When flames blossom from embers


She smelt something unfamiliar in the air, musky and warm, cologne? Her leg brushed against something soft and cold, silk? And a very familiar hand brushed against the nape of her neck. She didn’t want to open her eyes, though she should see pink against her eye lids. She let out a soft sigh, “Morning.”
She felt him stir besides her, pulling her closer to him like a second blanket (though to be honest with the body heat radiating from him they really didn’t even need one) wrapping his arms around her waist and still her eyes remained closed. He nuzzled her neck and whispered “Good morning too ma petite.”
She unwrapped his arms from her and sat too fast, head rush she cursed herself silently. She slowly opened her eyes taking in the room. Sheet sprawled at the end of the bed; she wiggled her toes and smiled at her pink changing into purple nail polish. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head against them. “No not good morning, it’s morning and that means I spent the night…” she said. Her chestnut curls cascading down her back.
He reached up to scratch her back softly as he let out a sigh, “Yes you did. Is that a problem ma petite?” He sat up next to her and brushed her bangs back from her face and starred at her face. She still had the lovely afterglow; it made her eyes change into a honey brown. She curled her mouth into a smile.
“No not a problem per say I just didn’t intend to …yea know…”she stammered embarrassed and felt her cheeks blush red and she felt her ears begin to turn red. “ I don’t like waking up in strange places to me. It’s a …phobia of mine.” She leaned against him trying not to think of how her ears would be burning with the color red or how her cheeks would be flushed.
He kissed her forehead and smiled against her. “Well I guess we should get you more acquainted with the house.” He picked her in his arms laughing.
She on the other was freaking out on the inside. I hate being picked up she thought over and over. Put me down put me down… but she laughed and giggled. He was trying so hard and he was being so sweet. She wrapped her hands around his neck as he showed her the closet, the boots in the corner. The bathroom and the dripping faucet. The kitchen where they had dinner the night before and where the spoons were kept. He showed her the couch ( but she remember the couch all too well) and the loose spring ( stupid thing ate into her side last night during the movie) . He showed her the guest room and an empty dresser drawer ( she tried not to take the hint with that ). And in the end she was wrapped up in a sheet watching him cook breakfast or would that be lunch?
She watched him cook in a sheet wrapped around his waist, talking about flying planes. She watched each muscle in his body tighten and then release when he laughed. She watched him as she sipped her coffee. Feeling like a stone in a river of conversation. She watched him thinking that she felt oddly comfortable around him , how she felt warm ( or was it the coffee?) , she felt herself slowly letting her guard once again. Thinking… can I trust this one?