
What a Life

So my name's Raven, right? Most people who hear my name either think that I am goth, or a huge Raven fan from That's So Raven. Honestly, I hate that show, and I am not goth. I prefer the term punk rock. Raven Brant is the name printed on my birth certificate. My mother named me Raven because my hair is naturally a raven black color. My entire family is blonde. The only non-blonde is my grandmother, who has the same exact hair color as me. It's wierd. I've always felt like I'm the odd one out. My Family is made up of people who look like they could be Abercrombie & Fitch models. Me, I'd go to Hot Topic any day.
Here's another thing, I have completely different interests than my family. My sister loves pop, R&B and hip-hop. My parents are no acception to that. But I am. I absolutely love Rock. Hard Rock, Punk Rock, Rock & Roll, you name it, I love it. My all time favorite band is definitely, hands down, My Chemical Romance. The sad thing is, the lead singer, Gerard Way died a couple months before I was born, in 2008, and the band sort of, went away. Even though, I found every bit of information, watched every single video clip, and read every single thing on Gerard Way. I've developed a sort of monster crush on him. Too bad he's dead...
Yeah, and here's another thing, I don't have a boyfriend. So as you can obviously see, my life sucks.
Lastly, to top off my life of suckiness, I'm moving. That's right, I'm moving away from Paramus, the only place I've ever lived, Shayla, the best friend I've ever had, and away from everything I have ever known to Belleville, New Jersey. Of course it's only a half-hour away, but it's so different. I've been their once to see our new house. It's realy dark and gloomy. And realy small. Belleville is a crime ridden area filled with drugs and all kinds of horrible things. Paramus, on the other hand, is located in Bergen County, the second richest county in all of the United States. All in all, Paramus is your average suburbia, Belleville, is not.
The only reason I'm moving, is because my father got this job their, his dream job. My father works for BMW, and he got this job managing this huge BMW dealership their.
Amazing isn't it? My life is ruined because of a couple of cars. And I don't even like BMW!
Well, I guess I should be happy. Belleville is where Gerard and Mikey Way grew up, and where Ray Toro currently lives. I should look on the bright side. I could meet Ray Toro.

Yeah right, like that'll ever happen.