When flames blossom from embers

ch. 20

He walked out to the kitchen to pour himself a drink before he turned in. His mom was in the kitchen doing the same. He walked over and placed a kiss on her cheek.
She smiled, “ Is she in your room then I presume?”
Chad nodded, “ That’s not a problem is it Mom?” he asked politely.
She shook her head, “ Not all my son. You’re a grown man. Just remember, keep it down. “ she teased. That girl was out tonight. She could hear the snoring from here.
He laughed, “ Yeah mom, I promise to keep the headboard intact.” He turned to go back to his room.
“ Chad,” his mom started. He turned back around to see his mom looking serious at him. “ I couldn’t help but over here the conversation about her… past relationship.”
Chad looked at his mom with a blank face, “ Mother…”
“ Honey, I’m not saying anything but this. That is a sweet girl in there. Who by what I’ve seen and what I’ve heard has been though a lot,” he nodded agreeing. “ don’t hurt her. Don’t bring her faith up in men to have it shattered.” She warned.
Chad walked over to his mom and hugged her, “ I promise. I’m glad you like her.”
His mom brushed the hair out of her sons eyes, he was such a good looking man. Such a heart breaker. Just like his daddy she thought. “ Off to bed now.” She shoed him away.
He found his girl just as he left her, except in the few minutes he had been away she had stolen all of the blankets and burrowed herself in them. He chuckled as he removed his shirt, he slide into bed besides her and pulled her close.
“ Mmm… huh?” she mumbled.
“ It’s okay sug its just me.” He hugged her close. She was always so cold at night.
“ Chad?” she mumbled again. He kissed her on the cheek, “Yes baby.”
“ I … love you” she mumbled.
He laid there quiet for a second then kissed her hair and smiled, “ I know, I love you too.”
They fell asleep wrapped up in each other. One secretly in love with the other. The other ready to shout it to the world. Both in love. Tied together for some unknown reason. They slept as the Arizona brought the music of the night.

Sometime in the night she had a dream. It was the baby. Her baby, her baby girl. Her baby had a head full of dark blonde curls and golden brown eyes. She reached up for her mommy but her mommy couldn’t stop crying. Because every time she looked at the little girls eyes she saw the baby’s father. She sat there, five feet away from the crying baby, crying herself. She couldn’t be the mother she had thought she could be, because every time she looked at her child she would break down and cry. She was reminded too much of her past.
She woke crying.
“ Babe what’s wrong? What’s wrong?” Chad was sitting up leaning over her. The sheets sprawled at their feet.
She was sitting with her legs pulled to her chest, her head resting on her knees and her curls flowing over her legs. She was sobbing and shaking.
“ are you hurt?” he pleaded. “ Baby please- please tell me what’s wrong. Is it the baby?” he questioned.
She started sobbing harder. “ Yes… and no.. how could he do this to me? How could this happen? He was suppose to love me!” she wailed. “ And now I have to raise this child, this innocent baby and see him every day.” She sobbed harder shaking the bed. She looked up at Chad. “ I don’t want him anymore Chad but … I feel so … betrayed. What’s wrong with me?” she cried.
Chad sighed and picked her up into his arms. He stroked her hair as he hummed to her as she cried. When she finally started to stop he lifted her up to have her face him. “ Listen to me- and don’t interrupt. No one plans on these things happening. No one does. I do not know your x personally. I don’t know why he is doing this. But that is his choice. You are defined by what you do, not what you had wished to do.” He brushed his fingers across her cheek. “ And there is nothing- absoutly nothing wrong with you my bumble bee. Nothing. Well except maybe that you snore.” She smiled at him. “ But listen, no one is forcing you to do something you don’t want to do. If you choose not to have this baby that is your choice. No one but you can make that choice.” He stopped and looked at her. He pulled her close and hugged her.
She hugged him back, she felt his heart thudding against her chest. She felt his strong hands on her back. She felt safe in his arms. She looked up at him, “ I’m scared.”
He smiled, “I know babe. But if anyone in the world could do this, it’s you. There is a reason god gives us those who love us and leave us. There is a reason god gives us the ones that will hurt us instead of love us. There is a reason that god gives us people we need instead of people we want.” He whispered thinking back on his own heart breaks.
She gave him a lazy smile, “ and what’s the reason?”
He took her hand and placed it over his bare chest, directly over his heart. “ So this can be stronger. So you can be smarter. So you can meet the right person and know who they are.” He pulled her close and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed her.
Some where inside her she felt something burst. Was it her heart? Or was it just her bladder? She felt her mouth move across his lips. How could she feel so sad one second and so love the next? Was it what Chad did to her? Or was it just pregnancy? She smiled against his lips as she felt his hands slide down to her waist and cup not her curves but her stomach. He broke the kiss and laid her down against the pillows.
He kissed her once last time before lifting her shirt to reveal her ( what looked like just a little bloated) stomach. He laid a kiss on right next to her belly button and whispered, “ I love you too little one.” He laid his head against her stomach and sang both of them songs.
She smiled at how easily he fit into her life. How he made her smile. She was a little irritated that he was already getting somewhat attacted to the sea monkey growing inside her, but … she rather him get attached instead of furious with her. She laughed, “ It can’t hear you silly. It doesn’t even have ears yet.”
He looked up at her, “ Yes it does. And eye lids. It also has a funny looking tail thing right about now. It also has finger nails!” he replied in a matter of fact tone.
She looked at him with narrow eyes, “ And how would you know that.”
He gave a shrug, “ Internet. I did research after you told me you were pregnant . I wanted to know what stage you were at. And by the way we need to get you eating right and taking your pills.” He got up to go lay by her.

She sighed. “ You really are perfect aren’t you? A little busy body but perfect.”
He kissed her and laid her against his chest to sleep. “ No I’m not perfect. But I do try to make you happy. So if I do then that means I’m doing my job.” He smiled.
She yawned and looked at the clock it said 3:25 a.m. “ Can I go to sleep now mr. perfect boyfriend?”
He chuckled and pulled the blanket over her, “ yes baby. Go to sleep.”
They fell asleep again. Wrapped up and warm. If there were any doubt in her mind that he loved her it was washed away that night. And even though she did not know what she was going to do about her ‘bump’, she knew that she could survive.