Sleepless at 3 a.m.

Phone calls give me the butterflies

I sat there fiddling with my phone looking at the numbers until they seemed to bleed together from me staring so long. I sighed as I clicked the phone shut. I never was that good at being sexy on the phone. And what would I say if I called him? Hey remember me? The girl at 3 a.m. ? I kicked my shoes off and collapsed on my bed, burying my face into the pillow.
I laid there for only a minute when I heard my door click open. I saw my room mate come in the room with her boyfriend, lover, special friend what ever he was he was smacking face and it made me want to puck. They didn’t notice me as I tipped toed out of the room around them and out the door into the cold air. I looked down at my toe socks and smiled. It may be cold but I could still wear flip flops with these socks.
I found myself walking the campus, it wasn’t that late. Midnight or so – I hadn’t checked the clock when I left. I ended up at the Park, swinging back and forth watching the river sparkle in the moonlight. The steam coming off the river made it look menacing and magical. I reached in my pocket for my phone and dialed Jaren’s number. Making sure to give each button a fierce push.
It rang.
It rang again.
And then finally, “ Hello?” a voice answered lazily.
I found myself unable to speak. My throat tight and clasped shut I stared stupidly at the phone.

“ Dean is that you?” the voice asked curious. “ Hellooo” he continued.

I squeaked , “ No, it’s Cami.” And immediately buried my head in my hands. Thank god he couldn’t see me. I felt like such a nit wit.
“ Cami?” he said slowly. “ Oh!- oh! Hey, I didn’t think you were going to call.” He said surprised. It had been at least a week since he had given her the cigarette with his number.
“ Well, I am now aren’t I?” she teased. “ and look it’s not even 3 a.m.” I heard him chuckle on the other side.
“ True, true. So what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?” he asked slowly, drawing out every single word like you would a drag. She could picture the words in the air bleeding and looping together like smoke.
“ Actually I’m free tonight and I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. Or we could always just run into each other like we do late at night. “ I asked lightly shrugging my shoulders.
There was a pause in which you don’t know what to say because you think you’ve already said to much that lasted almost thirty seconds, which on the phone feels like a hour slowly dragging by. When he finally spoke he said, “ It’s a little cold outside tonight…but if you wanted to hang out at my dorm I’d be up for that.”
I squinted my eyes at the thought of being alone in his room. “ And what would we be doing? Other than taking cigarette breaks?” I asked curious
He laughed, “ Well I told you I am an artist you could see some of my work and possibly a movie? Depending on when you need to go to sleep after all. Wouldn’t want to keep Cinderella too late at the ball, you’d turn into a pumpkin.”
I smiled into the phone and then realized he couldn’t see me. “ Sure what dorm?”
“ Derrick Hall, I’ll wait on the bench for you.”
“ Have a cigarette waiting for me?” I pressed lightly.
“ Of course” he answered sweetly.
And with that I clicked the phone shut and jumped off the swing. I looked down at my outfit. Pajamas, pink panther and a college t shirt with matched with toe socks. I rolled my eyes but didn’t think to change, I dressed how I wanted. And with that I followed the sidewalk to the Derrick Hall dorms , my heart beating rapidly the entire time.