Sleepless at 3 a.m.

Sweet Dreams - Day 2

Another sleepless night. I paced back and forth between the quad starring at my watch, it read 3:14 a.m. Would I ever make it through a night without waking up now, I thought. I walked between both statues, 108 steps total. Tile to tile, one cold barefoot step at a time. I paced between both statues at least six times. That is 648 steps in all. I stopped half way in the middle one losing count, I sat down in the middle of the quad angry. Why the hell couldn't I sleep, I fumed. I had taken a sleeping pill, I had already had dinner, I didn't need to use the bathroom, I hadn't overslept or under slept. Why was I waking up at 3:00 a.m.? I laid my head against the floor starring up at the trees winding and twisting to the sky, reaching towards the stars shadowed by the buildings.

I lit a cigarette in defeat.

I laid there for what honestly seemed like a day but glancing at my clock told me it was only 15 minutes that had passed. I heard a laugh to my left, I snapped up and glanced that way. A silhouette was facing me. I stood up quickly and tried to breath slowly. " Hello?" I fumbled, way to sound intimating there I thought.

I heard a match strike and the light illuminated him. It was the same guy from the previous night. I let out a breath. " Holy crap! You scared me!" I snipped laying back down. If the guy was a threat he would have hurt me the other night.

He walked over to me and sat down smoking his cigarette, it was an American Spirit this time. I could smell it. " what you smoking?" he asked.
" sweet dreams" I said ironically. If only I could actually have them instead of smoking them I thought bitterly.

He nodded and continued his cigarette. " So how is your break going?"

I looked at him confused, " You know? Your faire break at 3 a.m.?"

I remembered and started laughing. " No no, I just suffer from … well.. I really don't know. I just seem to wake up at 3 a.m. a lot."

He nodded and took out another cigarette. " I paint so, inspiration comes from my dreams and sadly I can't seem to stay asleep, though I could have sworn I dreamt you up the other day."

I laughed and shook my head, sending my dark curls bouncing. " No I'm very much real."

He smiled " I remember."

I could feel my face beginning to blush so I stood up and started to walk away. He called out after me, " Don't I at least get a name this time?"

I turned around and walked back to him and he stood up to face me. I could make out his facial features this close even in the dark and I could hear his heart beating loudly. I leaned in close to him and let my lips linger just out of reach of his, " It's Cami." I whispered, then I spun on my heels and walked away.

I heard a small laugh from behind me but I didn't bother turning around