Until Their Dying Day

Did you meet a cute boy?

I jumped put of my bed, but I fell right out. Ms. Carmichael helped me up and got me into a wheel chair and then put a blanket over my legs. She raced out of the room, down the hall, and into the elevator. We had reached Dr. Roberson’s office and when I opened the door I heard my mom yelling at him saying I want to speak to my daughter NOW!!!


“Lexie, I am right here on the phone. Come here. Are you okay what happened did you meet a cute guy yet?”

“MOM!!! I will tell you later if I did or not”

I was talking with my mom a long time about two hours with the doctor there with me. I finally asked him if I could talk to my mom alone. He said ok.

“Ok mom are you still there?”

“Yes, Honey.”

“Well. Yes I met a cute guy here. Wait he isn’t cute he is a hunk-o-matic.”

“Oh really what is his name how old?”

“Um, I don’t know his age, but his name is Todd”

“What a cute name. Well I have to go honey Charles is waiting so we can go down to the beach. Love you. Bye”


I left the room without a word. Ms. Carmichael took me to my room. There was the girl there just sitting there looking at me. I was on my bed and when Ms. Carmichael left. I got out of my bed and walked over to the girl.

“Hello. My name is Lexie and you are?”

“My name is Heather. How old are you Lexie?”

“I am seventeen years old. How old are you?”

“I am fifteen years old.”

“Are you a regular or like me?”

“Excuse me? I think I am a regular.”

“Oh ok.”

“What do you mean am I like you?”

“Well, I like the same gender as I am.”

“Oh, I am a regular then.”

“oh, well only my family knows that. Please will you keep it a secret?”

“Yes of course.”

“Well. My brother and sister are coming soon. I am going to introduce them to you.”


Just then I guy came in and a girl came in she looked like eighteen. When I saw then I got up and went to my bed. They started talking, but I couldn’t understand them. Then the girl came over to me and said

“Hi are you Lexie my sister has been talking about?”


“Well I am Katrina and this is my brother, Rick.”

He turned around and I think I was seriously melting in my bed. He was tall, brown hair, blue eyes and a smile that was to die for. I snapped out of it when I remembered Todd. To my surprise he walked right in the door way.