When flames blossom from embers


He carried her to her surprise not knowing now if it was such a good idea. He wanted to know what really happened. He had of course heard the rumors of what had happened. A text message at 3 am. A supposed fight, a cheater, a drunken break up, all of these rumors. She wouldn’t talk about it. She wouldn’t elaborate on why they had broken up, she’d get upset and say that it was over what did it matter how or why.
But then he remembered listening to her play the guitar, he listened when she thought he wasn’t. He heard the lyrics to that song. He heard the words she had written about the one before. So raw, so real and hurt, what had happened? He looked down at her face, she was still nuzzled against him. Listening to him hum. But he kept thinking about that song. She had written more than one, that he knew. She sang them under her breath while playing the guitar. Bittersweet notes echoed in his mind. Was it just the pain of losing a first love? Or was there more? He shook his head, it wasn’t his place to question.
They got to the car and he drove silently. She fidgeted with the radio, changing the station every five seconds until she found something to her liking. He turned towards her and smiled, “ Someday you’ll be on the radio.” He reached for her hand and held it.
She gave a bitter laugh, “ My lyrics will be one day. That I know, but my voice? I don’t have the voice for radio.” She chuckled thinking to the performance last Friday. She loved the thrill of being on stage, of hearing her lyrics, her music being poured into the crowd. As if they were dying of thirst and her lyrics and music saved them. She chuckled about the biggest hit that night, “ Tattered and Torn, I’ll be reborn”, who had thought something productive could come out of a break up?
He saw her smile, that grin she got when she was thinking to herself. “ what you thinking about over there girly?” He loved it when she shared her thoughts with him, they normally weren’t normal.. she was pretty random.
She sighed and looked at him, “ The song I wrote, the way the crowd loved it. The way I wish he could hear it someday so I can smile and go ‘yup’. I want to be on stage again singing my lyrics, my music, I want that release, I want the world to know how I felt and I want them to look and me now and go damn! She doesn’t let anything stand in her way. I want… I want it all.” She gave a lazy smile thinking of their next gig in San Antonio.
He remembered seeing her on stage, she was a different person entirely. This fire that she kept inside seemed to burn the air around her. She lit up the stage even when she didn’t mean to . “ Am I invited to this gig too?” he asked curiously. He was starting to like her too much, he felt it.
She heard the tilt to his voice and let go of his hand and sighed, “ yeah I guess. I mean you can be my bands groupie if you want.” She switched the station on the radio. Ugh that stupid Juliet song was on again. She flipped the radio off, stupid song.
He gripped the steering wheel tighter, she made liking her so hard. and he knew she did it on purpose. He let out a breath, “ I’d be a the bands groupie, does that mean I have to sleep with Phillip?” he joked.
She started laughing because she could actually picture it, Phillip being courted by the handsome man besides her. She giggled again and knew that he was trying to get her to loosen up.
The car came to a stop in front of a building, she looked around and saw nothing but grass. “ umm.. is this where you hack me up into little pieces?” she gave a weak smile.
He gave a evil grin that made her jump. “ No silly, this is where I keep the plane. I’m taking you up.”
She looked at him with wide eyes, maybe it was better that he hacked her up into little pieces. Heights? Again. What was wrong with this guy? Didn’t he get she hated being off the ground?
But nevertheless they went flying. No words can explain the thrill of taking off, the excitement that builds inside your stomach then threatens to tear out. The sights you see, the stars, feeling as if you are so close to them, the trees… everything seems so insignificant up there. Everything seems to wash away.
Their evening would end with her driving home late, she missed her date and had five missed phone calls. She shrugged and threw her phone in her purse. And thought, am I really falling for this guy?
Monday would come and pass. Nothing exciting, except a paper airplane sitting on her chair with a daisy. An email with only a “hey there”.
Monday night would come. IM’s with a lost soul, a phone call to a friend, a drive to San Marcos to buy needless materials.
Tuesday morning would come. . . all to soon.
She got to work, early as usually. A mindless day, data inputting. The glamours part of her job over, checking dates, materials, purchases. Mindless tasks, until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see whom it was and quickly turned back around, “ Do you want to get us fired?” she hissed.
He leaned over and placed a secretive kiss on her cheek. “ Stop being a worry wart, we’re the only ones in the office.” He watched her typing away. Her music on low but he could hear tell it was rock n roll. Her hair was clipped to stay out of her eyes, her make up ( what little she wore) was done to accent her eyes. Her nails were always plain and her outfit- she always dressed as if she was the CEO. He chuckled.
She turned her gaze to him, “ what’s so funny? The piles of paper work you’ve yet to hand me? Chad you really need to do that. Sue is going to be on my ass.” She couldn’t help but notice the color of his shirt, blue. It brought his eyes to the greenest. She noticed him holding a helmet, a rather nice helmet. “ What is that?”
He placed on her lap, “ Early lunch.” He grabbed her hand and rushed her out the door. She was laughing, god her laughter sounded like it could cure anything. Like it could wash away every pain. He turned to catch her smile, the smile that could break the dark.
She stood with him in front of a ninja 500. She let out of whistle, “ wow, nice. But I got work!” She pleaded. He was going to get her fired, she just knew it.
He shook his head and placed the helmet on her and picked her up and placed her on the bike. And in a flash they were both off, leaving the tedious work behind them along with every care they had in the world. She hugged onto him for dear life, giggling at the blurring colors surrounding her.
That’s how she felt with him, like everything else blurred around her. Like when he touched her she’d evaporate into thin air, that he melted her. She choked on a familiar feeling, this is so not happening she thought. Time also flew by but she didn’t realize it.
They stopped at a small store in Gruene to pick up some food. When a voice made her turn her head, she was taking off the helmet when she saw one of her friends walk her way. “ Shit” she mumbled.
The girl walking towards them in what seemed like the shortest shorts in the world was her friends girlfriend. Carly knew everybody and had the biggest mouth in the world. “ Crap I’m screwed” she thought.
“ Pip! What are you doing here---and who is you’re cute friend?” the Carly giggled. She was eyeing the two of them up and it didn’t help that Chad was standing really close.
“ Ummm… this is Chad, a friend from work and speaking of work we gotta get going. “ She pushed Chad onto the bike.
They arrived back at work and she could tell he was mad. “ Friend?” he snipped.
“ Yes friend.” She snapped back. “ You knew from day one that I didn’t want a relationship. I told you not to fall in love with me. I told you! “ She stomped towards the building pissed off. Nothing good can just stay good.
He laughed chasing after all, “ am I at least a special friend?” he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up.
“ Put me down! Someone is gonna see us! Come on quite.” She squealed. He
“ say I’m a special friend! Say it and I’ll let you go. “ he smiled pretending like he was going to kiss her.
She couldn’t help but laugh, “ Okay you’re my special friend. Okay? Now can we please get back to work before we’re both fired?”
He set her down and watched her speed away, pulling her hair up into a pony tail. He watched her hips sway and he whispered to himself, “ So not okay, but we’re gonna change that”.
She yelled over her shoulder, “ I heard that smart one. And get your ass back to work before I fire you myself.”