
Ray Toro-Less

I was the 'Protector'. My job was to Protect Gerard Way from Matt Pelissier.
I have a slight problem, I don't know who the reincarnation of Matt is. Told you it was slight... Well, maybe it's not slight. Maybe it's rather large. I needed to take my mind off this crazy stuff for a while. I picked up my lime green cell phone and dialed Shayla's number. The familiar beeps of the numbers were comforting.
"Hello?" asked Shayla.
"Shayla." I said.
"Yes, Raven." she replied automatically.
"I have the most amazing news ever."
"You sprouted wings and are currently flying over to visit me in this chamber of boredom."
"No, it's something better than that," I began, "Much better."
"Spill the beans." she demanded.
"Okay," I began, "You know Mrs.Ortiz, right?"
"Your english teacher?" she asked.
"Yeah," I said, "Well she's married." I said. I had to tell her this dramatically.
"So...?" she asked.
"She's married to Raymond Manuel Toro-Ortiz." there was a long pause.
"Get out," she said finally, "Get the fuck out." she said.
"I'd appreciate it if you did not curse." I said as calmly as I could manage without screaming with joy.
"Ray Toro." she said in a daze.
"She said I could meet him."
"Wow." she said.
"I know."
"Can I come?"
"I wouldn't meet him without you." I said truthfully.
"And you thought moving to Belleville would suck." she said.
"It does," I heart her make a growling noise on the other end of the line and quickly added, "Most of the time."
"Exactly." she said, satisfied.
"Anyway, I can't wait for tommorow... I'm coming to Paramus!" I shouted out of pure happiness.
"I know!"
"We need to go shopping." I said.
"Yeah, definitely." she said.
"For the Halloween Ball. I need like a costume or something," I said, "Or maybe a dress, people wear both."
"Well what do you want to be?"
"I don't know." I said.
"Well, neither do I." said, Shayla.
"Anyway, Shayla," I began,"How is my beloved Paramus doing? How is life with you?" I asked.
"Paramus is still the same, boring, Ray Toro-less place it ever was."
"Nice." I said, but then I heard my mom calling me to come downstairs, "I have to go." I added.
"Oh. Okay, see you later." She said. When she said 'see you later', it made me feel like I was still in Paramus. It was nice.
I ran downstairs to see what my mother wanted. Probobly some pink problem or something.
See, my life is still a suckfest

Authors Note:
Told ya I'd update! And I keep my promises!!!
Well... If you want to read some more Raven, I'd like some comments...