When flames blossom from embers

ch. 3

In twenty-four minutes you can do many things. You can straighten your curly hair. In twenty-four minutes you can take a shower and brush your teeth. In twenty-four minutes you can fold clothes from the dryer and wait for a phone call. In twenty-four minutes you can listen to the same song five times in a row. In twenty four minutes you can lose your breath and mess up the silk sheets. In twenty-four minutes you can run a three miles. In twenty-four minutes you can do many things. In twenty-four short minutes you can re-open your heart. In twenty-four minutes you can go up in an airplane and see the world underneath you. In twenty-four minutes you can lay in bed giggling. Twenty-four minutes.

She watched him place food on their plates smiling. She watched him pour apple juice into a wine glass, she watched him give that seductive smile that took her breath away. They ate their breakfast and talked about their up and coming day. It was a Saturday so they both had the day off and she knew what he was going to ask even before he asked. A day of fun in the sun, when really she would love to just curl up into a ball and read a book. But in the attitude of opening up to new adventures she would smile and agree.
She was finishing up her juice when he picked up plate and kissed her forehead. “ Ma petite, would you like to join me today? The weather seems nice outside today.” He asked while rinsing the dishes. A man the cooked and did the dishes she thought. There has to be a catch, always is.
She stood up bunching the sheets closer to her body as she went to stand besides him. “Hmm… I have dinner with a friend later on tonight but sure I’ll chill with you.” She did not mention that the dinner was more of a date that she had agreed to weeks before. She had to stand on her tip toes to kiss him on the cheek. He took that invitation to pick her up (again she thought put me down). She kissed him lightly on the lips as he put his hand against her face, tracing her cheekbones.
He smiled against her, leaning his forehead against hers. “ We should probably shower.”
She looked at his emerald eyes and smiled. “No, I should shower. And you should clean up.” Her eyes scanned to the living room, the pillows scattered on the floor, the bedroom with the sheets sprawled everywhere. She hopped down and started to walk over to the bathroom where the dripping faucet dripped. She called back over her shoulder, “And do me a favor? Wrangle me up one of your shirt?”
She shut the door slightly and was about to lock it when she decided against it. It was his house after all. She turned the shower on and stepped into the shower. Hot water steamed against her back, running down. She leaned her head against the tile wall taking in a deep breath. It was then she heard the music. It sounded so familiar. She finished her shower and wrapped a towel around her. She grabbed another one to dry her wet curls. She recognized the music.
She walked out of the bathroom to find him sitting on his bed in just jeans. She tried not to admire his chest but then found that better then starring else where. Aerosmith’s Jaded played loudly from the other room. She smiled and sat next to him.
“ How did you know I loved this song?” she asked him.
He touched her wet curls and looked at her honey brown eyes, “ Because you said there is nothing that Aerosmith could cure. And since you joked that you are ‘jaded’ I thought this song was appropriate.”
She laughed and nodded. “ So what are we doing today?”
He gave her a wicked smile, “ A surprise. Give me twenty-four minutes”