I Hate Being Stuck in Elevators


Sam's POV

I walked inside Carly’s apartment, desperate to escape my mother’s clutches and to spend the weekend at the Shay apartment. I don’t want to risk seeing my mom parading around the house with her mentally scarring new clothes, would I? This was Carly’s place. My best friend’s. Of course I love going here. But there are many times when I wish I was in detention (with Miss Briggs, the worst teacher ever) than in Carly’s apartment. No, it doesn’t involve Carly parading around wearing clothes similar to my mom’s. Carly has great taste in clothes, so there’s nothing mentally scarring with what she wears. Anyway, I’d rather be in detention than when Freddie is in Carly’s place, following her around like an obedient little dog. The dork annoys me so much, so it’s a safe bet that if you’d get both of us in the same room, alone or not, we’d be fighting and trying to knock each other’s heads off. I don’t really know why we hate each other. It’s really unclear. But as far as I can remember, we’ve been ‘friends-slash-mortal enemies’ for so long.

Freddie was an extremely predictable guy. The minute I stepped inside Carly’s apartment, I picked up the scent of Freddie. There he was, trying hard to impress Carly with his newfangled little tech toy, a ‘spy camera’ that looked a lot more ridiculous than the pie cam he used when he and Carly went to spy on Miss Briggs. Oh, and he was using words only he could understand.

“…and, if you replace the Plexiglas lens with a high-def capable one, it will show better HDMI output.” He said, sounding like the geek that he is (and should be).

I had to hand it to Carly, though. She was trying her best to tolerate the annoying guy, and from the looks of it, her tolerance was great.

“Hey Carly. Hey, nerd.” I said, pasting on my face the look of disgust as I greeted Freddie.

“Hey, Sam. What’s up?” Carly asked.

“Not much. I escaped my mom’s place for a while. I wrote a note saying you invited me for overnight.” I replied.

“I didn’t invite you!”

“Well, you’ve got no choice, Carles. I’m already here and I have no intention of leaving.” I said simply.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of root beer, and went back to sit on the counter.

“So, what lame gadget are you trying to show Carly now?”

Freddie looked at me angrily.

“FYI, it’s not a lame gadget, Sam. It’s a spy cam” he said, lifting the gadget to make it look impressive. Pfft. Like yeah, right.

“And this time, the lens isn’t obvious!” he proudly proclaimed.

I knew, based from firsthand experience, that if it was Freddie property, it’s as unsuccessful as its owner. And boy, is the spy cam in wrong hands. I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, right. Like a stuffed tiger with eyes the size of fists isn’t obvious.”

“It even has a plug for a tail!” Carly chimed in.

I grabbed the camera and pointed at the yellow, red and white colored holes.

“Look! You can plug in colorful wires in these holes!” I said.

Freddie flushed, and grabbed the camera from my hands. From the looks of it, he was extremely annoyed. Knowing Freddie, he’s most likely forgive Carly for saying something insulting to him, and pour his anger on me instead. Poor, predictable Freddie Benson. Like he’d win an argument against me.

“Just shut up! This is all your fault, Sam!” he accused.

“My fault? MY fault? Is it also my fault you’re a nerd?”

“Why won’t you just leave me alone?!”

“Why won’t you leave Carly alone?!” I shouted back at him.

“Why do you want me to leave Carly alone?!”

“So I could be with her without puking on the sight of you!” I answered back.

It amazes me how an argument about something small can get bigger with Freddie.
Without warning, Carly pushed me and Freddie inside the elevator. No manner of “hey’s”, “what are you doing’s” and “take it easy’s” stopped Carly from what she was doing. She pushed a button, closing the elevator door and trapping me and Freddie inside. Despite our protests, she wasn’t letting us out soon. Carly killed the elevator’s power, leaving me alone and stranded in an elevator with the last person on earth that I want to be left alone with: Freddie Benson.
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A/N: Yeah, so this is the start of something pretty new. Feedback, please.