Until Their Dying Day


“Lexie I need you!”

Those were the best words that came out of his mouth since I met him. I jumped right out of my bed and I said Here I am baby when he said that. But I didn’t, but I did jump out of my bed. I got up and I tried to run to him, but it was to hard that I fell right into Rick’s arms I felt so embarrassed, but it was like I was in heaven. When I looked over at Todd his face looked like he was about to punch Rick right in the mouth. I said sorry to him got up and walked over to Todd slowly. He said that he would push me in a wheel chair if I wanted him to. I said that I would rather walk. We walked to the elevator and went up to floor nine.

“Where are we going?”

“Well we got the x-rays back and they aren’t really good.”


“Well, we think you might have like a knee tumer. With that you could become paralyzed for the rest of your life or your knee might have to be amputated on. Well good thing we have an operation for it. Or we can give you a shot in your knee to kill it, but it might be a little risky because we haven’t tested it yet. Well, it is up to your mom on what she wants to preform on you.”

Just the thought of having the test being risky made me think of Chris and how his surgery had been risky to and he didn’t even make it.

“Oh ok well how big is the tumer?”

“It is about three inches big.”

“Well it isn’t that big, right?”

“Well, it can grow bigger than that. About six inches long.”

“WOW!!!!!!! Now I am really afraid.”

“Well I have to ask you a question.”

“Ok shoot”

“Well is that guy in there your Boyfriend?”

“No why would you think that?”

“Well, um when I came in through the door and you were in his arms, I just thought that you were you know.”

“Oh no we’re not together.”

“Oh good because I wanted to ask you a question.”


“Well would you um well would you like to go out and get something to eat.”

“Yea sure.”

“Really cool.”

After that I got to thinking about if he really wanted him and me to grab a bite or if he wanted to go out with me it got really confusing, but I will just have to wait and see. When I got to a room where my x-rays were. I wanted to leave. Well to my surprise my mom was there I gave her a big hug and she asked me why I was here and I was telling her that Todd came up to my room and told me I had to come and she told me that I had to go back to my room. So I did. When I got back to my room. I found that Katrina and Rick were still there. I went over to my bed and sat down. Rick came over and closed the curtain and pulled up a chair.

“Lexie I need to ask you a question.”

“Ok what is it.”

“Well I know that we haven’t know each other long, but I was wondering would you like to see a movie with me?”

“Well, um.”

I really wanted to say yes, but I didn’t know if I should because I was going out to lunch with Brendan. What if he asked me and I was going out with Rick. They are both hott guys.

“Well, let me think about it.”

“Oh I see somebody else asked you and you said that you didn’t know and you have to pick and you don’t know which guy. Right?”

“Not really he hasn’t official asked me, but I know he will. He might ask me when we go”

My sentence trailed off because I didn’t want to make him feel bad and feel hurt.

“Oh ok well if he doesn’t ask you we are official going out no questions asked.”

When he said that I got really nervous what if Todd didn’t ask me or what if I was going out with this jerk who says if he didn’t ask me we were going out no questions asked. When Rick left I fell asleep for the night.
The next morning I woke up and it was ten-thirty. I woke right up. I go dressed in my really nice clothes that I guess my mom brought for me to wear. I guess she found out and she also brought my makeup. I walked slowly to the bathroom because Heather was asleep and my knee hurt. I went in to the bathroom got dressed and did my make up it took about twenty minutes. Then someone knocked at the door.

“Lexie are you in there?”

“Yea I will be right out. Hold on.”

I did the rest of my make up really fast. When I opened the door right there in front of me was Todd. I was so relived.

“WOW! You look really beautiful today.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you ready to go out to lunch?”

“Yes I am.”

“ok let’s go. We are going out to my favorite resteraunts.”

“ok Cool well I have to tell you something when we get there not here.”

We walked to the elevator and when we got really close. The door opened and Rick walked out. I didn’t want him to see me so I pushed Todd in to a room where nobody was and I closed the door. I heard Rick walking over to where we were and when he opened the door I turned my back on him and I started kissing Todd and he kissed back. Rick looked at us.

“Oh sorry I thought you were somebody else.”

Then he closed the door and left.