Once Upon a Hallow's eve.

Volunteer nothing but liquid.

Part one.
The wind was cold and the cemetery was still; William stood sullenly in silence in the presence of his mother’s gravestone. The tree it stood in front of swayed gently in the chilled autumn breeze as leaves of red and orange fell to the ground in front of him.
He stood there for hours, unaware of time, the candles melting into puddles, and his twin sister strolling up to where he was standing.
“William” She spoke softly to him, as she always did. “You’ve been here for far too long. She’s not going to dig herself up and hold you close.”
He knew she was right, but it still hurt to hear; even though their mother had been dead for more then 200 years, he still wished.
Saydee ran her long thin fingers across his cheek, and moved in front to face him. William tried his hardest to smile, but it came out more like a grimace; he’d forgotten how to smile altogether.
“Come, you look absolutely famished. I’ve found us some dinner.” She said with a cool hunter’s gleam in her eye.
They’d done this many times before. Saydee would find the perfect girl and William would seduce her, or vice-versa. William rarely paid any attention to their victims; he merely did it to survive; whereas Saydee enjoyed the game. Unfortunately this made his sister’s senses stronger than his, so he could never hunt alone.
Tonight’s meal was a fiery red-head in a leather jacket, matching tight leather pants and knee-high leather tie-up boots. She was nothing special, just another donor for their blood bank.
Saydee had stalked her for a few weeks and found out her schedule. Saturday nights she went clubbing; and tonight just happened to be that night.
They followed her to the local club where she skipped the line, kissed the friendly bouncer on the cheek and strutted inside. Saydee giggled girlishly and William looked at her; a blank expression crossing his face.
“She wouldn’t strut like that if she knew what’s going to happen to her tonight.” Another giggle escaped from between her lips.

It didn’t take long for them to get inside, but it did take a long time for them to track down their snack. She moved like a gazelle across the floor, weaving through the couples yet still dancing herself. The flashing lights danced off her red corset and leather pants as she moved her hips to the slow beat of the song.
William found himself drawn to her; captivated by her movement. He walked towards her like a gravitational force was pulling him.
Saydee strode to the bar, thinking he was putting the plan into motion. She got a man to buy her a drink, by flirting shamelessly with him. If she had her way tonight maybe she wouldn’t have to share a meal with William.
The song finished and everyone clapped as the DJ raised his arms to the crowd; screams filled the room as the next song blasted through the speakers. The girl he was watching ran her fingers through her short, choppy, red hair. And looked deliberately at him.

William was getting extremely distracted without Saydee beside him giving him orders. Everyone’s blood was hot and pumping quickly through their bodies from the dancing, and he could hear the steady beating of every single heart in the club.
As soon as the girl started swaying to the beat again he lost all thoughts of blood from his subconscious. Finally, he could take no more.
He pushed his way through the crowd and stood in front of her, just staring. She paid no attention to him; she simply turned around and danced seductively.
William cocked his head and felt a smirk creep across his lips. Saydee was quite right about this one; this girl really had no idea what was going to happen if she was so quick to invite him.
Nevertheless William stepped foreword and snaked his hands across her waist, bringing her body back towards his. He brought his face down to her neck and inhaled her scent deeply in case she tried to run away later.
He was struck by how intense it was, his nose stung. Her blood was sweet, and her slick sweaty skin smelt of the euphoria she was experiencing by dancing.

William couldn’t control himself; his animalistic instincts took over and he lowered his cold lips down to her throat. He could feel goose-bumps rising over her skin as he let his tongue sweep over the pulsing vein in her throat.
She twisted her head around and pulled his lips up to hers. Their lips parted and their tongues danced as well as their bodies. Finally, she turned her entire body around and knotted her fingers in his dark hair.
Williams right hand slid up the back of her neck and gently gripped the hair at the back of her head, while his left slid down her body and firmly squeezed her ass, pushing his hips forward onto hers.
They were kissing so passionately that a few people around them stopped dancing and stared in awe, the DJ cut the song and told them to get a room.
When William pulled away from her, they were both breathing heavily. The girl’s eyes were glazed over and she smiled sexily at him before winking and walking away.
He stood on the dance floor, alone and completely dumbfounded.
Saydee was completely drunk by the time William skulked up to her; the very drunk young man that was mooning over her, looked at William suspiciously.
“Brad, this is my brother William…” She slurred. Immediately the blonde boy’s eyes brightened. Apparently he’d thought that William might have been her boyfriend.
“Shall I tell him to go home Brad?” She asked sweetly, tickling under his chin. Brad nodded stupidly and pointed William towards the door.
William just shook his head and sighed, at least she’d get lucky-and fed- tonight.

William walked out into the cold air, searching for her scent. He’d never experienced something so fervent before and he was determined to find her. So many scents were mixed into the air he couldn’t pin-point the single scent he was searching for.
Devils night was always filled with hooligans smashing pumpkins and egging houses. There was no way he would find her on his own, but Saydee knew where she lived. He would have to wait until she was finished with her boy-toy before he got his wish.
Unfortunately he knew his hunger wouldn’t wait till then. He stalked his way back to the club and found a drunken unsuspecting girl to take care of that for him, in the dank, back-ally.
When Saydee got back to her and Williams apartment it was about five am. William was sitting in an armchair waiting for her and sipping from a mug of blood spiked tea when she sat carelessly on his lap.
“Oh William,” She cooed. “How was your night? My sweet brother...”
William snorted, sometimes he felt like she spoke to him like he was a lover more then a brother.
“It was fine Saydee, and yours?” He replied blatantly, pushing her off his lap onto the floor.
Saydees' eyes narrowed at him as she picked herself up off of the floor. She brushed herself off and sat daintily down on the chair opposing his. Although she was still glaring daggers at him, the sweet loving tone of her voice didn’t change. It only seemed a little colder, like an ice-cube getting dropped into fruit juice.
“Great actually, Brad and I had an amazing time… However I should think he’s feeling a tad dead this morning.” She laughed at herself as William got up to refill his glass.
“What is your problem William? Did the girl I pick out for you not taste very good? Is that why you’re in such a grouchy mood?” She called from the other room.
“No, not at all; in fact Saydee, she was brilliant. She smelt like nothing I’ve ever inhaled before in my life, the way she moved to the music of the club was absolutely fascinating. However, I didn’t taste her in the way you may be implying.” Williams voice had a mocking tone to it as he crept his way back into the living room.
“Well what is it that you mean then?” She asked curiously cocking her head to the side. Her medium length, almost black hair fell in front of her face slightly.
“What I mean is, I…” He felt almost embarrassed by his actions now that he was admitting it. “I licked her neck, and then she kissed me like I’ve never been kissed before. It was so heated, and I was in a state of mind that would’ve allowed her to take advantage of me…Imagine that! A human girl, making me become her slave. Well in any case, she walked away and I lost her.” He took a long gulp of his tea, and then placed the glass on the coaster beside him.
Saydee looked awestruck, her eyes were widened and her jaw had slipped apart. William laughed at her state, and she glared at him for the second time.
“What has become of you William? I found you a girl and you let her get away!? Have you not eaten then?”
“No, no. Don’t be silly sister, of course I’ve eaten. I had a bite to eat last night at the club. While you were nibbling on your Brad I had some little brunette who looked awfully lonely” He thought of that girl, how she’d thought that by saying something as pathetic as that that he’d be nice to her. Really it had annoyed him, so he didn’t feel guilty about taking her life.
“But I need you to do something for me Saydee. I need you to take me to her house, the girl you picked for me. I need her.” William left it there so Saydee would think that by needing her it would be only for sustenance.
“Alright, anything for you my dearest. But for now I think I’m going to go lay down for a while…” She stopped glaring, got up, kissed William on the forehead and went to rest her body.

Part two.
The night was foggy, but not too cold. It was a perfect Halloween night in human standards. Small children were frolicking about in their costumes, getting pillowcases full of candy and staring at William and Saydee as they passed.
Every once and a while the siblings would get asked what their costume was by a small child and they would reply with a quick fang-flash and a menacing hiss; the reactions varied from the child screaming and running away to them exclaiming “awesome! Are they real!?”
William enjoyed the children, he would never ever consume a child, but he knew his sister didn’t think or feel the same way. Saydee looked at each one with hungry eyes; they were nothing to her but smaller versions of meals, and she figured they were all for her to eat.
They made their way quickly to the girl’s house. Saydee stood across the street, scaring children, while William paced back and fourth outside her house.
“Should I climb up to her window or just knock on the door like a civilized human?” He could knock on the door, but if she didn’t answer he wouldn’t know who to ask for. He didn’t know her name, so he could climb the wall to her window and knock on that. Then she’d think he was insane, and completely obsessive.
William ran over to where his sister was luring two teenage boys behind a house and told them to get lost. Saydee frowned at him.
“What do you want William? I was just having a little fun…I wasn’t going to hurt them…” She complained.
“Sure you weren’t.” he said unconvinced. “Do you know the girl’s name?”
Saydee thought for a moment then nodded her head. “I believe she’s called ‘Blaize’, why?”
William ran back to the house, lightning fast, and rang the doorbell. An older woman answered the door and looked at him with bright eyes. She ran to a candy bowl and held out her hands to him.
“I’m so glad children your age still trick-or-treat.” She said happily.
William smiled his best, but shook his head.
“Actually, I’m here for Blaize…Is she here?” he asked politely, flashing his large white teeth in hopes to dazzle the woman.
The woman looked startled for a moment then muttered a small “Yes”.
“May I come in; it’s a tad cold out tonight.” William lied. It really wasn’t cold, but he did need an invitation to get inside the house.
“Oh, of course dear, how rude of me, please! Come in, come in!” she cried, practically pulling him inside the house.
“Blaize’s room is up the stairs, second door to the right. Be sure to knock though, god only knows what she’d doing up there” She winked at him and gave him a little nudge up the stairs.
“What a peculiar woman…” He said to himself as he followed the specified directions. When he knocked on the door he heard her speak for the first time.
“Come in mom!” she said happily.
William felt sort of awkward, but he opened the door anyway.
“I’m not your mother, my name is-” as he started to introduce himself he realized that she was wearing only a bra and panties. His eyes widened, and he stopped dead in his tracks.
She turned around and her face changed to match his. Although her reaction was far off from what he’d guessed she’d do. Instead of screaming and covering herself up, she just stood there staring back at him.
“Oh, it’s you, from the club right?” She asked casually.
“Y-yes, my n-name is William. Should I-um…Is this a bad time?” he searched for words but he couldn’t seem to pull a cohesive sentence together.
She smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but notice how her brown eyes sparkled in the dim light of her room.
“Actually William, this is a great time. I have a Halloween party to go to tonight and I need a date. Would you be interested?” As she spoke she slowly walked towards him, shifting her hips with each step. When she finished she was very close to him, and he could feel the heat her body was emitting drift over him; along with the intense scent that she obviously wore permanently.
He dropped his head to her neck and inhaled deeply, it seemed to him like déjà-vu, except she was almost naked now, and they were in her room.
“Have you been dancing tonight?” he asked, already knowing the answer. His cold breath on her neck made her body erupt in goose-bumps.
As he moved his hands up the sides of her arms and into her hair she whispered her answer.
He lowered his lips to the flesh of her neck, and felt the blood start pumping rapidly through her body. He pushed her onto the bed, tore off his jacket and pushed his shoes off. He leapt on top of her body, straddling her waist.
Blaize sat up and matched their lips while unbuttoning his shirt. Their breathing began to sound like panting, and their hands became more avid, as they continued to kiss and shed clothing.
William stopped himself before going any further, he knew that if they were to have sex that he would most definitely end up killing her. It was hard enough controlling his blood lust at the moment.
“Don’t we have a party to go to?” he asked between deep breaths.
Blaize looked at the clock with disbelief, then leaned into him for one last long, deep kiss.
“We’re late actually…” She quickly got up and started putting her clothes and costume on, as William did the same.
Blaize kissed her mom on their way out, but she stopped them before they left.
“You two look pretty tired… What were you doing up there?”
“We were dancing mom.” Blaize said coolly, sliding her hand in Williams and intertwining their fingers.
“Oh, well… That explains all the thumping I heard.” She said with another wink directed to William. If he could blush, he probably would have.
When they got outside Saydee was staring them down; her green eyes, boring holes through their skin.
“Who’s your friend William?” She asked sweetly, with only the slightest hint of venom.
“Saydee, this is--” William began, but Blaize cut him off by sticking out her hand toward his sister.
“Blaize, nice to meet you Saydee.” She said with a sarcastic smile.
“Careful where you stick your appendages, someone is liable to bite them off…” Saydee replied, gripping their hands together.
William could sense the tension between the two and quickly sought to separate them.
“Blaize and I are going to a Halloween party tonight. Don’t wait up.” He said to Saydee, taking Blaizes hand and turning towards the way of the party.
“Oh, William…” Saydee called after them. “When are you going to eat if you’re out gallivanting the night away?” She stressed ‘eat’ and he really wished she hadn’t.
His stomach started to contort and his throat felt like he had just swallowed a live flame.
“I’ll find something, don’t worry about it.” He said quickly.
“I’d really love to come with you, but I don’t want to be a hassle…” She tried to sound innocent, but William saw through her sugar-coated image.
“If you don’t want to be a hassle, don’t come.” He turned to face her, he was getting angry now.
She looked taken aback, and even brought her hand to her mouth for dramatic effect.
“William, I’m sure my friend wouldn’t mind…She can come if it’s that big of a deal…” Blaize said, laying her hand on his forearm.
“Oh that’s so nice of your friend to invite me along William. Why weren’t you so quick, brother?” Saydee skipped up beside them and they walked to the party shooting evil glances at Blaize the entire way.
The party was already underway by the time the three got there. Hoards of people stood in and outside the house dressed up in many colorful costumes. Music boomed from the stereo and screaming occurred every time a new song came on.
William felt somewhat awkward in the situation that he’d gotten himself into. Firstly he was in a room full of sweaty dancing humans-again-. Secondly this girl who he only knew by name had not only almost just slept with him, but was now taking him to a party. And most importantly his sister was watching him like a pedophile watches little children; waiting to see if he’d eat Blaize as was the original plan.
A few girls smiled and batted their eyes at them as he passed, but once they saw that he was holding hands with Blaize they all turned their heads quickly to look in another direction.
Saydee unexpectedly grabbed William roughly by the shoulder.
“We need to talk.” She said sternly. Just as William opened his mouth to reply she locked her jaw and growled:
Blaize looked at William confusedly, but he just shook his head and smiled. She nodded and went to converse with some friends.

Saydee dragged William into the bathroom where it was less noisy.
“What are you doing William!? Why won’t you just lead her somewhere and just take her life? She’s nothing but an ordinary human…Look there’s a whole room full of them, just waiting to be eaten. They’re ours for the taking, sheep for the slaughter.” Her eyes grew big and heated; her lips were twisted into a truly sadistic smile.
“I won’t do it. There’s something about this one…Yes she may be only human to them… but if I could change her, rather then kill her…” He didn’t know what he was saying until after he said it. Saydee grew irate as she processed his words.
“She could be my companion. You should really find one too Saydee, it might do you good.”
Saydee snapped. Her tiny fist curled up into a ball and she smashed it against William’s face, sending him into the wall.
“CAN’T YOU SEE WILLIAM!? I DON’T WANT A COMPANION. I ONLY WANT YOU TO SPEND ETERNITY WITH. YOU UNDERSTAND ME LIKE NO ONE ELSE AND NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU WANT TO REPLACE ME WITH SOME…SOME…HUMAN!?” Saydee struggled for breath, her face changed to a violent shade of purple as William straightened out.
“If that’s the way you want it. I’ll change her myself, so you won’t have to.” She spat. Turning on her heel and quickly striding out of the bathroom.
It took William a few minutes to understand, but he realized that when his sister said that she’d change her, she didn’t mean from human to vampire. She meant from living to dead.
Swiftly William bolted from the bathroom to try and find Blaize. He couldn’t see her in the crowd, and he knew that she would stand out because of her bright red hair.
Saydee was better then him at virtually everything, so if he was going to save Blaize he’d have to tap into all his vampiric senses to do it.
He closed his eyes, and inhaled deeply searching for either Blaizes' or Saydees' scent. He found his sister’s and ran towards it, keeping his eyes closed so he wouldn’t lose it.
He kept the scent until it got very strong, only then did he open his eyes. He saw Saydee lying on the ground in an ally with Blaize standing over her, her hand at her mouth.
“Blaize what happened!?” William said frantically running to her and checking her neck for any wounds. There was only one, and it was on Saydees neck. It looked like someone had bitten and torn a huge piece of flesh away from her.
What little blood she had left over from her last feeding was spilt out onto the ground around her.
Blaize smirked evilly and bore her own set of fangs deep into Williams throat; she drank him till he was on the brink of death, but could still hear her.
“I got hungry.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment, or message me. :)