Infatuation From the Start

Infatuation From The Start

Pete had been surprised when Devon had begun to use him as her personal pillow, surprised but not unhappy. He slung his arm across her shoulders and pushed her closer to his chest, one arm pressing her into his chest and the other gently stroking her cheek. When he was sure she was she was asleep he picked her up in his arms and carefully, so as not to wake her up, he carried her into the bedroom and placed her onto the bed, he pulled the sheets from under her so that they covered her and she wouldn’t be cold. He walked slowly and carefully out of the room so as not to wake her up and returned to the main room of the suite. He sat upon the couch and began to ponder the evenings events and his feelings towards the ever charming, Devon. He knew that something was going on between the two - the thought brought up a surprisingly strong feeling of resentment - and he wanted to get a chance to be with her. He new that Brendon would be a better match for her but he just didn’t want to let go, he really liked her, her personality attracted him to her like a fly to honey. She was amazing, in every way, she never cared what people thought of her and did whatever she wanted, she had her own style and didn’t feel pressured into crumbling under societies idea of how young women should look. It was refreshing, having been surrounded by fake girls all the time, to have someone not trying to impress him and never feeling that she had to compromise what she was to get his attention.

Pete sighed and looked at the bedroom door for the fifth time in 10 minutes. He got up and slowly walked towards the closed door, contemplating whether or not he should do what he was thinking. He slowly opened the door and leaned against the frame, his gazed attached to her face. He watched as her body gently rose and fell with the rhythm of her steady breathing. He watched as she gently turned over and as her arm fell over her stomach. Pete sighed; he knew that if she suddenly woke up and caught him standing here that she would be weird out. He quietly pushed away from the door frame and turned to leave the room, but Pete being the klutz he is got his foot caught in the door and stumbled, the door flew back and whacked into the wall creating a large bam!

“Shit!” Pete swore silently, his foot was throbbing in pain but the only thing he could concentrate on is where or not Devon had been woken up. He heard a soft groan and then the shuffling of the sheets.

“Pete?” Her dazed, but still angelic, voice whispered.

Pete cringed but answered back, “Yeah?” he turned towards the bed to see that Devon was barely awake.

“Can you stay with me? I don’t like sleeping alone.” She lifted her hand to rub her eyes and then looked expectantly at Pete.

“Uh…yeah, sure.” Pete hesitantly walked over to the bed, expecting her to change her mind or tell him she was just joking. He got to the bed just as she was pulling the sheets away and making room for him to lie down. He gazed down at her barely covered back, the t-shirt she had been wearing had been pushed up her back and her shorts were barely covering her. Pete gulped, unsure if it was a good idea for him to join her in bed, but climbed in anyway.

“Goodnight Devon.” Pete whispered, running the back of his hand across her arm. He felt her shiver and smiled.

“’Night Pete.” She turned her face towards him and smiled sleepily, Pete smiled back.
Devon awoke feeling well rested and very comfortable. She smiled and stretched but her arm hit something. She startled and sat up stick straight in the hotel’s bed. Devon’s head snapped to the direction of where her hand had come in contact with warm, hard skin. Pete lay beside her on the bed, his arms were spread out like wings and his face was peaceful, almost childlike with its innocence. The blanket lay low on his hips and Devon saw the band of his underwear peeking out from underneath it. She studied his chiseled chest and all the tattoos that adorned it. She found herself wanting to run her hand over the bumps of his abs and trace the Clandestine Industries bat low on his abdomen. Knowing full well that if she stayed any longer in this bed with that gorgeous man she would succumb to her desires and jump Pete’s glorious bones, she gently rose from the bed – being careful not to wake Pete – and walked to the bathroom to shower. She concentrated on relaxing each and every one of her tense and excited muscles, but when she thought of how Pete had looked splayed out across the bed next to her, she had to start all over again.

Pete woke to find himself alone in the hotel bed, the sounds of the shower running calmed his thoughts of Devon having run off right away. He scratched his head and stretched. Pete rose from the bed and walked to the phone on the bedside table to call for room service, considering he and Devon had to eat and he had no idea how to cook.

Their food arrived at the door when Devon stepped out of the bathroom, clad in only a towel. Pete’s breath caught in his throat and he had to look away quickly. He had come so close to slamming the door closed in the bellhop’s face and kissing Devon senseless and doing many other things as well. By the look on her face, she hadn’t realized that he’d be awake let alone that there would be a teenage male bellhop with raging hormones. Pete quickly took the tray from the boy and shoved him out of the door.

“Thanks,” and he slammed the door.

“I…um…” Devon looked adorably embarrassed and ran back into the bathroom without grabbing the clothes she had stepped out for.

“Sorry!” Pete called out as he flushed beet red and scrambled to collect his thoughts. “I…um…I ordered breakfast…if you want any…”

“Yeah…later.” Devon called through the bathroom door. “Hey, Pete? Can you pass me my bag?”

“Sure.” Still embarrassed from his reaction to Devon’s scantily clad body, Pete rushed over to her bag and pushed it through the slightly ajar door.

“Oh my god…” Pete hissed to himself while walking away with his hands covering his face while he tried to control his hormones.