And It Started With Love

No One

No one’s supposed to know, hear or much more think about it other then him. And his three friends. Getting himself into sticky situations like this will mostly get him busted at the end of the day. But he only hopes for the best for this. He really does.

“Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Ville asked, coming into the room with a crate of beer.

“Yes. I’m positive. And let’s just hope it doesn’t screw up too much.”

Valo stared at him.

He sighed, “Let’s hope nothing screws up.”

Downing his drink, he sat on the couch, tilting his head back. All the what if’s and maybes were running through his head. But there was nothing he could do. A week. In a week, it was all gonna happen. The day that he carries things out perfectly, smoothly, without anyone screwing things up, without anyone having a clue.

“So does this mean that this is your bachelor party?” Kristian asked sitting across from him.

Valo looked from Kristian to him, expecting an answer.

He shrugged, “I guess so.”

“But this is so dull!” Kristian quipped, “What’s a party without girls and drugs and-”

“Shutup,” He instructed. The room went quiet.

His head was already in tangles and he didn’t need anything more to screw it up more. The woman he loves doesn’t even know about it. That’s what’s worrying him so much. What if the results weren’t as he expected? What if the whole thing just goes shit and his efforts for the past nine months to set this up was burned in flames?

“Lighten up, Tuomas,” Valo chirped from his seat, “I was like you too when I did this. But it turned out to be marvellous.”

“But it’s not the same,” He reasoned, “Sarah knew about it. Adri doesn’t. That,” He pointed out, “Is what is going to get me screwed if the whole thing blows.”

“Well, it’s not as if you’re impregnating a cow or anything,” Kristian chuckeled in an attempt to lighten up the mood of the room.

The two older men glared at him, he rolled his eyes.

“So when’re you flying out?” Kristian asked, the most sensible thing he had asked, well uttered, the whole night.

“You guys are gonna get everyone out there by the second. Me and Adri are gonna arrive on the fourth so that gives you guys enough time to get all the things ready. Sarah’s in charge of the dress, make sure she has it before going off Valo,” Tuomas instructed, “and she’s also in charge of food, beverages and also the venue. I’m sure she’d get all that perfect.”

“I’m supposed to get your suit, traditional, I presume?” Valo asked.

He nodded.

“And you,” He pointed to Kristian, “You’re gonna help Valo and Sarah invite everyone out for the affair. Remember, no one must know until the morning of the day. Before that, just get everyone to relax and chill out. And make sure no one gets suspicious,” Tuomas instructed.

“Is that all oh great master of mine?” Kristian mocked, bowing his head.

His eyes wondered from Ville to Kristian and to Ville once again and nodded, “Yes, I think we’ve covered everything.”

Once again, he leaned back, his back hitting the soft cushion that comforted him for the night.

Jukka Kristian Mikkonen strutted down the aisle confidently. To his right was the Holopainens. To his left, The Lees. And at the back, his fellow friends.

Sarah Lei stood at the altar nervously. She felt a palm rest on the crook of her neck, she turned around. Her husband of two years stood there, beaming down at her. She smiled.

“I hope this runs smoothly,” She smiled, looking back at the church doors every once in a while.

“Relax, darling. I’m sure everything’s gonna be as planned. That is, if the guest of honour doesn’t take off in a taxi after seeing all this.”

Sarah swatted his arm, glaring at him.

He chuckled and gripped onto the bare arms of his wife, “I was kidding. Now put on a smile on that beautiful face of yours cause I see Kristian signalling that the pair just arrived.”

Tuomas Holopainen felt sweat beads forming on his forehead as he ascended on the church doors.

“Wait,” He said, pulling his fiance’s hand before she got a chance to lay it on the church doors.

He was having second thougts.

“What is it, Tuomas?” Adri asked, pulling back.

He sighed, “Never mind,” He smiled, “Go ahead.”

She looked at him skeptically before going ahead with entering the church.

The crowd turned back as they heard the entrance being opened, each anticipating to see a shocked soon-to-be bride.

And that was exactly the expression that was plastered across Adriane Lee Rui En’s face.

“What’re you guys doing here?” She asked, shock still present in her voice.

Anette chuckled, “We’re here for your wedding, of course.”

Once again, her already wide eyes grew bigger, she turned to Tuomas.

She was smiling from ear to ear, quite nervously awaiting her reaction.

“I hope you won’t run away.”

A tear formed in her eyes, “You’re the greatest person ever, Tuomas.”

He embraced her tightly.

“Will you spend every waking, and most importantly sleeping,” their faces broke into grins, “hour with me, Adriane Lee Rui En?”

She chuckled and nodded her head.

“And let the wedding begin,” Came the whisper of Jukka Kristian Mikkonen as he too broke into a grin.

“So how did he get you to come here?” Sarah asked the blushing bride.

“He didn’t ask you for sex in a church, did he?” Kristian asked, interverning the conversation.

That got him a glare from Ville, Tuomas and Sarah as the new bride chuckled.

She sighed, “He said we were supposed to get our wedding photos taken here in Singapore and we were supposed to meet the photographer at the church. I didn’t know he wanted to marry me.”

“Weren’t you suspicious though? You guys weren’t even planning a wedding.”

She shrugged, “I’m a pisces, I believe people easily, espcially people that I love,” She smiled, looking up at her new husband.

He dipped his head down, claiming her lips in his.

“Oh, get a room,” Sarah chuckled.

Tuomas broke the kiss, “As a matter of fact, we will.”

With a final grin, the couple departed from the hotel ballroom.