Until Their Dying Day

My knee

“WOW I can’t believe it that I am In the hospital for Valentines day” said Lexie when she woke up in the hospital. She was also talking to herself. “But I don’t remember why I am In the Hospital. All I remember is being at recess and then my knee started hurting and I probably fainted or was knocked out because I don’t remember being in a ambulance at all or if I was even in one.” Lexie was tall and brown hair. She had hazel eyes and her skin tone was perfect it wasn’t to dark or to light it was in the middle. She had dated a guy named Chris, but when he went to the hospital one day because his head hurt really. When he got his x-rays back the doctor found out that he had a brain tumor. The surgery was really risky. He could die or live. His parents decided to take the surgery because they couldn’t see their boy suffer. When the surgery was done, the doctor came out and said “I am very sorry Mr. And Mrs. Devlin, Chris didn’t make it through the operation.” Lexie said that she wouldn’t ever love another boy ever again.
A few minutes later the Doctor walked in and asked Lexie some questions. “Hello Lexie, my name is Dr. Roberson and I am here to ask you a few questions if that is all right with you.” “yes, it is fine” “well do you remember what happened that wound you up in the hospital?” “Um, Well all I remember is that I was at recess with all my friends and then I fell to the ground because my knee started hurting and I blacked out and that is all I remember.” “Well, that is a very unusual story that I have herd since I have worked here.” said Dr. Roberson. “Well in a few minutes your are going to come down to the x-ray room to see what is wrong with your knee.” “Can I call my mom to tell her that I am in the hospital because I don’t think she knows because she is on her honeymoon. She got married again for the seventh time.” said Lexie. “Well, maybe later after we do the x-rays and stuff.” “NO!!!! I WANT TO CALL MY MOM NOW NOT AFTER I AM DONE TAKING TESTS NOW!!!!!” yelled Lexie. The doctor just looked at her for a moment and then told her that she could, but he would call her first and tell her the updates of what has happened and if he got in contact with her he would call her done to his office and get to talk to her from there. A few hours later a person walked in. “Hi there. Are you Lexie?” “Yes, I am Lexie.” “Well, my name is Ms. Carmichael and I am here to take you down to the x-ray room.” “ok, Ms. Carmichael.”
She put Lexie in a wheelchair and rolled her to the elevator. Every room that she passed by had someone that was a person in there that had cancer or tumor or had their leg or legs amputated. She got really nervous because she might have to have her leg amputated and not be able to run in P.E. or do track anymore. She asked Ms. Carmichael if she could go a little bit faster. Lexie closed her eyes so she didn’t have to see those people anymore and before she knew it, she was at the x-ray room.
When she opened her eyes she saw a guy just standing in the door way. He looked down at her and tried to make a joke “I’m not that ugly am I?” “No it is just the people here in the hospital.” “My name is Todd. And you must be Lexie.” “Yea.” “Well, why don’t you step on in here, it won’t take long at all.” she turned around and Ms. Carmichael nodded her forward. Todd put his hand around her waist to help her up out of the chair. When he grabbed her she felt all weird inside and she blushed. She walked inside and saw a big glass machine. She got really nervous because of how big it was. She turned around with her face all worried. He laughed and said “No that is not the machine for x-rays. That machine is in the other room.” She felt so relieved. When she saw the machine in the next room it was smaller and had a littler machine. When she got over to the counter the hopped up and Todd told her to lie down. He came over and put a very heavy felling apron on Lexie. He told her that it was put on her so that the machine won’t pick up the other bones in her body just the knee. There was a big flash of light and it was over.
Ms. Carmichael was outside waiting for her with the wheel chair. She turned around and said thank you to Todd and walked over the wheel chair, sat down and was rolled out of the x-ray room. She was happy, but sad. She was happy because the x-ray was over, but sad that she had to leave Todd in the room. When she arrived in her room she saw a little girl and her parents there. She didn’t say a word when she rolled past them. She got out of the wheel chair and went into her bed. “Ms. Carmichael?” “Yes?” “Can you close the curtain please?” “Yes, I will. Do you want a book or something to read or watch T.V.?” “No, thank you. I think I might take a nap because I am really tired.” “Ok, just buzz me if you need anything.” “Can you ask the doctor if he got in contact with my mom please?” “Sure.” Then next moment she was asleep, but then she woke up to the sound of Ms. Carmichael’s voice. She was yelling “Lexie wake up wake up it is your mom!!!!”