
Monster House

The house was the wierdest thing I had ever seen. it looked like a pink rectangle with a semi-circle comeing out of the middle of it's roof. That's right, a freaking semi-circle. It looked like a spaceship had crashed into the ground. And that spaceship had a chimney.
My family is made up of a bunch of freaks, and now my house is a freak.
I know I use this phrase way too much, but, my life sucks.
"This is our house?" I said out of pure shock.
"Well, of course, honey." I didn't say any more, I didn't want to rain on my mother's pink parade.
Oh my god I still cannot believe my house is pink and looks like a freaking spaceship.
What will we do when it get's toiletpapered during mischief night?
Well, actually, toilet paper wouldn't make it seem any worst, if anything it'll make the house seem better.
"Oh my god," my sister ,Annie, said god in two sylables, "This house is like, so cute!"
And then my father pushed in the key, our stuff was moved in yesterday.
The inside looked worst than the outside.
My parents bought new furniture, and the house was all pink and white.
"Aww, it's like a pink palace!" said Annie in her unusually high pitched voice. More like stink palace, if you asked me.
I explored the first floor of the 'stink palace' some more.
"Mom, where is my room?" I asked.
"Oh, it's up the stairs, it's the green one." At least my room isn't pink. I stalked up the stairs, and looked through every room on the second floor. They were all pink, even the bathroom.
What the hell?
Then I noticed a stair case at the end of the hallway. I walked up it, and saw a light brown door, different than all of the white ones every where else. I pushed it open, and there was my room.
My room was the semi-freaking-circle I saw earlier. It was green, and it was a semi-circle. Well, at least it was kind of big.
In the round room sat my bed to the side, and my dresser on the other next to my closet.
Time to decorate.
I put up like a billion posters of old rock bands. Greenday, My Chemical Romance, and even a couple of ancient bands, The Misfits, Iron Maiden, Smashing Pumpkins...
My green walls were barely visible, except for one side of my room. Then I got an idea.
I got out my black sharpie and drew a checkerboard pattern on half of my room. It took an hour, but I did it, and it looked so punk rock. I loved it.
Then my mom walked into the room. She screamed.
"Raven, what have you done? You destroyed your room! What is this?" She waved her arms like a chicken trying to fly.
"It's called punk rock, mom." I said matter-o-factly.
"Well, I call it horrid! I gave you a room I knew you would love, and you go and kill it!"
"I didn't kill it, I simply made the room mine."
"Ugh, I don't have time for this." and she stormed out of my room.
Look at that. I try to make my life just a little better than the crap it is and I get in trouble.
Maybe my life is meant to be crap.
Oh yeah, I start school tommorow.
Yeah, my life is crap.