
Mrs. Ortiz

Belleville High school is the biggest school I have ever seen. My old high school was also pretty big, but nothing in comparrison to Belleville High. Paramus high was brand new, clean, and nice looking. Belleville High is very old, dirty, and ugly looking.
"Raven, stop writing and get out of the car!" My mom is extremely cranky in the morning. Especially at seven thirty in the morning.
"Okay. Bye." I said as I opened the car and prepared to face the end.
"Have a nice time at school!" Yeah, right.
I walked into the school wearing my skinny jeans, vintage My Chemical Romance tee, converse, and way too much eyeliner.
A couple people looked at me and mouthed the word 'emo'. Damn it, I am not emo. I'm punk rock. Big difference.
I walked into what looked to be the office.
"Hi, I'm Raven. I'm new..." I said.
"Well of course, everybody is new, it's the first day of school." said the ancient looking woman who sat at the desk, as she handed me my schedule a map of the school, and my locker combination. I looked down at it.

Homeroom:F-3 Mrs.Ortiz
1st Period: E-12 Art Ms. Manz
2nd Period: F-3 Effective Writing Mrs. Ortiz
3rd Period: F-2 History Ms. Pammer
4th Period: Gymnasium P.E. Mrs. Gregory
5th Period: Cafeteria Lunch
6th Period: F-4 Algebra Mrs. Hammer
7th Period: F-6 Spanish Mrs. Reich
8th Period: F-7 Science Mrs. Asman

I took a deep breath and walked to where my locker was supposed to be.
I finally found it after about five minutes of searching, and unlocked it on my fourth try. Thankfully, my locker was in the F hallway, near my homeroom and just about all of my other classes. I walked into F-3, and at the doorway, was a woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties.
"Hi! I'm Mrs.Ortiz, you must be Raven." she said cheerfully. She was wearing a medium black skirt and a red and black striped shirt. Her black hair was extremely long and reached her elbows. I think I'm going to like Mrs. Ortiz.
"Yeah, hi."
"Are you new to Belleville?"
"Yeah, I'm from Paramus."
"Gee, that sucks. It stinks to be new." Yeah, I know I'm going to like her.
"Yeah, it realy does." I said truthfully.
"Yes, well, you can sit wherever you'd like for now." I walked inside. It looked as if all of the class was here. There were multiple tables. One with what looked to be the jocks, one with preps, one with asians, one with what looked to be the unpopular kids and 'emos', and one table in the back with only one guy sitting their who had his nose in a comic book, and looked like he preffered to sit alone.
Luckily there was an empty seat with the unpopular looking kids. I gathered all of my courage in a bag and prepared to release it into the wild.
"Hi, I'm Raven. Mind if I sit here?"
"No." they all mumbled at once. I put down my books and took out this journal and am now writing in it, as everyone around me reads. The 'emos' are dressed in all black and are wearing more makeup than me, which is a lot of makeup. The others are dressed in regular clothes, nothing from Abercrombie, and nothing from Hot Topic. Just regular clothes.
"Hey, I'm Mrs. Ortiz, for those of you who don't know," Mrs. Ortiz introduced herself,"and welcome to the tenth grade. You'll be coming here for homeroom everyday until seven forty-five, when you go to first period... which is now." And the bell rang.
Time for art...
I suck at art.