The nurse looked at her concerned. “ are you okay miss? Is there anything I can do to help?”
The girl gave a bitter laugh, “ No, I’m … I’m not fine. I’m learning a life lesson that even though someone says they are different they turn out to be the same.” She whipped her tears from her face.
The nurse stood there with a wise smile, she was older but not too old. She had the knowing smile of a mother. “ There are some that are different.” She said sweetly.
The girl nodded, “ I know. I found one, just… wrong time. Should have found him sooner.” The girl choked out. “ Well I got to go. The show must carry on.” She waved goodbye to the nurse and started her car. She put in her blue tooth and called her dad.
She gave him an update. He sighed on the other end, “ Scooter you’ll be fine. You won’t be alone. Don’t worry. We’ll get you through this- Your mom, me, Uncle Jay and Kristen. Don’t worry.” Her dad reassured her. “ I love you. I talk to you later.” The conversation ended.
She sat in lunch hour traffic, her eyes still stung from her tears. How could people be so different? How could they be so fake, she wondered. Her phone rang and she punched the button on her Bluetooth. “ Hello”
“ Hey stranger, I miss you.” Chad answered. “ How did everything go? Sorry I couldn’t go with you.” He apologized. He tried to get off of work but she had not wanted both of them to be out of the office today. It would look unprofessional and if something happened in the office then one of them needed to be there.
She turned the radio down, “ Babe, it’s fine. You’re not the one that needs to be here” she muttered the last part. She was so angry with herself for letting this happen. She should have known some how. She should have ended it when school ended. She should have protected her heart better. Now everything in her life was going to pay the price.
“ You’re thinking too hard aren’t you?” he questioned.
She laughed, “ How can you tell?”
He listened to the music in the background, “ Because the music is on a hip hop station. You’d have that flipped in a hot mili second if you were not thinking so hard babe. Come home and change for your interview. Oh! And you are all packed for the trip right?”
She sighed and remembered that earlier in the week she had promised to let him make up her getting hurt. The making up? Was a trip to Arizona with his family. As if she needed that again. “ Yes I’m packed” She replied.
“ good. I’d hate for you to miss the flight.” He joked.
She rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see it. “ Hard to miss the flight when it’s your plane smart one. Are you flying it?” she joked.
“ No my dad and brother are.” He answered lightly. She had not met his two brothers and he had forgotten to tell her that they were coming.
“ Brother? Oh.. well okay. Hey I’m about to hit traffic so I’m going to let you go. See you this evening.” She clicked the end button before he could get anything else in.
She looked at herself in the mirror. What was she getting herself into? She got home and changed into a business outfit and drove to pick up Chad. He was going to drive to Austin with her , he didn’t want her driving alone and in busy traffic. She had rolled her eyes but was secretly thankful. She hated traffic.
They arrived at the firm and she walked in with her portfolio. She met the receptionist who offered who a bottle of water and asked her to take a seat. Not five seconds after she had sat down someone came to get her. They walked her through the studio, it was amazing. The colors screamed at you. The designs on the wall danced before your eyes and seduced you to follow. The workers in the studio were working on various projects by the look of it. One girl was cutting fabric and painting it onto a canvas.
They finally reached an office, the view from the window was breath taking. It showed lower Austin, cars zoomed in and out. The office was decorated with vases filled with pink and yellow flowers. Marbles touching the bottom of the vases. She took a seat in front of the desk.
“ My associate tells me you have potential.” The woman smiled. “ I’m Olivia,”
They shook hands and exchanged names. Carried small talk as she flipped through her portfolio. The occasional hmmms and wows. After what seemed like an eternity she looked up.
“ I’m going to be honest with you. You have some amazing marketing ideas and designs. But most of your sketches are plain and not up to par.” She said lightly.
The girl nodded, “ Sorry to have wasted your time. Thanks for seeing me though.” She stood up to shake her hand.
Olivia laughed and stood up, “ No you misunderstand me. I would love to have you as an intern just we need to get you up to par on sketches and other programs.”
She stood in front of her motionless. “ You want to hire me? As a Designer? Here?” she was breathless. This was pretty big news. She hadn’t prepared herself if she had gotten the job.