Until Their Dying Day

I knew it was you

“I am so sorry about that kiss thing Todd I just didn’t want him to see me because after you asked me if I would go out to eat lunch with you he asked me out and I said no and he doesn‘t no that I am going to lunch with you”

“Oh it is ok I really enjoyed it”

“Really? I did to.”

“Well maybe tonight we can go out and there can be more where that came from.”

We went out to lunch and we had a great time, but when we were going home I relized that he didn’t ask me out yet.

“Ok we are going someplace out as a special treat ok?”


When we stopped I looked up and we were parked in the movie theater parking lot. We got out and when we went in he told me to close my eyes. I did. When I opened them he had already bought the tickets so I didn’t know what movie we were going to go see. When we sat down he had bought popcorn and a soda only one with two straws. The movie was starting.

“Oh my gosh, you brought me to my favorite movie.”

“Of course, Red Eye.”

“I haven’t seen it yet, but all my friends say that it is really scary.”

“I know, but I am here to protect you.”

Just then someone tall came in and yelled out.

“LEXIE? LEXIE is that you?”

“Todd, that is Rick. Can we go Please?”
“Ok let’s move down closer.:”

We got up and Rick was still behind us. When I told that to Todd he turned around and yelled


“ Oh sorry I thought you two were someone else that I know.”

When he left we walked down to the fifth row from the front. The movie was really good. I didn’t know why all my friends were saying that it was scary. Right after I said that in my mind. I scary part came and I grabbed Todd’s hand and he turned over his hand so that he had a grip on mine. I turned to him and smiled and he turned to face me and he smiled. He looked really weird he told me to get closer. I did. He turned to me and our lips locked. It was so amazing. It felt like I was in heaven.
After the movie I told Todd that I had to use the bathroom and that I would meet him in the car. As I walked to the bathroom, someone grabbed my arm.

“I knew it was you Lexie!”