When flames blossom from embers

ch. 19

She got sleepy and curled up in a seat with a blanket while the boys still talked. She wasn’t asleep but they thought she was.
“ Dude isn’t she a little young for you?” one of his brothers asked, it sounded like Justin.
Chad sighed, “ I don’t care. You’ve met her, you’ve talked with her. What do you think. Honestly.”
“ She seems like a great girl, like a real down to earth person. She has the sweetest smile , I’ll give you that. But Bro, she’s five years younger than you. How are you going to make that work?” Gabe asked. He seemed to approve the most of her but the most skeptical.
“ I don’t know, all I know is that… I love her.” Chad whispered.
She couldn’t breath. Did he just say that he loves her? He just said that didn’t he, she thought. Oh god…oh god he loves me! She started smiling this big grin even though she was suppose to be sleeping.
“ You what?!” his brothers said together. “ You’ve barley know each other! “
“ I don’t care. I love her, she’s the most understanding, compassionate forgiving person I’ve ever met.” Chad said back in the most sappy love voice they had ever heard.
“ You had sex with her didn’t you?!” Justin whinned.
She heard a loud pop. Chad had smacked him upside the head. “ don’t you ever talk about her like that!” he threatened. “ And for your information, even though its none of your business, no we have not.”
Both of them let out a whistle. “ You are so whipped brother.” They teased.
“ If this is what whipped feels like then give me a life sentence.” He said softly. He stood up and went to where she was laying in her seat and sat next to her. He lifted up the arm rest and moved her to lay against him. He covered them both up in a blanket and made a face to his brothers. “ You two should be so lucky.” He whispered.
Then Gabe remembered something else about her the second her saw her wrist, the charms dangling. “ Dude bro, doesn’t she already have a boyfriend? I remember her never being separate from this one guy… what was his name? Bro they were really hot and heavy!” he stammered.
Gabe didn’t notice Chad unlacing his sneaker. A shoe flew across the plane and hit Gabe straight in the face. “ Shut up! Don’t mention that guy around her. Ever! Or me for that matter.” He growled. His arms moved in a more protective stance around her.
Justin and Gabe looked at him hard, “ Tell us you didn’t steal another mans girl. That’s against the code.”
Chad looked at them hard. “ No. I didn’t. She refused to date me for about a whole month and a half because of him. He screwed her over- bad. She’s scared of falling in love now. She has nightmares because of him. Just… don’t bring it up. She’ll pretend she’s okay when you say it but its like sticking salt in the wound. Just…don’t mention it.”
Gabe looked at the charms, “ You know how to pick the ones with baggage huh?” he joked.
Chad silently thought, you have no idea. But decided against it, they’d ask questions that weren’t his to answer. He looked down at the girl curled up on him. I’ll never hurt you he promised her silently. You don’t have to worry about anything with me around he promised. He held her close as they spent the rest of the flight sleeping.
They arrived in Arizona at night. She was still asleep so he picked her up and carried her to the house. But she wasn’t the only one being carried, Liz was being carried by Gabe. She had gotten annoyed with her brothers and took some sleeping pills. He looked at Gabe and stuck out his tongue. “ Dude why don’t you just drop her?” he teased his brother.
Gabe gave wide eyes, “ Because Liz can outrun me then kill me.”
Chad chuckled and walked into the house and found the guest bedroom, he wondered for a second if he could get away with placing her in his room. He shrugged and walked to his room. He was a grown man and his parents could fuss at him later. He didn’t want her waking up in the middle of the night and freaking out. He pulled back the blankets and placed her under them.
He reached for her jeans and slowly took them off, nothing sexual, he just knew she hated sleeping in jeans. They irritated her skin. He starred down at her, in her pink shirt and her girl boxers curled up on his bed. Her hair messed up and spread on the pillow, her lips pressed together and her breathing ( she snored when she got really tired). He smiled and pulled the covers over her and kissed her on the nose. “ Love you bumble bee.”