

This was all new to me. You see, I'm not one to run out of school. I'm not what you would call a troublemaker. I mean, sure, I've had detention once in my life, when I missed a homework assignment, but who hasn't had that happen to them? So when I ran out of school, I felt so wierd. I felt crazy. Believe me, if you were me, you'd run out of school too if you learned that one of your best friends is the reincarnation of Gerard Way.
The second I got home I got out my cell phone to call Shayla and tell her what happened.
I started dialing her number,555-5--- then I stopped. Because I realized that Shayla would never believe me. Nobody would ever believe me.
I mean, now that I think about it, I do sound insane. If some random teacher told you that your friend was the reincarnation of Gerard Way, would you believe her? Well of course you wouldn't. That's because your best friend isn't Gerry Warren.

Look at the similarities between the two:
1.Both love Iron Maiden
2.Both are Italian
3.Both like to draw
4.Both are unpopular in school
5.Both are considered emo

As you can clearly see, they are the same person... Wait. If Gerard Way is Gerry Warren... That means, I'M GOING TO THE HALLOWEEN BALL WITH GERARD WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh. My. God.
I need to buy a dress, shoes, accesories. I need to go shopping.
I need to call Shayla!
I dialed her number in a matter of seconds.
"Hello?" she said.
"SHAYLA!" I screamed into the reciever.
"Hey, Raven. What's up?"
"I have a date!" I shouted. I hadn't told her yesterday, due to the fact that Mrs.Ortiz had called me and I was too freaked out to do anything.
"With who?" she said quickly.
"With this dude called Gerry Warren who is so hot." I said.
"Oh My God, is this the same Gerry that's your only friend in school? Tell me more about him!" she said.
"Yeah. He's like emo, but he is way cute and I realy think he likes me." Did I just squeal?!?! God, I sound like my sister.
"Okay, Raven. Calm down. Can you tell me about him without squealing like a stuck pig?" This is what happens when your best friend is a certified genious, you get compared to animals a lot.
"Alright. So he's emo. He wears a lot of black. He likes to draw, and he is realy good looking. Yes, he's like my only friend in school, but he is realy nice." I said slowly in order to not sound like a pig that is currently being errm... Nevermind.
"He sounds realy cool. Did you say yes to him yet?" Shayla is more expirienced with guys than I am, due to the fact that she has had the same boyfriend since the eighth grade.
"Yeah, but I wasn't thinking straight so I said yes as friends. What the hell am I supposed to do now that I realized I too like him as more than a friend?"
"Wait," she said calmly, unlike me, "Did he tell you directly that he likes you as more than a friend?"
"Uhh... No. But he asked me out, so I guess he does..."
"Raven. You don't understand boys at all. If there is no one better to ask out, they ask out a friend, just so they have a date."
"Are you sure, becuase I realy think he likes me..." I said sounding shocked.
"Well, it's a possibility. Does he seem to be into you?"
"Well, I think he is... Because he seemed realy nervous when he asked me out..."
"Raven, I seriously don't know if he likes you or not, but either way, I'm so happy for you!" she screamed.
"I know!" I screamed back "Oh My God I need to go shopping and buy a dress!" I yelled.
"Can you stay at my house over the weekend? We have some catching up to do."
"And some shopping." I said.
"Yeah. So do you know if you can come over?"
"I don't know I'll talk to my parents."
"Okay, then call me back when you find out."
"Okay, bye!"
I still can't believe I have a date with GERARD WAY.
Maybe my life doesn't suck all that much...